What Announcements are Presently Open?
Click here to view frequently asked questions about the FY2022 US Marine Life Observations Notice of Funding Opportunity.
What Announcements Do You Have Planned?
All future opportunities are approximate subject to shifts and changes. We anticipate announcing the following opportunities in the future:
- 2022: Ocean Technology Transition program
- 2023: Coastal Ocean Modeling Testbed
Before You Apply
In order to submit a proposal application you must have a DUNS number, and a SAM.gov account. A Grants.gov account is mandatory for online submission. The entire registration process can take 2 weeks, so don’t wait until the due date. Failure to do one or more steps below can cause your application to be not accepted or reviewed. Additional information is found below:
- Grants.gov - Site to find, download, and submit your proposal application package.
- Grants.gov Organization Registration Checklist (pdf, 105KB)
- Grants.gov Applicant User Guide (Oct2014, pdf 8.2MB)
- Grants.gov Training Video
- Request a DUNS number - A D&B DUNS is required for all grantees and applicants.
- SAM.gov - Applicant organizations are required to have and maintain a valid System for Award Management (SAM.gov) account (formerly called CCR). Applicants who apply as individuals are strongly encouraged to have an account. Registration must be reactivated on a yearly basis.
- SAM.gov New Registration Guide (pdf, 214KB)
- SAM.gov Updating/Renewing Guide (pdf, 90KB)
- SAM.gov Registration Training Webinar
- Application Validation and Acceptance - Applications must be accepted and validated by the due date. Applications that are not validated will not be received by NOAA. Late applications are not accepted. For assistance with tracking your application, click here.
What are the Steps for Applying for Funds through Grants.gov?
Once familiar with the basics of Grants.gov and what may be required as part of a proposal, it is time to apply for funding.
- Find the grant opportunity you are interested in by using the Grants.gov search interface. Conduct a basic or advanced search for information on available grant opportunities using a key word, funding opportunity number or IOOS catalog of federal domestic assistance number (CFDA) 11.012.
- Register to receive e-mail updates as new grant opportunities are added. Anyone can also signup to receive e-mail notices of any changes to any specific grant application packages or federal funding opportunity announcements.
- Apply for the grant you are interested in by using the Apply for Grants tab. The Apply for Grants feature enables users to apply for competitive federal grant opportunities through a single, unified process. Click here for more instructions.
- Download the Grant Application Package and application instructions for the grant you wish to apply for. You will need to enter the Funding Opportunity or the IOOS CFDA number 11.012 to access the application package and instructions.
- Complete the downloaded Selected Grant Application Package off-line. Click here for more instructions.
- Submit the completed Grant Application Package into Grants.gov. Two email notifications receipts will be delivered to the applicant's registered email address within 24 - 48 hours of the application package's submission. The first email notification confirms the application receipt and the second email notifies the applicant if the package was successfully validated or rejected by the system prior to transmission to the grantor agency.
- After the application has been validated, the applicant will receive a third e-mail when the application has been downloaded by the federal agency. If the federal agency assigns an agency-specific tracking number, then you will also receive an additional email about this application.
Note: Grant applications should be submitted electronically using Grants.gov. Applicants without Internet access may submit hard copy application packages if that option is stated in the federal funding opportunity announcement.
What Forms are Required to Apply for Funding through Grants.gov?
All proposals submitted to IOOS under NOAA's Omnibus Notice must include completed forms. Most forms will be provided on Grants.gov, however, some forms are relevant to only certain organizations. Refer to the section below on how to complete forms and especially the forms checklist for guidance on which forms your organization must complete. Forms will be provided in the downloadable “grants application package” found on Grants.gov. The following list of forms is provided as a reference, however, if you find that there are newer or modified forms a part of the application package on Grants.gov, use those forms versus the versions of the forms referenced below:
Federal Forms
SF-424 – Application and instructions for Federal Assistance (pdf, 265KB). Form instructions here.
SF-424A – Budget Information (pdf, 314KB) (OMB version with instructions - content is same as Grants.gov form)
SF-424B – Assurances (pdf, 113KB) with instructions.
CD-511 – Certifications required by the Department of Commerce (pdf, 11 KB)
SF-LLL – Disclosure of Lobbying Activity (pdf, 30 KB) – Please remember to submit this form with your proposal ONLY IF your organization is engaged in lobbying activities.
CD-346 – Applicant for Funding Assistance (pdf, 50KB) (required only from nonprofit or for profit organizations; universities and state/local government agencies are not required to complete this form).
How Do I Fill Out These Forms?
To help you complete the grants and cooperative agreement application package, we have provided a forms checklist (pdf, 140KB) that you can refer to as you work on Grants.gov.
Grant forms can be confusing. This guidance (PDF) will help answer frequently asked questions, address common mistakes made on certain forms, and explain terminology used for budget preparation.
It is important that the budget information you provide on the SF-424 and SF-424A be consistent with the brief budget information presented in the project narrative and with detailed budget information provided in a budget appendix. Detailed budget information presented in an appendix should, at a minimum, restate and further explain the information presented on form SF-424A.
Budget Narrative Guidance (pdf 132KB)
Additional Forms Guidance
- Title Page (limit 1 page)
- Project Summary of Abstract (limit 1-2 pages)
- Project Narrative (limit 10 - 25 pages, depending on competition)
- Budget Narrative (limit 2 pages, depending on competition)
- Other Attachments may include:
- Documentation showing proof of non-profit status (if applicable)
- Resumes of Curriculum Vitae (CV) of key staff and personnel
- Letters of endorsement, support , or collaboration
- NEPA Checklist
- Other visuals, graphs, or maps necessary to the application
Managing Your Grant
NOAA administers and manages all financial assistance awards through an online system called Grants Online. The following resources will step you through many processes that you’ll need during the life of your grant or cooperative agreement.
Grant Management: How-to Guides and Resources
- Grants Online – All NOAA awards are administered using the Grants Online system
- Grants Online Help Desk - Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 6:00 pm Eastern Standard Time
- 877.662.2478 (Toll Free)
- GrantsOnline.HelpDesk@noaa.gov
- Grants Online Recipeint Training Resources
- Grants Online Quick Reference Guide - This helpful document is a great starting place for Grants Online users.
- New Award Checklist– All new grantees must complete these vital tasks to set up their award. (January 2016, pdf 93KB)
- Managing Award Users – All grantees must have the project lead (Principle Investigator) in Grants Online. This document outlines the steps to add, modify, or change users in Grants Online. (August 2015, pdf 62kB)
- Federal Finance Reports – Instructions to submit financial reports. Semi-annual financial reports are due April 30 and October 30. (December 2016, pdf 97KB)
- SF-425
- Reimbursement of Funds SF-270 Hints – Instructions to submit a SF-270 form. Grantees that are designated as high risk, those not connected to ASAP.gov, or without a U.S. bank account must use the form SF-270 to request reimbursements. (December 2016, 93KB)
- Grants Online Award Action Requests Presentation
- No Cost Extensions – Information and instructions to submit additional time to complete grant activities. Requests must be made at least 30 days to the award end date, and are not guaranteed. (December 2016, pdf 100KB)
- Budget Reprogramming – Information and instructions to reprogram or modify the approved grant budget. (December 2016, pdf 205KB)
- Change in Scope – Information and instructions on how to request approval to modify the scope of work for an approved grant. Requests are not guaranteed. (December 2016, pdf 53kB)
- Foreign Travel and Fly America Act – All foreign travel must be pre-approved and travelers must use a U.S. airline carrier. (December 2016, pdf 94KB)
- Grants Online Help Desk - Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 6:00 pm Eastern Standard Time
- ASAP .Gov Enrollment and Draw-down of Funds – The Automated Standard Application for Payment (ASAP) system is the preferred method for grantees with U.S. Bank accounts to draw down funds. (December 2016, pdf 100KB)
- ASAP Training - Upcoming free training to learn more about ASAP.gov.
- ASAP Reports and Inquiries Training - Learn the difference between reports and inquiries, identify their purpose and understand how to run them. No charge for this training.
- ASAP Customer Support - The ASAP team is available to assist you with technical problems or answer question you may have. 8:00 am to 9:00 pm (Eastern Standard Time) Monday - Friday (Except Holidays)
- IOOS Guidance on Performance Progress Reports. The IOOS Office requires Program Performance Reports (PPRs) to be completed every six months, with the first six months after an award is accepted by the recipient.
- Progress Report Grants Online Instructions Presentation
- HFR Operations and Maintenance Expenditures (November 2017, (xls, 27KB),
- HFR Asset and Staffing Inventory (November 2016, doc, 29KB),
- Use the master RA Observing Asset Inventory provided by the Program Office to report updates
- Indirect Cost Rates – Information on the percentage and rules that entities are allowed to charge as overhead or indirect charge. (December 2016, pdf 101KB)
- Audits– Entities that expend more than $750,000 per year in federal funds are required to complete an annual audit. (December 2016, pdf 89KB)
- Monitoring and Site Visits – IOOS grants staff are designated to monitor all federal awards, which may include site visits. All grantees are required to monitor their sub-awards and contractors in accordance with the grant regulations found in 2 CFR Part 200. (December 2016, pdf 88KB)
- Adverse Enforcement Actions – Information on high-risk designation, award termination or suspension, and other negative actions resulting from poorly managed or executed federal awards. (June 2015, pdf 49kB)
- Close Out Guidance and Extension to Close Out – Close out is the 90 days after award activities end and allows the grantee to pay all final invoices, complete final reports, and dispose of any equipment. (December 2016, pdf 98KB)
- Common Grant/Cooperative Agreement Acronyms and Definitions– Adapted from 2 CFR Part 200. (December 2016, pdf 184KB)
NOAA grantees are bound to the Terms and Conditions within their specific award. General award terms and conditions are:
- 2 CFR Part 200 - Uniform Administrative Requirements, Costs Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards
- Department of Commerce Financial Assistance Standard Terms and Conditions - issued after March 31, 2017 (March 2017, pdf, 271KB)
- NOAA Administrative Standard Award Conditions (April 2016, pdf 47KB)