August 21, 2019 - Virtual Meeting - 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. EST
- Federal Register Notice
- Virtual Conference Information
- Agenda
- Meeting Materials: Materials will be added as they become available:
- ICOOS Act 2009
- U.S. IOOS Enterprise Strategic Plan 2018-2021
- U.S. IOOS Program Budget 2010-2020
- IOOS Earmarks and Program Budget 2004-2019
- IOOS FY20 Guidance Memo (7/12/2019)
- The Ocean Enterprise
- IOOS Federal Advisory Committee Questionnaire Responses
- U.S. IOOS Advisory Committee Bylaws
- IOOC Charter (09/26/16)
- IOOC Slide Presentation
- Federal Advisory Committee Member Bios
- IOOS Association Memo to U.S. IOOS Advisory Committee (8/15/2019)
- Annual Report to the IOOC 2018
- Introduction to the Regional Associations
- Home Assignment: Setting Expections
- Setting the Stage for IOOS Advisory Committee - Carl Gouldman
CANCELLED: June 3-4, 2019 - Consortium for Ocean Leadership, Washington, DC
March 21, 2019 - Administrative Call
- Draft agenda for discusssion
- Actions Tracker
- Minutes