Week of 12/13: System status NORMAL. To check individual assets and information, visit ioos.us and/or the Environmental Sensor Map.



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General Pages


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Animal Telemetry Network

Gathering information on the behavior and movement of marine animals is an essential part of the responsibilities of our national agencies charged with protecting endangered and threatened marine species as ...

Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON)

Please visit U.S. MBON at . Biodiversity is critical from the perspective of ecosystem services such as food, oxygen, and socio-economic benefits that support human livelihoods. The , which concluded ...

Ocean Acidification

Acid eats away at calcium carbonate, the primary ingredient of shells and skeletons that many ocean animals depend on for survival. The shell pictured here is a victim of this ...

Ocean Enterprise Studies

Why this study? The Ocean Enterprise business cluster comprises New Blue Economy businesses that support ocean measurement, observation and forecasting. These businesses supply technology to generate ocean data or work ...

Ocean Technology Transition

LATEST NEWS Mission: The IOOS Ocean Technology Transition program sponsors the transition of emerging marine observing technologies, for which there is an existing operational requirement and a demonstrated commitment to ...

OTT: Advancing and integrating animal-borne tags i...

Researchers deploying bio-logging tags on white sharks in the mid-Atlantic Bight Credit: South Fork Natural History Museum The was awarded a 3-year grant to operationalize the collection and model assimilation ...

OTT: Autonomous Offshore HAB Sampling Surveys with...

The Ocean Aero Triton (Credit: Ocean Aero) , and partners have been awarded $1m for a project to enable offshore harmful algal bloom sampling using the autonomous surface vehicle Triton ...

OTT: Launching WebCOOS—Webcams for Coastal Observa...

Example of automated feature extraction of people, animals and other beach objects.Credit: University of South Carolina was awarded a 3-year grant to transition the NOAA funded Web Camera Application Testbed ...

OTT: Software Tools for the Mitigation of Wind Tur...

Caption: A snapshot of the present-day coverage of HFR-based surface currents from the MARACOOS HFR array at left, with the current speed shown in color and the direction by the ...

OTT: Technology Transfer of a Surface pCO2 Flux In...

PMEL-developed ocean pCO2 observing technology. This funding will support the transition of the ASVCO2.Credit: Randy Bott/NOAA The at the University of Washington has been awarded a 3-year grant to develop, ...


2016 GoMRI Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Confere...

The Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference had 1000 participants from 35 states and 15 countries. Dr. Marcia McNutt gave the keynote talk for the conference talking on a topic ...

ACT Evaluates New Portable HAB Sensors

The team sampling at Weesuck Creek - included are Mark Vanasten, Diagnostic Technologies, Australia and Dr. Timothy Davis, Bowling Green State University. (Photo Credit: Holly Bowers, ACT-Moss Landing Marine Laboratories); ...

ACT Nutrient Sensor Challenge Winners Announced

Denice Shaw of the EPA Office of Research and Development present the award to Pompeo Moscetta of Systea at the ASLO conference in Honolulu. Photo credit: Alliance for Coastal Technologies ...

AGU Ocean Sciences 2016: New Orleans

The city of Jazz and Mardi Gras, New Orleans, was the site of the meeting. The multiple concurrent sessions, plenaries, town halls, exhibits, and thousands of posters can make your ...

CariCOOS Annual Meeting Ignites the Crowd

The General Assembly took place at the end of April at the Puerto Rico Convention Center in sunny San Juan, Puerto Rico. Taking a page from , the first evening ...

CeNCOOS Governing Council Meeting: Tiburon

The Romberg Tiburon Center for Environment Studies hosted the governing council meeting. The Center was established in 1978 by Paul F. Romberg, then President of San Francisco State University, on ...

Community Resilience: Puerto Rico Sea Grant and Ca...

Puerto Rico Sea Grant (PRSG) has worked closely with CariCOOS to promote resiliency development in coastal communities and coastal services. They have collaborated on several research projects and have shared ...

COMT & OTT Announce New Projects

In FY 2018, the U.S. IOOS program continued the and projects, awarding multi-year grants to support NOAA initiatives, enhance modeling and forecasting capabilities, and increase operational efficiency in ocean observing ...

General Pages

Benefits of Ocean Observing Catalog

WP1 Community EngagementTo be an effective tool, BOOC will need the support of all parts of the ocean observing community. This Work Package will build on the work already undertaken ...

Document Library

The IOOS document library is a compilation of our legacy and archival documents, organized by category. If you are unable to find the document you need within this collection, please ...

Enhancing Coastal and Ocean Observing and Innovati...

In 2020, NOAA’s and the U.S. IOOS Office teamed up to develop and host three regional workshops focused on improving users’ access to streamlined ocean, coasts, and Great Lakes observational ...

Eyes on the Storm: Hurricane Season Resources

For forecasts, warnings, and up to the minute hurricane information, keep up with NOAA's . GOES East GeoColor satellite image of the Atlantic Ocean on September 11, 2018 showing Hurricanes ...

FY21 Regional Association Cooperative Agreements

In 2021, the U.S. IOOS® Office is announcing its third round of 5-year Regional Association cooperative agreements. The Regional Associations form a core part of implementing the U.S. Integrated Ocean ...

The U.S. IOOS Enterprise Strategic Plan

The Plan U.S. IOOS is pleased to release the U.S. IOOS Enterprise Strategic Plan (2018-22), which lays out Enterprise-wide objectives and priorities for the next five years and into the ...
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U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System
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