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Bi-Weekly IOOS® Z-GRAM – 16 October 2015


ZGram picThe Z-Gram is an informal way of keeping you up-to-date on US IOOS® activities. Pass it on! Please reply with an e-mail with additional addresses or if you no longer want to receive the Z-Gram. Previous Updates


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From the IOOS Program Office:

  • IOOS Federal Advisory Meeting: The meeting will be held November 3-4, 2015 in St. Thomas, USVI. There will be a WebEx, agenda posted here.
  • GOES Satellite turns 40: We depend so much on geostationary satellites that sometimes we take for granted that they have always been there;
  • Funding Process NSF in support of the Galway Statement on Atlantic Cooperation: The oceanography and ecology of the North Atlantic Ocean are fundamentally linked to the health, economy, and overall well-being of North America and Europe, and to the global climate system. The trilateralGalway Statement on Atlantic Ocean Cooperation of May, 2013, between the European Union (EU), Canada, and the United States (US) (available at emphasizes the need for international cooperation in discovering and understanding processes influencing this dynamic region of the oceans. In April 2014, NSF and the European Commission cosponsored a workshop on the coupled North Atlantic-Arctic System to identify critical research questions, discuss common research interests, and explore areas of potential collaboration. Participants included multidisciplinary scientists from Canada, the EU, and the US and representatives from ocean-relevant US and EU government agencies. The workshop report is available at This Dear Colleague Letter provides guidance for US scientists who will request support from the NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (OCE) and Division of Polar Programs (PLR) over the next 18 months to conduct research related to the workshop goals in collaboration with scientists from Canada or the European Union. For more information:

Observation Subsystem and Sensor Technologies:

  • HF Radar/Radio: (IOOS national coordinator – Jack Harlan;
    • BOEM has awarded an IOOS proposal to study the effects of wind turbine rotation on the HF radar signal and to develop and test mitigation techniques. The proposal is based on the simulations created by Teague and Barrick (2012, MTS/IEEE Oceans Proceedings).
    • Canada’s MEOPAR/Dalhousie Sandy Cove CODAR Installed: MEOPAR researchers have successfully installed the Sandy Cove CODAR (SCOV), which is now operational. SCOV monitors ocean currents and waves off the coast of Halifax, Nova Scotia. The offshore range of the sensor is approximately 185 km. The data gathered from SCOV will be used by a number of MEOPAR projects in the Observation Core. The information is also ingested and displayed by US IOOS, at our partner Coastal Observing Research and Development Center (Scripps/SCCOOS) and NDBC.
  • Art and Observing: An art exhibit featuring NWLON Tsunami Capable Tide Stations now open. Seattle­ based artist D.K. Pan put together an exhibit for the Genius exhibition at the Frye Art Museum in Seattle. According to Pan, it serves as a commentary to climate change and as homage to communities vulnerable to rising sea levels and tsunamis. The exhibit opened this week, and Pan shared a 4 minute version of the longer version.
  • NOAA Collects and Disseminates Imagery in Response to Hurricane Joaquin: Last week’s nor'easter and hurricane caused extensive shoreline impacts and flooding throughout the Mid-Atlantic and Southeast. NOAA’s National Geodetic Survey collected aerial imagery beginning October 6, identifying the area from Cape May, NJ, to Brunswick, GA, of primary concern. It was the first time NOAA collected “oblique” imagery—aerial images taken from an angle instead of “straight down”—in an emergency response effort. This allows a wider area to be photographed and improves the visibility of vertical structures like buildings and land features like the coastline. It was also NOAA’s first response effort to deliver imagery via contracted Cloud computing services, resulting in an estimated 90 percent cost savings and sixfold faster processing. NOAA imagery helps determine the extent of coastal flooding and identifies hazards to navigation and damages sustained by property and the environment.


Data Management and Communications (DMAC) Subsystem and Tools Built on IOOS data:

(Contact Derrick or Rob to get on the list serve for changes -,

Modeling and Analysis Subsystem:

(IOOS PO and IOOS Coastal and Ocean Modeling Testbed (COMT) POC – Becky Baltes (

  • Becky provided a semi-annual update to NOAA’s Testbed Proving Ground and Coordinating Committee.  They are happy with the progress and particularly happy about the planned development of transition roadmaps for each project team.

Interagency and International Collaboration/News:

  • GEO: From Barb Ryan, Director GEO Secretariat - I am very pleased to report that at the conclusion of the G7 Science Ministers meeting held in Berlin from 8 to 9 October, the final communique included the following language: We recognise that the sharing of Earth observation data and information will strengthen science, knowledge, and decision-making in the areas discussed today and in others. We intend to continue to work together through the intergovernmental Group on Earth Observations (GEO) to enable policy makers to better address these environmental, health, and socio-economic challenges. “I wish to express my sincere appreciation to the GEO G7 Members (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, United States) and the European Commission for their efforts to secure this outcome. This is yet one more piece of evidence that the Group on Earth Observations is increasingly being recognized as a serious and valued partner in the global effort to provide data and information for informed decision-making on the great challenges facing our planet.”

Delivering Benefits:

  • Teledyne Marine Technology Workshop/SCCOOS Visit: Teledyne Marine’s workshop was 3 days of collaborative industry discussion, learning and exploration addressing the “user experience” in regards to an extensive lineup of marine products, applications and technologies. I was asked to give the keynote address and focused on 3 items (1) ocean observing matters every day, to everybody (2) valuing the Ocean Enterprise and (3) united our voices are stronger. Read the full story here, and download my presentation with notes. I also visited with SCCOOS and we talked about their inundation efforts as the state gets ready for the impacts of El Nino and some exciting citizen science efforts they are kicking off. SCCOOS demonstrated their 3-day flooding index page- covering 39 locations in the following counties: San Diego County, Orange County, Los Angeles County, Ventura County, and Santa Barbara County.  SCCOOS is creating an app that will allow the public to take a photo, geo-tag it (with location and date/time), and email to help correlate and quantify the wave heights at certain location with impact to the shoreline (structure damage, erosion, etc).
  • GLOS Annual Meeting: Josie Quintrell, Executvie Director of the IOOS Association and I had the pleasure of participating in GLOS’ annual meeting. This has been a year of transition for GLOS with Kelli Paige taking over as Director, but a busy one none the less. GLOS revealed their new logo, their annual report, have committed to being a leader in data sharing community, submitted their certification package, and continue to be part of the response team for the significant increases in harmful algal blooms that plague the drinking water (aka the Great Lakes) of the region. Read the full story here, download my presentation and read the annual report.


  • No update.

Communications / Outreach / Education:

  • U.S. IOOS Featured in an Ocean News & Technology September 2015 Issue: Donna M. Kocak, Marine Technology Society (MTS) President-Elect, wrote a 2015 update on worldwide survey of recent ocean observatory activities with the ocean observing committee of MTS. Featured in the update is U.S. IOOS and its’ Regional Associations. The article highlights NOAA’s National Ocean Service project, with the Port of Long Beach and SCCOOS. Three wave buoys have been installed in support of maritime operations in the San Pedro Bight that are operated by the Coastal Data Information Program (CDIP) based at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego. These wave buoys are used for both real-time operations and wave model validation. They contribute greatly towards operations for the tugs and barges, ferries, harbor pilots, the PRO-TIDE under keel clearance project, offshore oil terminal operations in El Segundo, and the US Coast Guard.

Upcoming Meetings with IOOS Participation:

    • Join us at IOOS’ new logo unveiling – Tuesday 10:15am, Booth #501, Exhibition Hall
    • Sponsored US IOOS, The Maritime Alliance and MTS all focused on the Blue Economy, Blue Tech, Blue Voice and Blue STEM.
    • Tuesday- Ignite! A lightning round of innovations, discoveries, and applications in Blue Tech – Moderated by Dr. Holly Bamford Acting Assistant Secretary for Conservation and Management
    • Wednesday’s Townhall - Blue Economy, Blue Tech, Blue Voice will be moderated by Sherri Goodman President and CEO of the Consortium for Ocean

View the IOOS calendar:


U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System
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