Week of 12/13: System status NORMAL. To check individual assets and information, visit ioos.us and/or the Environmental Sensor Map.



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OTT: Launching WebCOOS—Webcams for Coastal Observa...

Example of automated feature extraction of people, animals and other beach objects.Credit: University of South Carolina was awarded a 3-year grant to transition the NOAA funded Web Camera Application Testbed ...


ACT Nutrient Sensor Challenge Winners Announced

Denice Shaw of the EPA Office of Research and Development present the award to Pompeo Moscetta of Systea at the ASLO conference in Honolulu. Photo credit: Alliance for Coastal Technologies ...

COMT & OTT Announce New Projects

In FY 2018, the U.S. IOOS program continued the and projects, awarding multi-year grants to support NOAA initiatives, enhance modeling and forecasting capabilities, and increase operational efficiency in ocean observing ...

GCOOS Offers Hurricane Resources

Wondering what the latest news is on Hurricane Harvey or other extreme weather events in the Gulf of Mexico? The Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System (GCOOS) now has ...

Hawaiian Monk Seals Join the Animal Telemetry Netw...

For more than two decades, NOAA has been tracking monk seals throughout the Hawaiian Archipelago as part of their larger effort to study and protect this endangered seal. And now ...

IOOS Data Catalog version 1.5 now available

On April 3, the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System released the newest version of their , version 1.5. Updates for this version focus on improving user experience with searches and ...

IOOS Ocean Technology Transition Project: Six new ...

For 2020, IOOS, in conjunction with the National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP), sought projects focused on regional coastal ocean observing systems and advancing data management and cyberinfrastructure for observations. ...

Naval Oceanography participates in first U.S. Unde...

“Astonishing!” and “I’ve never seen so many gliders in one place!” were just a few of the exclamations overheard when Glider Task Team members of the Interagency Ocean Observing Committee ...

NCCOS and IOOS Contribute to Successful Kickoff of...

Innovations in HAB observing technologies. Left to right: Environmental Sample Processor (ESP), Imaging Flow Cytobot (IFCB), HABscope. Credit IOOS. On September 1, 2021 NCCOS, the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System ...

NCEI-IOOS Data Archive Available

All buoy, glider, and high-frequency radar archived data, can now be discovered through the and accessed through a suite of National Center for Environmental Information (NCEI) web services (FTP, HTTPS, ...

General Pages

Benefits of Ocean Observing Catalog

WP1 Community EngagementTo be an effective tool, BOOC will need the support of all parts of the ocean observing community. This Work Package will build on the work already undertaken ...

Document Library

The IOOS document library is a compilation of our legacy and archival documents, organized by category. If you are unable to find the document you need within this collection, please ...

Enhancing Coastal and Ocean Observing and Innovati...

In 2020, NOAA’s and the U.S. IOOS Office teamed up to develop and host three regional workshops focused on improving users’ access to streamlined ocean, coasts, and Great Lakes observational ...

FY21 Regional Association Cooperative Agreements

In 2021, the U.S. IOOS® Office is announcing its third round of 5-year Regional Association cooperative agreements. The Regional Associations form a core part of implementing the U.S. Integrated Ocean ...

The U.S. IOOS Enterprise Strategic Plan

The Plan U.S. IOOS is pleased to release the U.S. IOOS Enterprise Strategic Plan (2018-22), which lays out Enterprise-wide objectives and priorities for the next five years and into the ...
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U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System
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