The Eyes on the Ocean™ Bi-weekly is an informal way of keeping you up-to-date on US IOOS® activities.
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From the Director:
Hello IOOS Community,
Please see the message below from Acting NOS Assistant Administrator, Nicole LeBoeuf commemorating the passing of Senator Ernest “Fritz” Hollings.
Best wishes,
From Nicole LeBoeuf, Acting National Ocean Service Assistant Administrator:
NOAA lost a steadfast champion and strong voice in support of its mission last weekend. Former Senator Ernest “Fritz” Hollings passed away on Saturday at his home in South Carolina at the age of 97. Though perhaps more widely known for his work on social and fiscal issues, here at NOAA, we know him as one of the founding figures of our agency and a true ally of the NOS mission to preserve and protect our coastal and ocean special places while supporting economic prosperity.
Senator Hollings played a leading role in NOAA’s establishment as a federal agency, and he was instrumental to the passing of crucial legislation in the 1970s to protect our nation’s coasts and oceans, including the seminal Coastal Zone Management Act in 1972. He provided the resources that initiated the NOAA Coastal Services Center in 1994 as a national-in-scope leader for technical and management assistance to coastal communities. The Center was later integrated with the NOS Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management to create NOS’ Office for Coastal Management.
The Hollings Marine Laboratory in Charleston, South Carolina, a world-class science and technology facility, is named after the senator. He secured funding for its construction and envisioned the unique partnership that exists among its federal, state, and academic researchers. The laboratory is an invaluable resource that brings scientists together in a collaborative environment to improve our understanding of coastal ecosystems and the links between environmental condition and the health of marine organisms and humans. Senator Hollings’ leadership also fostered early development of the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System. And, he co-sponsored the Oceans Act of 2000, leading directly to the establishment of the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy, which continues to drive ocean governance and policy forward today.
Not only a cornerstone of NOAA’s past, but a key to its future, Senator Hollings’ legacy will continue to live on in the form of the Hollings Scholarship, established in his honor after his retirement in 2005. The scholarship gives two years of academic assistance and a 10-week summer internship with NOAA to help us train future ecologists, oceanographers, and others to ensure the continued advancement of these fields and access to a solid cadre of emerging professionals. More than 1,683 students have benefited from these scholarships over the past 14 years. One of these students is Leah Moore, a junior at the University of South Carolina studying environmental science and physical geography. She’ll be working at NOS' OR&R in Seattle this summer on a project focusing on the recovery of ecosystems after contamination caused by disasters. Another is Jory Fleming who worked at the Office for Coastal Management in 2016, creating data visualizations to study the economic impacts of sea level rise. Since birth, Jory learned to overcome various disabilities, including autism. His story was an inspiration to NOAA staff that interacted with him. He is currently a Rhodes Scholar pursuing a Masters of Philosophy in Environmental Change Management.
Again, in recognition of the efforts of the former senator, the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation grants the Ernest F. Hollings Ocean Awareness Award annually, which aims to increase stewardship of natural and cultural resources in America’s ocean and Great Lakes. To date, the Foundation has awarded nearly $2 million to more than 60 groups for research, conservation, education, and outreach projects supporting the National Marine Sanctuary System and a healthy ocean.
I am in awe of Senator Hollings and his achievements. His dedication to the cause of preserving and protecting our coastal and ocean special places is inspiring and has created an enduring legacy throughout NOS and NOAA. I hope that you all will take a moment with me to pause and reflect on the impact of Senator Hollings at this time of his passing. We may have lost an esteemed partner and champion, but his legacy lives on through our work. In this, his efforts will never be forgotten.
From the U.S. IOOS Office:
- Marking 20 Years of IOOS and Save the Date! We will celebrate 20 years of IOOS in conjunction with the upcoming OceanObs’19 meeting in September in Honolulu, HI. Please save the date for a celebration on the evening of September 17th, 2019. In preparation for this celebration, we want to hear your memories of IOOS. Has IOOS helped you, were you a part of building the System, or do you have photos, videos, or documents of the last 20 years that you can share with us? Please contact us at to share your memories or ask for more details on how to share information.
- IOOS Federal Advisory Committee Update: The Spring meeting of the IOOS Federal Advisory Committee will be held June 3-4, 2019 in Washington, D.C. Details will be made available to the public. For more information, contact Becca Derex,
Observation Subsystem and Sensor Technologies:
Surface Current Mapping: (IOOS PO POC, Derrick Snowden,
- No update.
- No update.
- Gliders (IOOS POC LCDR Benjamin LaCour,
- Registration now open! 8th EGO Meeting & International Glider Workshop - May 21-23, 2019: The European (EGO) and US (UG2) autonomous underwater glider user groups are coming together to host the 8th EGO Meeting and International Glider Workshop at Rutgers UNiversity, New Jersey. The goal of the meeting is to strengthen international collaboration through community dialogue, exchanges of information, sharing of experiences, and development of best practices to support the glider community. This international meeting will offer a mix of presentations, panels, breakout groups, poster sessions, and open community dialog. It will provide a forum in which scientists, engineers, students and industry can exchange knowledge and experiences on the development of glider technology, the application of gliders in oceanographic research and the role of gliders in ocean observing systems. More info here: Please register by May 6th!
- Registration now open! 8th EGO Meeting & International Glider Workshop - May 21-23, 2019: The European (EGO) and US (UG2) autonomous underwater glider user groups are coming together to host the 8th EGO Meeting and International Glider Workshop at Rutgers UNiversity, New Jersey. The goal of the meeting is to strengthen international collaboration through community dialogue, exchanges of information, sharing of experiences, and development of best practices to support the glider community. This international meeting will offer a mix of presentations, panels, breakout groups, poster sessions, and open community dialog. It will provide a forum in which scientists, engineers, students and industry can exchange knowledge and experiences on the development of glider technology, the application of gliders in oceanographic research and the role of gliders in ocean observing systems. More info here: Please register by May 6th!
- Animal Telemetry Network (ATN) (National Coordinator Bill Woodward,
- May 6-7, 2019 NERACOOS ATN-MBON-OTN Workshop: The workshop will be held at the Univ. of New Hampshire May 6-7, 2019. So far, 13 of ~25 speakers have been confirmed for the meeting. For more information and to register, please go to Please contact Jackie or Bill for more info:,
Data Management and Communications (DMAC) Subsystem and Tools Built on IOOS data (DMAC listserv – contact Micah Wengren, DMAC System Architect,
IOOS Catalog 1.4 Released! A new version of the IOOS Catalog was released on April 11. IOOS Catalog Release 1.4 includes several important new features: 1) filtering of datasets by date/time coverage by way of a new custom-built widget, 2) Google Dataset search integration, 3) harvest by NOAA Data Catalog and, 4) filtering of datasets by data provider, 5) improved GCMD keyword display, 6) update to the latest CKAN data catalog software (2.8.2). More information about this important release can be found on the Releases page of the Catalog documentation site.
DMAC Annual Meeting - April 30-May 2: The 2019 DMAC Meeting will take place April 30- May 2, 2019 in Silver Spring, MD. A draft agenda is available here: Please direct any questions regarding scheduling, general inquiries, etc. to Rachel Horoschak Questions or suggestions about the agenda should go to Micah Wengren
Frontiers has accepted the manuscript / OceanObs’19 community white paper for publication: “From the Oceans to the Cloud: opportunities and challenges for data, models, computation, and workflows”. Authors: Tiffany C. Vance, Micah Wengren, Eugene F. Burger, Debra Hernandez, Timothy Kearns, Encarni Medina-Lopez, Nazila Merati, Kevin M. O'Brien, Jonathan O'Neil, James Potemra, Richard P. Signell, and Kyle Wilcox doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00211 In this paper, we provide an introduction to cloud computing, describe current uses of the cloud for management and analysis of observational data and model results, and describe workflows for running models and streaming observational data. We discuss topics that must be considered when moving to the cloud: costs, security, and organizational limitations on cloud use. Future uses of the cloud via computational sandboxes and the practicalities and considerations of using the cloud to archive data are explored. In conclusion, visions of a future where cloud computing is ubiquitous are discussed.
QARTOD (National Coordinator Mark Bushnell,
- Update on pH manual status: The initial draft of the Manual for Real-Time Quality Control of pH Data Observations: A Guide to Quality Control and Quality Assurance for pH Observations in Coastal Oceans has been completed and distributed to over twenty individuals who requested the early version for review. After responding to comments received from this first review, the second iteration will be more broadly distributed for a second review. We appreciate your input at any time, contact Mark for an early copy.
- Ocean Best Practice System Update: The final proceedings from the workshop Evolving and Sustaining Ocean Best Practices Workshop II 04-06 December 2019 Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Paris, France are now available from the OBP repository at The workshop included breakout sessions to frame the next generation of the OBP system, which addressed community development around best practices and their technical implementation. The proceedings close with a series of community recommendations. The editors, Pauline Simpson, Francoise Pearlman, and Jay Pearlman, have done an excellent job of documenting this workshop, well done!
Modeling and Analysis Subsystem (IOOS PO and IOOS Coastal and Ocean Modeling Testbed (COMT) POC – Derrick Snowden,
- COMT FFO Review Panel, March 12-14: The COMT FFO closed on January 19th and the IOOS Program Office received some excellent proposals for review. An expert review panel has been assembled and will meet March 12-14th, 2018 to review the proposals.
Interagency and International Collaboration/News:
- Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) (IOOS PO POC Gabrielle Canonico,
- Focus on eDNA and other MBON Innovations at MBARI: The latest version of MBARI's digital annual report highlights MBON outcomes and innovative approaches to observing life in the sea that have been implemented by MBARI, one of the partners in the interagency-funded MBON program (with funding from NOAA/US IOOS, Ocean Exploration and Research, NMFS S&T; NASA; and BOEM). MBARI’s role in MBON is currently focused on assessing pelagic (open-ocean) biodiversity within the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. Francisco Chavez is the lead of MBARI’s MBON effort, which aims to integrate biodiversity information from existing programs and develop advanced and innovative methods for conducting biodiversity assessments. The team also will provide a socio-economic context to biodiversity information. Additional partners include the Central and Northern California Ocean Observing System (CeNCOOS), the Center for Ocean Solutions, NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center, the California Current Integrated Ecosystem Assessment (IEA), Stanford University, and the University of South Florida. Central to the MBON work at MBARI has been the incorporation and development of new and innovative means to assess biodiversity, including sampling of eDNA from AUVs. By using autonomous vehicles that can collect samples at the required temporal and spatial scales, scientists hope to use eDNA to revolutionize their ability to develop baselines and time-series abundances of life in the sea. The MBON team has also been developing and publishing best practices and standards for eDNA analyses, and resolving the myriad of methodological challenges associated with the new techniques. Also highlighted in the report is a short video showcasing MBARI MBON postdoc Katie Pitz on eDNA - it's worth watching - great job, Katie!
- Marine Biodiversity Workshop: from the Sea to the Cloud, April 2-5, 2019, Playa del Secreto, Mexico. This workshop gathered 34 experts in marine ecology, satellite remote sensing and data science from 12 countries to advance construction of the Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) Pole to Pole of the Americas. In Mexico we advanced goals and skills developed during our first meeting in São Sebastião, Brazil (August 6-10, 2018) to continue the establishment of a community of practice dedicated to detecting change in marine biodiversity, understanding why such changes happen, and generating knowledge, data synthesis products and applications that inform conservation and management strategies of marine living resources. The MBON Pole to Pole is a multi-disciplinary, international effort engaging researchers, managers and policy-makers with interest in biodiversity monitoring and science. During the workshop, MBON Pole to Pole members improved agreed field sampling protocols for rocky shores and sandy beaches to ensure that they take into account the highly variable characteristics of these habitats across the continent. Participants worked on data sets collected at their study sites after the workshop in Brazil using standard workflows for data sharing, analysis and visualization relying on Darwin Core vocabularies and taxonomic quality control tools provided by the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS). A central goal of the workshop was to build capacity in the use of satellite remote sensing information and its integration with in situ biodiversity inventory observations. Other activities included developing metadata terminologies for flora and fauna of rocky shore and sandy beaches measured during field surveys following Ecological Metadata Language (EML) standards. Also, data collected during biodiversity surveys across 14 sites in the Americas from August 2018 and March 2019 was uploaded to the MBON Pole to Pole Integrated Publishing Toolkit of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility, and thus is ready for sharing via OBIS to become discoverable and publicly available. MBON Pole to Pole is supported with funding from NASA and co-sponsored by AmeriGEOSS; US IOOS provided some support for workshop participants
- Florida Keys NMS MBON Workshop: IOOS, GCOOS, and AOML will host the ‘Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) & Integrated Ecosystem Assessment Product Development Workshop’ on 24-25 April at AOML in Miami, FL. The workshop is intended to capture lessons learned from the successful West Coast MBON, Sanctuary and IEA partnership and to advance similar product development efforts for Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary and Florida Keys IEA. Workshop participants look forward to the opportunity to “meet and greet” NOS AA Nicole LeBoeuf the evening of April 24.
- Future Oceans2 IMBeR Open Science Conference: The conference will be held at Le Quartz Congress Centre in Brest, France, June 17-21, with a focus on ocean sustainability for the benefit of society - understanding, challenges, and solutions. MBON team members (Frank Muller-Karger, Gabrielle Canonico, Isabel Sousa-Pinto and Mark Costello) are organizing a session at the conference titled “Towards a coordinated global marine biodiversity observing system.”
- OceanObs’19 Updates and Planning:
- OceanObs’19: Registration Is Open! For more information on fees, deadlines, posters, and event registration, visit here.
- Submit an OceanObs’19 Poster: OceanObs’19 poster submissions are available through the registration process until June 27. To make any edits to your submission, log into the registration site before the new deadline. More info:
- Planning A Side Event At OceanObs'19? We'll be compiling and advertising a list of side events and workshops occurring during the conference. To add your event to the list, please submit any information you'd like to make public here:
- Federal Funding Opportunity: NOAA OER Soliciting Ocean Exploration Proposals: The NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research (OER) is soliciting ocean exploration proposals to address knowledge gaps and support growth in the Nation's Blue Economy and/or to contribute to Seabed 2030 goals. The deadline for the pre-proposal submission is May 24, 2019. The FFO announcement may also be found online at: Questions may be directed to Proposals are being requested on the following three topics:
- 1. OCEAN EXPLORATION. Ocean exploration to inform management, sustainable use, and conservation of marine resources in poorly explored deep ocean areas of the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone. Areas proposed for exploration and/or initial characterization must be at a minimum depth of 200 meters.
- 2. MARINE ARCHAEOLOGY. Discovery and characterization of underwater cultural heritage representing past marine-based economic activities or early human occupation to inform decisions on preservation and seabed use, and to identify sources of potential environmental impacts. Marine archaeology proposals can be conducted in any water depth.
- 3. TECHNOLOGY. Application of new or novel use of existing ocean technologies or innovative methods that increase the scope and efficiency of acquiring ocean exploration data and improve the usability of and access to ocean exploration data. Proposed technologies must be applicable to water depths of 200 meters or greater, though testing in shallower water or lab-based test facilities will be supported.
- NOAA’s 2018 Business Brief Now Available: Available in both print and abbreviated story map formats, this Business Brief reflects your outstanding work in advancing our strategic priorities. It also underscores the healthy return on public dollars your efforts bring. Feedback on the Business Brief can be sent to Tony Wilhelm ( in the Office of the Chief Financial Officer.
- 2019 NOAA Emerging Technologies Workshop: NOAA will hold its third Emerging Technologies Workshop on Tuesday and Wednesday, June 25-26 at the NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction (NCWCP) in College Park, Maryland. Registration is now open and free, but on a first come, first serve basis. Click here to register now and learn more about this year’s workshop, focusing on the Blue Economy and Resilience to Extreme Weather and Water. Sponsored by the NOAA Observing Systems Council, NOAA Ocean and Coastal Council, NOAA Research Council, and the Weather Water and Climate Board, NOAA’s 2019 Emerging Technologies Workshop is a public showcase for innovative technologies designed to optimize NOAA’s observing capabilities and data synthesis. The workshop engages presenters from within NOAA as well as external researchers, analysts, and practitioners representing academia, private businesses, and other government agencies with technologies that have the potential to expand NOAA’s ability to observe the environment, improve efficiency, or reduce costs. Like previous workshops, this year’s event will focus on new and evolving technologies that are already being explored by users in NOAA, and in development by our partners and by industry. The report from the most recent workshop can be found here. We invite you to join us for this exciting opportunity to learn more about the emerging technologies that could be used to make NOAA’s observation enterprise more agile, effective, and efficient.
- 2019 NOAA Heritage Program Projects and Recipients Announced: The NOAA Heritage Program is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2019 internal funding opportunity to preserve, protect, and promote NOAA’s heritage assets. Since 2005, this popular program has funded dozens of small projects led by NOAA staff from around the country. The 12 projects selected this year will highlight compelling stories about NOAA and our contributions to communities and science through oral histories, films, exhibits, open houses, and more. As we approach NOAA’s 50th anniversary in 2020, we are excited to include these projects in our campaign to celebrate NOAA’s organizational culture, diversity, partnerships, and value to the nation. For more information on the projects, visit the NOAA Heritage Program website,
- NGS Works With NASA to Survey GNSS and SLR Instruments: NGS personnel conducted a local site survey at the Haleakala Observatory in Maui, HI. The primary purpose of the survey was to determine the spatial relationship of two space geodetic technique instruments—one, a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) station and one, a Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) station—co-located at this site. NASA operates the SLR instrument, and NGS has identified the GNSS instrument as a Foundation CORS site. This survey also provides an opportunity to provide field training in data collection and analysis procedures for these surveys. For more information, contact, 540-367-6531
- Participation in NGS Monthly Webinar Series Continues to Grow: Approximately 950 persons attended the March 2019 entry in the monthly NGS webinar series, “State Plane Coordinate System Update.” This webinar presented the feedback NGS received from its constituents on the planned State Plane Coordinate System of 2022 (SPCS2022) and the final SPCS2022 Policy and Procedures. The NGS Webinar Series invites its personnel to present information of value to NGS constituents and stakeholders about NGS products, services, and program activities. The webinars educate constituents about NGS activities, and provide opportunities for NGS to gather feedback from its customers. The next NGS webinar, “Shoreline Mapping Data and Products,” will be presented on April 11. For more information, contact, 240-533-9544
- Change of command for NOAA Ship Thomas Jefferson: On April 12, 2019, the crew of NOAA Ship Thomas Jefferson hosted a change of command in Brooklyn, NY. Cmdr. Briana Welton Hillstrom accepted command of Thomas Jefferson, relieving Capt. Christiaan van Westendorp in a ceremony led by Capt. David Zezula, commanding officer of NOAA’s Office of Marine and Aviation Operations (OMAO) Marine Operations Center-Atlantic. Read more here:
- New Indonesia Coastal Inundation Forecasting System (Ina - CIFS) Announced at JCOMM Meeting: Ina CIFS is a coastal flood early warning monitoring system. Ina - CIFS is currently implemented in Jakarta and Semarang, considering that the two areas have a major impact due to the Coastal / Rob Flood. Ina CIFS is planned to be operational in April 2019, and BMKG will continue expand the coverage of this system to all coastal areas of Indonesia which is potentially affected. See the video: Register Now! OceanPredict ’19 is May 6 – 10, 2019 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada: You do not want to miss this opportunity to engage in science sessions, booth exhibitions and discussions to explore and define the direction of future operational oceanography. If you haven’t already done so, please click the link below for details on registration fees, and to register for this important gathering of the world’s leading ocean scientists, ocean observation specialists, industry representatives, service providers and users of ocean data & products from across the local, national & international operational oceanography community. GODAE OceanView continues to provide coordination and leadership in consolidating and improving global and regional ocean analysis and forecasting systems. For more information about the symposium visit
Delivering the Benefits:
Gliders Listen in on Whales: On December 1, 2018, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) launched the first-ever NERACOOS sponsored autonomous glider to determine where whales, including the seriously endangered North Atlantic right whale, are wandering. These gliders steer themselves along a pre-programed route, recording the calls of whales in the immediate area, regularly transmitting findings back to project leaders. As of April 1, the WHOI glider is still traveling the Gulf of Maine, having successfully recorded data for the past three months. Read more in (and subscribe to) the NERACOOS newsletter here.
NANOOS' Surfer's App Updated: A recent update to the NVS Surfers App allows users to click anywhere on the map and see the current value of all observations and model outputs at that location. This capability was requested though NANOOS' engagement with the Pacific Northwest surfing community. We are proud to be able to incorporate what users want to see and we know that is an on-going engagement.
New data source for California HAB Bulletin: Statewide information for Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) detection and assessment is being bolstered by new samples and data coming from the Bodega Marine Laboratory - University of California, Davis. This new work contributes to the California HAB Bulletin that helps inform researchers and managers about changing conditions. The Bulletin is produced in cooperation with CeNCOOS and leadership from the Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System.
Buoys return to the Great Lakes after winter: As the temperatures rise, buoys are starting to go back into the Great Lakes and data is flowing back into the Great Lakes Buoy Tool. Buoys are removed from the Lakes in the winter months to prevent damage, and put back to work throughout the spring. Data streams will populate as buoys come back online, so check in and see if your area is streaming yet, and read more here.
GLOS Featured in Ocean Conservancy Smart Buoys Video: The Ocean Conservancy produced a video on how data from buoys in the Great Lakes ensure safe drinking water. In the video, Great Lakes Observing System (GLOS) Executive Director Kelli Paige explains how multiple agencies collaborate to monitor environmental conditions and make Great Lakes data available to drinking water managers, policymakers, and the public. Watch the video here:
NOAA National Data Buoy Center working to repair marine weather stations in Cook Inlet: On April 6, five Coastal and Marine Automated Systems (C-MAN) stations in Cook Inlet failed after running out of date storage in their GPS systems due to a GPS Rollover. Through a collaborative Alaska NOAA effort, one station has already been repaired and a schedule for repairing the others is in place. Read more here.
MARACOOS Provides Data for Annapolis Flood Mitigation: As nuisance flooding continues to plague Annapolis, Maryland, MARACOOS provides data that helps the Office of Emergency Management to assess the risk of flooding while also supporting collaboration between the city and the U.S. Naval Academy to address long-term mitigation. Read more here.
IOOS Association Visits with Congressional Offices: On March 20, IOOS Association members visited over 100 Congressional offices to brief staff on how IOOS makes a difference in the lives of American citizens and thanked them for their support. The IOOS Office will schedule similar briefings in the next month.
ICOOS Reauthorization Update: The Coordinated Ocean Observations and Research Act of 2019 S. 914 (of which, Title I is the ICOOS reauthorization bill), was introduced in the Senate on 3/27/2019, reported by the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation without amendment on 4/3/2019, and marked up by the Senate. In the house, HR 1314, the ICOOS Act Amendments of 2019 was introduced in February and referred to the Subcommittee on Water, Oceans, and Wildlife on 3/8/2019. The House will hold a hearing on HR 1314 and other related bills in early May.
HABs, a new Story Map: In collaboration with NOAA's National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science and the University of Washington, NOAA Fisheries’ Northwest Fisheries Science Center created an interactive story map to call attention to the social and economic impacts of harmful algal blooms. Using the latest nationwide economic figures and told through the stories of those citizens personally affected by the 2015 U.S. West Coast event, these new materials document the human toll of harmful algal blooms in coastal communities.
SECOORA Data Challenge Announces Winners: Learn about the winning projects selected for the 2019 SECOORA Data Challenge, Using Web Camera Data for Environmental Monitoring.
Updates from the GCOOS Annual Meeting: GCOOS held its annual meeting earlier this month in New Orleans. Catch up on all the action in this special edition of their newsletter!
MARACOOS data supports doctoral research: Kelsey Brunner is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Physical Oceanography at Stony Brook University’s School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, where MARACOOS data are assisting in her research. Kelsey studies the surface currents on the continental shelf of the Mid-Atlantic Bight (MAB). Establishing a better understanding of the physics of these circulation patterns can equip scientists with the knowledge necessary for preparing for and predicting storm patterns, implementing more efficient search and rescue plans, and cleaning up after storms. Read more here.
SeaCast Recognized for Excellence: SeaCast, which is now provided through NANOOS Visualization System (NVS), has been awarded Oregon State University's Vice Provost Outreach and Engagement Award for Excellence, which "recognizes outstanding projects that significantly advance the mission of outreach and engagement across the university and beyond." Congratulations to Ted Strub and Flaxen Conway for this recognition!
Apply Now for the Vembu Subramanian Ocean Scholars Award: Apply today to be the next Vembu Subramanian Ocean Scholar! This year’s award value has increased a thousand dollars to $3500. Deadline to submit proposals is May 24, 2019. Visit the website for more information.
2nd Annual Vembu Cup: Be sure to sign up for the 2nd Annual Vembu Cup! This year's 4-man scramble will start at 8am Sunday May 5th at Mangrove Bay Golf Course in St. Petersburg, FL with an after party to follow. All proceeds will be used to support the University of South Florida Vembu Subramanian MSAC scholarship. It will be an annual award for a USF College of Marine Science graduate student who best reflects Vembu's unifying spirit through service to the college and their fellow students. For additional information contact Linda Kelbaugh, USF College of Marine Science, office: 727-553-1634, email:
IOOS Enterprise in the News
Forecasts of Wave-Induced Coastal Hazards in the United States Pacific Islands: Past, Present, and the Future (PacIOOS), Frontiers in Marine Science, 4/5/2019
Salmon season has arrived. Here’s what to expect. (CeNCOOS), The San Francisco Chronicle, 4/10/2019
Upcoming Meetings with IOOS Participation:
Mid-Atlantic Telemetry Workshop, 18-29 April 2019, Newark, DE: The workshop is hosted by the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, NMFS Chesapeake Bay Office, MARACOOS and the ATN. For info. contact: Bill Woodward or Matt Ogburn
DMAC Annual Meeting 30 April 30–2 May 2019: The 2019 DMAC Meeting will take place April 30- May 2, 2019 in Silver Spring, MD. Please save these dates in your calendars. Please direct any questions regarding scheduling, general inquiries, etc. to Rachel Horoschak Questions or suggestions about the agenda should go to Micah Wengren
NERACOOS ATN-MBON-OTN Workshop, 6-7 May 2019, Durham, NH: For more information and to register, please go to
MARACOOS Annual Meeting May 14th, Annapolis, MD: For more details and registration, click here.
CeNCOOS Spring 2019 Governing Council Meeting, 16–17 May 2019, Santa Cruz, CA: This meeting will be held at the Southwest Fisheries Science Center in Santa Cruz, CA. Check here for more information:
8th EGO Meeting & International Glider Workshop, 21-23 May 2019, New Brunswick, NJ: The European (EGO) and US (UG2) autonomous underwater glider user groups are coming together to host the 8th EGO Meeting and International Glider Workshop at Rutgers University, New Jersey. Learn more here:
Save the Date! NASA Biodiversity and Ecological Forecasting Team Meeting, 21–23 May 2019: The meeting will be held in the DC area, May 21-23, 2019.
Save the Date! Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) All Hands Meeting, 24 May 2019: The meeting will beheld in the DC area, May 24, 2019.
Save the Date! CARICOOS 2019 General Assembly on May 24, 2019, San Juan, PR: Registration and additional details forthcoming.
IOSTIA’s BlueTech Expo, 4–5 June 2019, Washington, DC: IOSTIA and Sea Technology Magazine will host an expanded BlueTech Expo in Washington, D.C. on June 4-5, 2019. Organized to coincide with Capitol Hill Ocean Week (CHOW), this year's program will feature a one-day interactive technical program focused on new developments, innovative practices, regulatory & funding issues, and case studies of interest to both government and industry. Followed by a day of exhibits featuring industry’s leading providers and a special networking reception hosted by Oceanology International. For more information:
Save the Date! SECOORA 2019 Annual Meeting, 18–20 June 2019, Wilmington, NC: Please save the date for the SECOORA's 2019 Annual Meeting in Wilmington, NC. Participate in the ocean observing conversation and network with coastal ocean scientists from around the Southeast. Link:
NANOOS Annual Meeting, August 2019, Vancouver, WA: Details forthcoming.
OceanObs’19, 16–20 September 2019, Honolulu, HI: The OceanObs19 conference planning is well underway! The conference will take place September 16-20 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Check out the conference website for more details:
Other Upcoming Meetings:
OceanPredict '19, 6–10 May 2019, Halifax, Canada: Registration for OceanPredict ’19 is open. Click here for details on registration fees, and to register for this important gathering of the world’s leading ocean scientists, ocean observation specialists, industry representatives, service providers and users of ocean data & products from across the local, national & international operational oceanography community. GODAE OceanView continues to provide coordination and leadership in consolidating and improving global and regional ocean analysis and forecasting systems. Further information about the symposium, themes and description of sessions is now available from the OceanPredict ’19 website:
Coastal Sediments 2019 (CS19), 27–31 May 2019 - Tampa, FL: Coastal Sediments 2019 (CS19) is the 9th Conference in the Coastal Sediments Series. CS19 will be held in Tampa/St. Petersburg, FL, with the theme of "Advancing Science & Engineering for Resilient Coastal Systems." Oral and poster presentations and accompanying papers will be selected from abstracts submitted on a variety of topics including special sessions.
Capitol Hill Ocean Week, 4–6 June 2019, Washington, DC: Join the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation and visionaries in ocean and Great Lakes policy and conservation for two days of plenaries, panels, and networking. Learn more and register here:
First International Operational Satellite Oceanography Symposium, 18–19 June 2019, Washington, DC: The First Operational Satellite Oceanography Symposium will take place from 18 to 19 June 2019 in the Washington, DC area. The symposium aims to enable the understanding the barriers (perceived or actual) and facilitate the widespread incorporation of satellite ocean observations into the value chain from data to useful information across the range of operational applications. In this symposium, an international community of satellite operators, information producers and users will exchange facts and ideas to 1) understand user needs and expectations, and 2) develop interoperability standards and establish best practices that will lead to more universal use of ocean satellite data. For further information see the meeting website for announcement flyer and return again later for further details: Email:
2019 NOAA Environmental Data Management Workshop, September 4-5, 2019 Seattle, WA: The NOAA Environmental Data Management Committee (EDMC) is pleased to announce the 9th annual NOAA Environmental Data Management Workshop (EDMW) that will be held September 4-5, 2019 in Seattle, WA. The theme for this year’s workshop is “Unleashing NOAA's Data as a Strategic Asset for Science, Service, Stewardship and Innovation.” The workshop will be hosted at the Motif Hotel in downtown Seattle. Please forward this announcement to NOAA colleagues that may be interested in attending or presenting. The 2019 NOAA EDM Workshop will include presentations and working sessions that focus on efforts to improve the collection, stewardship, interpretation, and delivery of NOAA data that enable the agency to carry out its mission and programs effectively. Attendees are primarily NOAA personnel, but we expect to have a few slots for external people. The formal approval process including the NOAA Group Travel Request will begin soon, as will other workshop planning activities including calls for sessions, papers, and registration. To receive future announcements on the 2019 EDM Workshop, please sign up for the 2019 EDMW Mailing List.
Save the Date! Pecora 21 & ISRSE 38, October 2019, Baltimore, MD: A joint symposium of the 21st William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium and the 38th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment will convene in Baltimore, Maryland, USA from October 6 – 11, 2019. The organizers have released a call for special sessions and are inviting proposals for sessions that deal with issues and advances in the broader field of Earth observation.
Job & Internship Opportunities:
Research Specialist, Texas A&M: The Research Specialist will serve as a Data Scientist in the Coastal and Marine Geospatial Lab of the Harte Research Institute and will assist in the development of statistical models and programming modules to discover insights in coastal and oceanographic data through the use of statistical modeling, visualization techniques, and data mining algorithms. This person will design, develop, test, deploy, and document software packages and interactive user interfaces deployed via the Internet. Read more and apply here.
Deputy Director, NANOOS: The Ocean Physics Department (OPD) in the Applied Physics Laboratory at the University of Washington (APL-UW) seeks an Oceanographer IV to assists the Northwest Association of Networked Ocean Observing Systems (NANOOS) Executive Director in management and oversight of the program. Open until filled. View the announcement and apply here.
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