NCEI-IOOS Data Archive Available


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All buoy, glider, and high-frequency radar archived data, can now be discovered through the IOOS Archive Data Portal and accessed through a suite of National Center for Environmental Information (NCEI) web services (FTP, HTTPS, THREDDS).

Currently, there are 160 RA stations archiving data, ~65+ Gigabytes archived as of this writing. These data span the time coverage from 1996-09-05 to 2017-06-24 and encompass a wide variety of measured oceanographic parameters, from water temperature to chlorophyll, turbidity to oxygen, and everything in between. As data are added to the archive, metadata records will automatically update and reflect a history of all data changes. This feature of the archive allows users to be aware of past data submissions and which data record is the most recent.

In 2015, NCEI and IOOS began planning and implementing data archiving activities with the IOOS Regional Associations (RAs). Over the 2 year project, NCEI successfully developed and implemented automated archival procedures for the non-Federal shore station and buoy data collected in each of the eleven IOOS Regional Associations (RAs). NCEI maintains a website with comprehensive guidance for RAs to follow when assembling data for archiving.

For more information:


U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System
1315 East-West Highway 2nd Floor
Silver Spring, MD 20910

(240) 533-9444

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