The World Meteorological Organization Global Telecommunications System (WMO GTS) disseminates data in near-real-time to operational weather and ocean forecasting centers, and enables global distribution of real-time data. U.S. IOOS is committed to ensuring that all relevant U.S. coastal ocean observations will be contributed in near real time to the global GTS network.
- All real-time stations must be assigned a WMO ID.
- All real-time observations must be submitted to the WMO GTS.
Standards, Formats and Protocols:
All platforms must be assigned a WMO ID for distribution through the GTS. IOOS data providers can fulfill this requirement by requesting a WMO ID from NOAA’s National Data Buoy Center (NDBC). Required information is:
- Platform type (moored buoy, drifting buoy, float, glider, etc.)
- owner
- latitude & longitude
- descriptive name of the location
- contact information.
IOOS Data Providers can also enter into an agreement with NDBC to post data onto the GTS in near real time. NDBC needs a list and frequency of measurements to set up the station at NDBC and release the data to the GTS.
U.S. IOOS® will provide specific guidance to IOOS data providers on data priorities.