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NEWS: What do the Ocean Enterprise and the NFL have in common? Both are $7 Billion dollar enterprises! US IOOS and NOAA have released the first national-level assessment of the scale and scope of the ocean enterprise. Read more here: The Ocean Enterprise: A Study of US Business Activity in Ocean Measurement, Observation & Forecasting.
Also see article on the GEO website:
From the IOOS Program Office:
- Funding Opportunity - Gulf Science and Restoration Programs Release Three Year Funding Calendar: Science and restoration programs working in the Gulf of Mexico released a three year calendar of planned funding opportunities. The calendar includes a subset of programs in the Gulf region that have received funding as a consequence of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Read more.
Observation Subsystem and Sensor Technologies:
- HF Radar (IOOS national coordinator, Jack Harlan;
- Postdoctoral Researcher HF Radar and Surface Circulation off California: The University of California Davis invites applications for a postdoctoral researcher to work on surface current mapping with HF radar. In collaboration with the CeNCOOS, this research would include data analysis, field/data operations, and report/proposal writing. The ideal candidate would possess competencies including knowledge of coastal oceanography, data analysis skills, familiarity with HF radar, operational skills in field/computer work, organizational skills, team leadership skills, grant writing experience, and evidence of prior accomplishments. For more info of to apply, send a letter outlining why this job would be a good fit along with a CV and the names of 3 references by email to Prof. John Largier, Bodega Marine Laboratory, University of California Davis at
- Post-Blizzard Oblique Imagery: The National Geodetic Survey (NGS) collected oblique imagery along the East Coast from Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, to Montauk, New York, after the recent blizzard and heavy rain to assess impacts to navigation and coastal zone management. Imagery is available on the Coastal Imagery Viewer. Baseline imagery from 2015 is also available on the site for comparison purposes. Oblique imagery, images taken at an angle rather than straight down, covers wider areas and improves the visibility of vertical structures like the sides of buildings.
Data Management and Communications (DMAC) Subsystem and Tools Built on IOOS data:
(Contact Derrick or Rob to get on the list serve for changes -,
- Icing Conditions Request: In an effort to improve freezing spray forecasts, NOAA is collaborating with Environment Canada to evaluate each country’s freezing spray forecast models and tools. Analysis of freezing spray cases, forecaster feedback, and ship observations will allow Environment Canada and NOAA scientists and forecasters to better predict dangerous freezing spray conditions to protect life and property at sea. NOAA requests that you help in their study by reporting icing conditions using the following web-based link:
Modeling and Analysis Subsystem:
(IOOS PO and IOOS Coastal and Ocean Modeling Testbed (COMT) POC – Becky Baltes (
- COMT to present at NOAA’s Testbed Proving Ground annual meeting: Of the two COMT submissions, one was selected for an oral presentation and one was selected for a poster. The meeting will be held April 5-6 at NOAA/National Centers for Environmental Prediction.
Interagency and International Collaboration/News:
- IOOC Task Teams Updates:
- Glider Task Team: In person meeting April 7-8 at COL, Washington DC.
- Monitoring Project Set for Currituck Sound: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Field Research Facility, or FRF, in Duck, North Carolina is kicking off a $1.3 million research project in the Currituck Sound. The FRF is installing 5 large monitoring platforms in the estuary, one of the largest, single-effort, estuarine monitoring efforts in the United States. Measurements at the five stations will include winds, waves, currents, temperature, salinity, and video. Read more
Delivering Benefits:
- CeNCOOS Annual Governing Council Meeting: Jack Harlan and Zdenka Willis participated in CeNCOOS’ meeting that included CeNCOOS members, perspective members, PIs and the governing council. The Romberg Tiburon Center provided a superb backdrop and host for the meeting. In addition to Zdenka’s presentation, Dave Anderson gave a programmatic overview of CeNCOOS. This was followed by a panel of experts with observing programs in the San Francisco Bay. The second day of the meeting included break out groups covering the topics of HF radar, modeling, and in situ sensors. The day wrapped up with the governance council’s meeting on CeNCOOS going forward. To read more, access Zdenka’s presentation, and see pictures of RTC and CeNCOOS activities:
- Briefing to the Senate Commerce Committee and the Surface Transportation Sub-Committee: Carl joined the Director of the Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services and the Director of the National Ocean Prediction center to brief on NWS, NOS, and IOOS Regional Association observations, modeling, and forecasts. The briefing was requested in response to the Carnival Cruise Ship “Anthem of the Seas” encounter with 30+ foot waves during a significant coastal storm on February 7, 2016. The briefing was a success because we jointly presented NWS, NOS and IOOS RA capabilities and explained our coordination.
Communications / Outreach / Education:
- Nice post on and on Facebook profiling Derrick and Jessica Snowden!
- National Ocean Service story on publishing the Ocean Enterprise Study results:
Upcoming Meetings with IOOS Participation:
- Marine Industries Science & Technology Cluster Town Hall at Ocean Sciences: MIST will be hosting a town hall on the impact of ocean observing systems, various roles within IOOS, and ways the cluster can support IOOS efforts.
- When: Tuesday, February 23, 2016 – 12:45 pm – 01:45 pm – rooms 228-230
- See the Ocean Sciences Meeting website for registration and meeting details.
- Oceanology International 2016: OI 2016: Marine Technology and Services Sector Role in The ‘Blue Economy,’ program will be held 15 March 2016 and explore the latest trends in ocean observing, viewed through the lens of the ‘Blue Economy’. By means of a series of presentations drawn from a record number of abstracts, this program will help attendees evaluate their own ocean science, technology, and economic activities through new perspectives and identify key trends that will influence future developments. This conference includes distinguished keynotes, two focused panels, and an international roster of speakers. Like all OI conference sessions, it is free-to-attend. Free online registration is available at the OI 2016 website.
View the IOOS calendar: