SECOORA was awarded a 3-year grant to transition the NOAA funded Web Camera Application Testbed to a sustained network of Webcams for Coastal Observations and Operational Support.
Webcams are a low cost coastal observing platform that can address significant gaps that exist in the nation’s ability to monitor and accurately forecast various weather, ocean, ecological and public health hazards that have the potential to impact people, places, economies and environments. For instance, webcam data will help NOAA validate and improve their rip current forecast model, and USGS will rely on webcam observations of wave run-up for research on beach erosion, overwash, and inundation.
This project aims to develop a sustained operational webcam coastal observing network for quantitative scientific analysis, public safety, and resource management for coastal municipalities. To accomplish this, standardized data processing and management methodology will be established to provide stakeholders actionable information from webcam video.
Year 1: $382,643
Year 2: $380,662
Year 3: $385,791
Total Award: $1,149,096
Partners: SECOORA, University of South Carolina, University of North Carolina Wilmington, University of California Santa Cruz, Axiom Data Science, NOAA (CO-OPS), United States Geological Survey, U.S Army Corps of Engineers