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- From the Director
- From the U.S. IOOS Office
- Observation Subsystem and Sensor Technologies
- DMAC Subsystem and Tools Built on IOOS data
- Modeling and Analysis Subsystem
- Interagency and International Collaboration/News
- Delivering the Benefits
- Congressional
- Communications/Outreach
- Upcoming Meetings
- Job & Internship Opportunities
From the Director:
Hello IOOS Community,
I’m excited to announce that IOOS and NCCOS have announced a new slate of HAB research awards for FY20! Together, we are funding more than $11M in 1–5 year grants for projects that to better understand and predict harmful algal blooms (HABs) and improve our nation’s collective response to them.
IOOS has allocated $1M to six Regional Associations for five one-year pilot projects that enhance our capacity for monitoring and detection of these blooms. These funds were directed to IOOS by Congress under the National Harmful Algal Bloom Observing Network and coordinated with NOAA's National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science to ensure collaboration and maximize the benefits of these funds. You can read the full list of awards here.
Via our Ocean Technology Transition program, we also awarded $325,000 for the first year of a 3-year project to advance ongoing efforts to gather water samples for harmful algal bloom monitoring using autonomous surface vehicles in the Pacific Northwest. You can read more about this project here.
IOOS Regional Associations SCCOOS, CeNCOOS, and GCOOS received and additional $500k NCCOS’s PCMHAB and ECOHAB programs for the first year of 3-year projects to further develop a regional HAB research hub and to expand red tide respiratory risk forecasts for the Gulf of Mexico. You can read the full list of grantees here.
These funding decisions represent a coordinated effort to maximize advances in harmful algal bloom monitoring and forecasting. We're excited to see so much great new research coming out of the IOOS Regions, NOAA, and strong partnerships with the private sector and research communities. Congratulations to all the awardees and partners, and a big thanks to NCCOS for our continued, successful collaboration on HAB research.
Best wishes,
From the U.S. IOOS Office:
The Ocean Enterprise Study 2020 - Last Call!: Your business matters, help NOAA assess the Ocean Enterprise Sector! IOOS/NOAA are requesting input from businesses who provide infrastructure or products that support or conduct ocean observation and measurement by participating in the Ocean Enterprise Study 2020. We will use the results to help inform NOAA and the U.S. Department of Commerce about the changing needs of the Ocean Enterprise sector in a report to be published in 2021. “NOAA strongly supports the IOOS Ocean Enterprise Study 2020. Applying data and services to grow the American Blue Economy is a top priority for our agency, and the information provided by this study will help us further the sustainable economic contributions of our oceans, coasts, and Great Lakes,” said retired Navy Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet, Ph.D., Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and Deputy NOAA Administrator. “We are proud of our IOOS Program and partners that have enabled NOAA’s leadership in Ocean Science and Technology.” We invite any company, large and small, working in this sector, to contribute to this important study through participation in an online survey. To find out more information or to take the survey click here. The study will deliver an update to the initial study conducted in 2015. Thank you to the Marine Technology Society for featuring the study on their website and in the May issue of Currents.
Observation Subsystem and Sensor Technologies:
Surface Current Mapping: (IOOS Surface Currents Program Manager, Brian Zelenke,
HFR Community and Wind Turbine Interference Mitigation: The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) has provided answers to questions submitted by the oceanographic high-frequency radar (HFR) community regarding wind turbine interference mitigation (WTRIM). A discussion of these responses and their implications for HFR WTRIM research & development will be held 11:00 A.M.–noon EDT Wednesday, October 14, 2020. If you know someone who would like to join in this discussion to synergize oceanographic HFR and offshore wind energy operations, please contact Surface Currents Program Manager Brian Zelenke at
2020 Radiowave Operators Working Group Meeting: Planning of the 2020 Radiowave Operators Working Group (ROWG; meeting for oceanographic/liminographic high-frequency (HF) radar operators worldwide is underway. This next ROWG meeting will be virtual and is tentatively scheduled for November 17–18, 2020 from 2:00 P.M.–5:00 P.M. EST both days. Anyone with suggestions to add to the meeting’s agenda is encouraged to e-mail Surface Currents Program Manager Brian Zelenke ( who will coordinate submissions received with the meeting’s organizing committee.
Gliders (IOOS POC LCDR Benjamin LaCour,; Underwater Glider User Group (UG2) POC Bill Lingsch,; Click here to join UG2:
NANOOS Gliders Back in the Water: Two gliders were recently deployed in the NANOOS region. One collects data off the Columbia River shelf near southern Washington and is managed by jointly CRITFC (C. Seaton) and OSU (J. Barth). The other is the newly replaced La Push glider in northern Washington, which is managed by UW-APL (C. Lee). Stay tuned for data from these gliders on NVS. Kudos to all of the teams who made these deployments possible.
Animal Telemetry Network (ATN) (National Coordinator Bill Woodward,
TODAY! Revealing the Secret Lives of Sharks - October 15, 2020 - 12 pm Hawaiʻi / 3 pm Pacific / 6 pm Eastern: The ocean conceals the daily lives of its inhabitants from our view. For us to learn about the natural behaviors of elusive marine animals like sharks, we need a way to remotely unveil what is happening beneath the surface and beyond our sight. Recent decades have seen the development of increasingly sophisticated, animal-borne electronic devices that are providing surprising new insights into shark biology and guiding management and conservation strategies. Join Dr. Carl Meyer, Associate Researcher at the Hawaiʻi Institute of Marine Biology for this National Marine Sanctuaries Webinar Series as he shares data from long-term tracking studies within Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument that have followed individual sharks and ulua (or giant trevally) for up to 11 years revealing their daily and seasonal migrations. Learn more about some unexpected journeys and enter a portal into predator responses, as well as a destructive hurricane strike. This presentation is part of the Third Thursday By the Bay Presentation Series at Mokupāpapa Discovery Center that is the visitor center for Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument in Hilo, Hawai`i. Register for the webinar here.
Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) (IOOS PO POC Gabrielle Canonico,
Joint US-Canada Zooplankton Workshop on modeling abundance and distribution of zooplankton prey for North Atlantic right whales in Canadian and U.S. coastal and shelf waters: Convened by Chris Orphanides, NEFSC Protected Species Branch, NOAA Fisheries; Catherine Johnson, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Canada DFO; Jeffrey Runge, University of Maine, MBON. Over 30 regional experts in zooplankton oceanography and North Atlantic right whale (NARW) management met virtually over four days in September to coordinate Canadian and U.S. approaches to understanding NARW foraging habitat and applications to NARW conservation strategies. The population of NARW, now at approximately 400 individuals, has been declining since 2010 and their foraging habitat has been shifting from the Gulf of Maine in summer/fall to the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The causes for this decline are associated with a decline in abundance and shift in distribution of the planktonic copepod, Calanus finmarchicus, the principal prey of the NARW, and an increase in mortality due to ship strikes and fishing gear entanglement as the NARW move to new foraging areas. There is a need to include the best knowledge about present and future patterns of C. finmarchicus abundance into NARW foraging habitat models used to inform U.S. and Canadian regulations and guidance to the shipping and fishing industries. The workshop provided an opportunity for exchange of information about NARW management, zooplankton data sharing, and zooplankton modeling approaches. An important outcome of the workshop was the creation of cross-border working groups to coordinate data sharing and deliver products useful to NARW conservation measures. A third working group was formed to identify and coordinate research on the causes of NARW foraging habitat change, for which there is strong evidence that climate drivers have resulted in warming and shifts in currents supplying water into the Gulf of Maine, affecting zooplankton abundance and distribution. For further information, please contact Gulf of Maine MBON PI Jeffrey Runge:
New Arctic MBON publication in Marine Ecology Progress Series contributes to understanding of Alaskan Arctic benthic shelf systems: Alaskan Arctic shelf communities are experiencing dramatic changes that will likely affect ecosystem functioning of Arctic marine benthic communities. This research used functional diversity based on biological traits to assess differences and similarities in ecosystem functioning of epibenthic communities between the Arctic Beaufort and Chukchi Sea shelf systems, which are geographically close but vary in many environmental influences. (Sutton L, Iken K, Bluhm BA, Mueter FJ (2020) Comparison of functional diversity of two Alaskan Arctic shelf epibenthic communities. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 651:1-21.
I’d Like to Be, Under the Sea, in an Octopus's Garden: Check out this story map “Octopus' Garden, a Whale Fall and Corals” that details the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary's expedition (NA122) aboard the E/V Nautilus near Davidson Seamount - October 9-16, 2020. This is a joint project visiting three distinct areas of Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (MBNMS). Four distinct dives are planned near Davidson Seamount. This region comprises one of the world’s most productive and biologically rich ocean areas and protects over 700 species of fish and deep benthic species. NOAA’s national marine sanctuaries are responsible for protecting the biological and cultural resources within their boundaries.
Data Management and Cyberinfrastructure (DMAC) Subsystem and Tools Built on IOOS data (DMAC listserv – contact Micah Wengren, DMAC System Architect,
DMAC Has a New Name! You may notice a new change in the name of this section above. Concurrent with the announcement of the 5 year Regional Association NOFO, the IOOS Program Office announced a change to the DMAC acronym from ‘Data Management and Communications’ to ‘Data Management and Cyberinfrastructure.’ IOOS believes the Cyberinfrastructure term better-reflects the actual work that is being done to implement the data management component, or subsystem, of IOOS. No other material changes to the DMAC program will result from the change in terminology.
September DMAC Tech Webinar: Tiffany and Micah hosted the September DMAC Tech Webinar ‘Python Across the Esri Platform’ featuring Kevin Butler of Esri, Inc. Presentation abstract: Python is a free, cross-platform, open-source programming language that is powerful and easy to learn. It is fully integrated throughout the Esri platform and is the scripting language of choice for developing and automating analytical workflows. This session will provide a brief overview of the ArcGIS/Python integration and a series of ocean-specific analytical and visualization workflows. Recording of the webinar is available here:
QARTOD (National Coordinator Mark Bushnell,
QARTOD Paper Completed: The paper QARTOD - Prospects for Real-Time Quality Control Manuals, How to Create Them, and a Vision for Advanced Implementation have been completed. It is posted on the IOOS QARTOD web site at, and can also be found in the NOAA Institutional Repository and the IOC Ocean Best Practice System repository. The paper considers the applicability of real-time QC for the IOOS core variables not yet addressed by a QARTOD manual, and describes how they will be created when appropriate.
Ocean Best Practice System: During the recent OBPS workshop, each of the eleven sessions were requested to provide three recommendations for enhancing the OBPS. In the final plenary, these thirty-three suggestions were synthesized and recurring themes identified. Topics included OBPS communications and engagement with user communities, convergence of practices, training, ethics, interaction with the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, and many others. These topics will be considered when the OBPS Steering Group meets in October to develop a strategic plan for the next few years. See the OBPS Newsletter at
U.S. CLIVAR Ocean Uncertainty Quantification Working Group: The OceanUQ working group bi-monthly meeting was held on October 11, 2020. Discussion focused on a review of the OBPS UQ session and follow-on steps, and the ongoing development of the OceanUQ web site. If you have any interest in developing a UQ blog relevant to your work contact any working group member – see
Modeling and Analysis Subsystem (IOOS PO and IOOS Coastal and Ocean Modeling Testbed (COMT) POC – Tracy Fanara,
OCS Completes New Storm Surge Forecast System: The Extratropical Surge & Tide Operational Forecast System (ESTOFS) is one of the oldest-running coastal storm surge operational forecast systems developed by OCS in collaboration with other National Ocean Service programs, the National Weather Service, and academic partners. Since 2012, different versions of the system have been used for different regions in the U.S. and territorial waters. After years of development, the Global ESTOFS has been completed and will supersede the three existing systems. The state-of-the-art system incorporates seamless real-time assessment and correction of water level forecasts. Global ESTOFS will serve as a backbone for future development in order to improve NOAA capabilities in coastal inundation prediction. The forecast system will also open the doors for new applications, including precision marine navigation, climate studies, risk assessment, and on-demand probabilistic forecasting.
Interagency and International Collaboration/News:
OOI New Data Explorer Launched 5 October, Live Demo 21 October: As of 5 October, accessing, visualizing, and integrating OOI data into research and classrooms, will be a whole lot easier. The Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) will release its new data exploration tool – OOI Data Explorer version 1.0 on 5 October. Data Explorer will allow users to search and download cabled, uncabled, and recovered data, compare datasets across regions and disciplines, generate and share custom data views, and download full data sets using ERDDAP. Learn more here:
Picture A Scientist Screening And Discussion: The Marine Technology Society (MTS), Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI), IEEE-Oceanic Engineering Society, NOAA, and NASA are teaming up to offer a FREE virtual screening of Picture a Scientist. If you are not familiar with the documentary, the film challenges audiences to question their own implicit biases and brings diversity in science into sharp view at a critical time in an effort to move toward change. In addition to the screening, you can participate in an interactive panel discussion led by women in ocean technology and science on October 21, 2020 – 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm (ET).
Register here for access to view the film anytime between 12:00 pm (ET) on October 20, 2020- 12:00 pm (ET) on October 23, 2020.
Register here to attend an interactive panel discussion lead by women in ocean science on October 21, 2020 – 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm (ET).
NOAA Turns 50! On October 3rd, NOAA celebrated 50 years of science, service, and stewardship. Our agency was born out of an idea that the ocean and atmosphere are inextricably linked and that we depend upon it — not only for the quality of our lives, but for life itself. Since then, NOAA has grown to become a world-class science agency with a reach that extends from the surface of the sun to the depths of the ocean floor. NOAA’s achievements are possible because of its dedicated workforce, who will undoubtedly propel us through the next 50 years of innovation and discovery. Check out NOAA’s 50th homepage to see videos in which partners toast the vital difference NOAA has made in understanding our world. Developed for NOAA's golden anniversary, the videos feature 30 NOAA science, safety, environmental and technical partners underscoring how, over five decades, NOAA's culture of innovation and discovery has benefited lives, livelihoods and America's security and prosperity.
OCS Completes Bathymetry Foundational Dataset for New England: To create a foundational dataset for next-generation nautical charts and multiple scientific disciplines, the Office of Coast Survey’s National Bathymetric Source team compiles the national bathymetry from the best available data based on ground resolution, accuracy, and survey date. This year, the team built the New England dataset as 780 chart tiles for 63,000 square nautical miles. The New England region is now being maintained and updated as new source surveys become available. The primary sources of bathymetry include NOAA and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ hydrographic and lidar surveys, as well as other external sources. Survey quality metrics and attribution were tracked for all 1,996 New England surveys compiled, allowing selection of the best available bathymetry. The establishment of a data-driven workflow through automation and expertise allows for increased quality, accessibility, and timeliness of bathymetric source data.
Autonomous Vessel Operations in the Arctic: Lessons learned from the Summer 2020 Mapping Mission: The Office of Coast Survey has published a blog post on the Summer 2020 mapping mission for four uncrewed vessels that departed Alameda, California in May to begin their transit across the Pacific Ocean, through Unimak Pass, across the Bering Sea, and into the Arctic. These small, uncrewed vessels, powered only by wind and sun, arrived at Point Hope, Alaska, in early August to start an ambitious project acquiring new depth data along the 20 and 50 meter depth contours from Point Hope to the Canadian border. This was the start of a challenging Arctic project that would contend with weather, sea ice, and equipment failures, all while avoiding potential conflicts with indigenous subsistence hunting. Read more on the mission here:
National Geodetic Survey Emergency Response Imagery for Hurricane Delta Now Available Online: From October 10-11, the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) collected aerial images in the aftermath of Hurricane Delta. Imagery was collected in specific areas identified by NOAA in coordination with FEMA and other state and federal partners. Collected images are available to view online via the NGS aerial imagery viewer. View tips on how to use the imagery viewer. NOAA's aerial imagery aids safe navigation and captures damage to coastal areas caused by a storm. Aerial imagery is a crucial tool to determine the extent of the damage inflicted by flooding, and to compare baseline coastal areas to assess the damage to major ports and waterways, coastlines, critical infrastructure, and coastal communities. This imagery provides a cost-effective way to better understand the damage sustained to both property and the environment.
NGS Collects Damage Assessment Imagery after Hurricane Sally: The National Geodetic Survey (NGS) collected aerial damage assessment images in the aftermath of Hurricane Sally. NGS flight crews collected images in specific areas identified by NOAA in coordination with state and federal partners. The flight crew flew over more than 3,540 square kilometers over the course of 14.1 hours and collected 5,304 images. NOAA’s aerial imagery aids safe navigation and captures damage to coastal areas caused by a storm. Aerial imagery is a crucial tool used to determine the extent of the damage inflicted by flooding and to assess the damage to major ports and waterways, coastlines, critical infrastructure, and coastal communities. This imagery provides a cost-effective way to better understand the damage sustained to both property and the environment.
NGS Collaborates on Chesapeake Bay Sea Level Rise Study: The National Geodetic Survey (NGS) is collaborating on a study of land subsidence (the gradual sinking of the Earth’s surface) in the Chesapeake Bay. The Bay is the nation’s largest estuary and has a faster rate of sea level rise than anywhere else on the East Coast. As regional communities are dealing with nuisance flooding and the loss of coastal wetlands, it is important to understand which impacts on land elevation and water levels are due to global sea level rise and which may be caused by local, human activities (e.g. groundwater withdrawals). This study will span five years and collect precise measurements at 55 benchmark points every October. Results of the study will help inform resiliency plans and coastal management throughout the area.
Workshop Announcement - Ocean Heat and Freshwater Storage and Transports, 26 - 30 October 2020, Exeter, UK: The OOPC, CLIVAR, and the UK Met Office will be hosting a workshop on Ocean Heat and Freshwater Storage and Transports in Observations and Climate Models at the UK Met Office in Exeter, UK from 26-30 October 2020. Abstract submission is now open and details are available on the workshop website. Participation is limited to 70 participants and abstract submissions will close on 22 May.
Grants & Funding Opportunities:
NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research FY2021 Federal Funding Opportunity: The NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research has decided to extend the FY21 Federal Funding Opportunity pre-proposal deadline to July 8, 2020 to allow the broadest participation in the funding opportunity. The fall deadline for full submissions remains October 22, 2020. The full announcement for this opportunity may be found online at
RFP to Enhance Regional Ocean Data Sharing: SECOORA is soliciting proposals that focus on geospatial data required by states and regional organizations in addressing coastal and ocean management issues. The funding for this award was appropriated by Congress to enhance capacity for sharing and integration of data from Federal and non-Federal sources to support regional coastal, ocean, and Great Lakes management priorities. Proposals are due October 30, 2020 at 5 PM ET. Total funds available are $180,000. SECOORA intends to award between 1 and 5 proposals. Click here for more information and how to apply.
RFP to fill regional product and observational gaps: SECOORA is soliciting proposals focused on filling product and/or observational gaps defined in the Regional Coastal Ocean Observing System Strategic Operational Plan 2020 – 2025. This document presents the SECOORA priorities for contributing to our improved understanding, management, and stewardship of valuable coastal ocean resources. Proposals are due November 30, 2020 at 5 PM ET. Access the Operational Plan and find out more about the RFP here.
Delivering the Benefits:
NERACOOS soft-launches Mariners’ Dashboard: Last week NERACOOS soft-launched their new ocean conditions visualization interface, the Mariners’ Dashboard, which serves up data in a sleeker, more user-friendly format. Unlike the legacy buoy map, the Dashboard displays information in both graphical and table formats simultaneously. Longer-term forecasts and more detailed observations can all be accessed from the same screen, and the regional map and assets are always visible. To ensure the Mariners’ Dashboard met stakeholder needs, Tom Shyka, NERACOOS’s Products & Engagement Manager, met with users to understand their needs and collect feedback on their interactions with NERACOOS data products. After many interviews and a lot of software development by NERACOOS’ DMAC provider, the Gulf of Maine Research Institute, the Mariners’ Dashboard was released for public consumption. Users are invited to send feedback using the link in the dashboard footer.
CostaVisPR, a new tool to explore coastal landcover changes in Puerto Rico: CostaVisPR: Vista Aerea de la Transformacion Costera de Puerto Rico is a web-based tool for visualization of changes in coastal areas. This viewer integrates aerial photographs from 1930, 1950, 1994, 2010, 2017 and 2019 and allows exploration of changes in land cover, which can be related to natural and anthropogenic processes such as hurricanes, sea level rise, erosion, and changes in coastal urban development, among others. The CostaVisPR viewer was developed through a collaboration between the Interdisciplinary Center for Coastal Studies (CIEL), Sea Grant Program and the Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observation System (CARICOOS) of the University of Puerto Rico.
IOOS-OAR Great Lakes Collaboration Workshop convened virtually on October 6-7 to find new ways of collaborating and strengthening existing, in some cases, decades-old, synergies. Attendees from GLOS, IOOS Program Office, SeaGrant, NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab, the Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research, and beyond discussed successful collaborations in recent years, including the Harmful Algal Bloom Early Warning System Project, and drew up next steps. The group will work for the rest of the month to refine the “Multi-Year IOOS-OAR Collaboration Framework” document.
Maunalua Bay Water Quality Data Now Online: In collaboration with the State of Hawaii Department of Health Clean Water Branch, PacIOOS deployed three nearshore sensors in Maunalua Bay, Oʻahu, to measure physical water quality parameters. The autonomous sensors have been collecting data since August 2019, to better understand how water quality is changing over time and to determine whether state water quality standards are being met. Data from the Hawaiʻi Kai Boat Channel, Kawaikuʻi Beach Park, and off Waiʻalae Beach Park are now available on the PacIOOS website. The sensors collect temperature, salinity, depth, chlorophyll-a, and turbidity in 4-min intervals. These sensors will be deployed in Maunalua Bay until the end of 2020.
Great Lakes TechSurge: GLOS co-hosted the second Great Lakes TechSurge Lakebed 2030 conference Sept 20-Oct. 2 Presentations ranged from technical talks on innovations in using hyperspectral imagery to top-level strategies for mapping the entirety of the lakes in detail. Read more about Lakebed 2030 and see the full list of presentations here.
ACCESS: Marine Mammal and Seabird Surveys: Marine mammal and seabird observations from the Applied California Current Ecosystem Studies program are now available through the CeNCOOS Data Portal. ACCESS was formed in 2004 as a multidisciplinary collaborative between Point Blue Conservation Science, Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary and Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary. Read more and access the data here.
August CA HAB Bulletin now available: Please check out the August CA HAB Bulletin for the latest collection of model output, observations, and advisories. Major contributors to the bulletin content are SCCOOS, CeNCOOS, HABMAP, NOAA CoastWatch, California Department of Public Health, The Marine Mammal Center, Channel Islands Marine and Wildlife Institute, the Marine Mammal Care Center Los Angeles, CA Wildlife Center, Marine Animal Rescue, the Pacific Marine Mammal Center, and SeaWorld.
Did you know? GCOOS & Sea Surface Height data: Did you know that GCOOS has been compiling data and distributing sea surface heights from the Colorado Center for Astrodynamics Research (CCAR) since 2004? CCAR's Robert Leben produces gridded data maps. Sea surface heights (SSH) are affected by tidal forces, ocean circulation, and variations in the gravitational field. The daily variation from the mean sea surface height is the sea surface height anomaly (SSHa), which is observed by satellite altimeters, and what is distributed by GCOOS. The data are distributed in netCDF format and will also be made available via GCOOS ERDDAP Server. The latest data posted are the readings for January and February 2020. New data is posted as it becomes available.
- No update.
New Bering Sea outreach publication: AOOS, in collaboration with the University of Alaska Fairbanks' International Arctic Research Center (IARC), released a new outreach publication called “Bering Science 2020: summer science highlights.” The team worked with agency and university scientists from across the region to compile information on recent research results and observations during this past summer in the Bering Sea. The report highlights alternative ways agencies were able to gather information for 2020, such as the survey of walleye pollock conducted by Saildrones (pg. 3), and phytoplankton estimation from satellite images. The report also gives updates on other research that was conducted, including research on tracking lost crab pots, satellite tagging of crab and bottom trawl surveys for crab.
Water Shapes Our Planet and Our Lives: SECOORA is proud to announce the winner of their curriculum request for proposals; Katy Smith from the University of Georgia Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant. The project, Water Shapes Our Planet and Our Lives, will construct a comprehensive fourth grade, virtual-learning science unit on the water cycle, weather, climate and natural processes that shape the Earth’s coasts and communities. Read more here.
Commercial Fisherman Develops Models with High Frequency Radar Data to Find Fish: High Frequency radars (HF radars) are land-based systems that measure the speed and direction of ocean surface currents in near real-time. Commercial fisherman and self-proclaimed ‘computer geek’ Captain Dave Tilley sees HF radar data as a way to catch more fish. Tilley’s diverse skill set led him to incorporate HF radar data into his online fishing website Saltwater Central, a resource for sophisticated ocean modeling programs designed with fishermen in mind. Read more here!
Tiger Shark DNA Detected!: Every so often PacIOOS wave buoys separate from their mooring line, requiring immediate recovery efforts to secure the drifting buoy. Some locations experience mooring breaks more frequently than others. To better understand the cause of the drifting buoys, PacIOOS Marine Engineer Kimball Millikan began collecting evidence from the broken lines to identify patterns and potential sources, such as fishing line, knife cuts, and fish bites. With the support of PhD candidate Derek Kraft from the ToBo Lab at the Hawaiʻi Institute of Marine Biology, the separation point from a recent mooring break was DNA sequenced, revealing tiger shark DNA. Along with the associated chew marks, it is very likely that tiger shark bites have caused the separation from the mooring for this particular case, and potentially for other previous cases as well. PacIOOS will continue to assess material options and techniques to help with mooring longevity.
CARICOOS’ Boating App: the movie: CARICOOS has released a new video walking users through the features of their Boating App so you can get the information you need to navigate Puerto Rico and USVI waters.
GCOOS Fall Meeting, now on-demand: If you missed the updates from GCOOS members of the Gulf of Mexico's ocean observing community during their Fall Members Meeting in September, you can still catch up on what you missed!
IOOS Enterprise in the News:
Here’s how you can help scientists monitor the health of Hawaii corals (PacIOOS), Hawaii News Now, 10/2/2020
UH researchers create free coral health monitoring tool (PacIOOS), KHON 2, 10/2/2020
WHOI receives NOAA awards to study, predict harmful algal blooms (IOOS, SCCOOS, CeNCOOS), Newswise, 10/6/2020
Alaska Ocean Observing System | An IOOS Regional Data Portal (AOOS), U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit, 10/14/2020
Upcoming Meetings with IOOS Participation (Please check links as we move forward as things may change quickly for planned events):
ONGOING: Global OCEANS 2020! 5–30 October 2020 (Virtual): “Global OCEANS 2020: Singapore – U.S. Gulf Coast” is waiting for you. Singapore and Gulf Coast have come together to bring you more content than ever before with nearly an entire month of access! Virtual connection has never been easier, and at Global OCEANS 2020 you can connect with current experts and future thought leaders, cutting-edge technology providers, and patrons who are ready to partner with you to advance research and the overall industries of marine technology and engineering. For more information or registration click here.
Moderator/Panelist: Dr. Larry McKinney, Harte Research Institute
Dr. Barbara Kirkpatrick, Gulf Coast Ocean Observing System (GCOOS)
Dr. Kelly Lucas, University of Southern Mississippi
Carl Goldman, IOOS
The Gulf of Mexico – A Case Study in Resilience, viewable on demand: The Gulf of Mexico is a place where the environment and economy both coexist and contend. This is possible because the Gulf is also a resilient large marine ecosystem and a living case study of absorbing our demands and like a stretched rubber band, rebounding from that exploitation. The Gulf is home to a diverse cadre of marine species. From nearshore oyster beds to offshore billfish, the Gulf is teaming with life and many residents rely on this dynamic ecosystem for their livelihood. Additionally, land-based and offshore aquaculture is gaining interest in the region, addressing the growing need for sources of high-protein food. The Gulf is also plagued by recurring phenomena such as hypoxia and harmful algal blooms, challenging both ecosystem and coastal community health and productivity. This track focuses on these issues and explores the drivers and pressures that buffet the resilient and productive Gulf.
TMA BlueTech Week, 16–20 Nov, virtual: The overall theme this year is “AquaOptimism™, BlueTech & SDGs”. BlueTech Week’s focus is on innovation, collaboration, globalization and sustainability as it brings together academia, government, and industry. The event showcases innovative companies from around the world bringing Ocean and Water solutions to a variety of markets. Registration is now open.
Confirmed keynote speakers:
Monday: Craig McLean, Acting Chief Scientist, NOAA
Tuesday: Dr. James Green, Chief Scientist, NASA
Tuesday: Dr. Jim Delgado, SVP, SEARCH, Inc.
Wednesday: John Bell, Director, Healthy Planet, European Commission
Thursday: VADM Charles Ray, Vice Commandant, US Coast Guard
Friday: Dr. Rick Spinrad, Member, Ocean Studies Board
Hear IOOS moderators and speakers during several sessions at BlueTech Week
Carl Gouldman, Director IOOS
Dr. Clarissa Anderson, Executive Director, SCCOOS
Dr. Dina Eparkhina,
Senior Policy and Communications Officer, EuroGOOS
Dr. Inga Lips –Secretary
General, EuroGOOS
NERACOOS Annual Meeting, 19 November 2020, Virtual: Happy belated 10th birthday to NERACOOS! Join in and celebrate NERACOOS, reflecting on the past, discussing the present, and looking to the future. This year the NERACOOS Annual Meeting will be virtual so please save the afternoon of November 19th for the event. Information about meeting registration and attendance will be coming soon.
2020 AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 7-11, 2020, Virtual: The 2020 AGU Fall Meeting will take place Dec 7-11th. For the first time ever, the conference will be “mostly virtual” meaning much broader participation is possible than in past years. Please note that AGU’s abstract submission portal is now open and accepting submissions until Wednesday, July 29th, 2020 at 11:59 pm EDT. Helpful links: AGU Fall Meeting Website: Information about abstract submission:
The NASA Capacity Building Program is chairing two sessions focused on different aspects of capacity development of Earth observation users. As we strive to build the community of practice around skill building and capacity building of Earth observations users, we hope you will join us for these virtual sessions. Please consider submitting an abstract to one (or both!) of our sessions. AGU’s abstract submission portal is now open and accepting submission until Wednesday, July 29th, 2020 at 11:59pm EDT.
Session SY001: Addressing the Need for Earth-Observation Capacity Development at the Local, National, Regional, and Global Scales
SY004: Best Practices and Lessons Learned for Conducting Virtual Capacity Building Activities
GEO at AGU Fall Meeting: As part of the upcoming 2020 AGU Fall Meeting themed “Shaping the Future of Science,” the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) is supporting several key sessions and invites members from the AmeriGEO community to submit their abstracts to take part. Sessions focused on Earth observations (EO) and Capacity Development, COVID-19, the Sustainable Development Goals, and several being led by the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) may be of interest and we encourage you to explore the opportunities to support these sessions. Please see all the sessions and how to participate in the following link:
101st AMS Annual Meeting, 10–14 January 2021, New Orleans, LA: Planning is underway for an AMS EPIC session at the AMS Annual Meeting - panel discussion and then paper session hosted by EIPT, R2O, Python, AI, and HPC communities of AMS.
Session Title: The Earth Prediction Innovation Center – Enabling a community-based approach to advance Numerical Weather Prediction
Session Description: Congress has mandated that NOAA establish an Earth Prediction Innovation Center (EPIC) to accelerate community-developed scientific and technological advancements into the operational applications for Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP). The EPIC is responsible for enabling collaboration among scientists and engineers in areas important for improving operational weather prediction and for creating a community global weather research modeling system. Meeting the goals of EPIC will require the efforts of all segments of the weather enterprise. This session invites papers presenting progress to date in this initiative as well as papers presenting innovative technologies and capabilities with potential for adoption by EPIC to enable the collaborative community, establish the community modeling system, and advance operational NWP.
Dr. DaNa Carlis has agreed to be the EIPT participant in the panel discussion.
Abstract submissions for this session, and all AMS sessions are due 3 August. The meeting is in early January 2021. Originally scheduled to be in New Orleans, a decision on whether it will go virtual will be made soon.
The Environmental Information Processing Technologies Conference of the American Meteorological Society would like to announce that abstract submissions are now open for the 37EIPT at the AMS Annual Meeting. General information about the 101st Annual Meeting in New Orleans may be found at Specific information about the EIPT Conference can be found at
Oceanology International Americas, 15–17 February 2021, San Diego, CA: As part of the three-day conference program, OI Americas will run a series of technical tracks exploring the latest developments in ocean technology and its application in support of scientific research, safe and sustainable use of the ocean and ocean resources and the protection of the marine and coastal environment. The technical track program will cover all stages of ocean technology innovation; connecting technology push with application pull. Scientists, technologists and engineers engaged in the ocean technology innovation chain, and those concerned with application of technologies in support of scientific understanding of the ocean, the use of the ocean and ocean resources and protection of the marine and coastal environment are invited to submit abstracts to the Oi Americas 2021 conference program covering one or more of the following topics:
Sensors and Instruments
Vessels, Vehicles and Platforms
Data Communications
Data Management
Data Analysis and Interpretation
End-use Case Studies
Other Upcoming Meetings:
Call for Posters - Research Data Alliance 16th Plenary Meeting: The RDA will hold a virtual plenary, VP16, scheduled to take place from 9-13 November 2020. The Call for Posters has been extended to 25 October, so be sure to submit your application soon. More info:
Save The Date: Ocean Science Educators’ Retreat: The biennial Ocean Science Educators’ Retreat (OSER) will be held virtually on November 12-13, 2020. The topic for this year will focus on trends in (based on OSER survey data) and hindrances to women’s career endurance and progression in the academic ocean sciences. More information about the virtual meeting will be sent to COL members and invitees in the coming weeks.
WMO Data Conference, 16–18 November 2020, Virtual: The WMO Data Conference aims to develop a common understanding among entities from all sectors of society of the roles, requirements and arrangements for international exchange of observations and other data for monitoring and prediction of the Earth System environment, including weather, climate and water. The World Meteorological Organization and its predecessor, the International Meteorological Organization, have coordinated and regulated the free and unrestricted international exchange of observations and other meteorological data for the last 150 years. Building on this exchange, dramatic progress has been made in weather forecast and climate analysis capabilities over the last few decades. The Conference is expected to formulate recommendations to WMO and its partner organizations and stakeholders regarding current needs and modalities for data exchange and specifically regarding the ongoing WMO review of its data policies. Participants interested in contributing a paper should submit an abstract (max 250 words) to the by 23 August. For more information:
SAVE THE DATE! 2nd International Operational Satellite Oceanography Symposium, 25–27 May 2021, Darmstadt, Germany: The Executive Steering Committee of the 2nd International Operational Satellite Oceanography Symposium, co-chaired by EUMETSAT and NOAA, is pleased to announce the next Symposium will be held in Darmstadt, Germany May 25-27, 2021. The Committee will share more information, including the meeting website and the Programme Committee members in the coming months.
EMODnet 2nd Open Conference and Jamboree - New Dates Announced: 14–18 June 2021: The second EMODnet Open Conference and Jamboree will be held the week of 14 June 2021. During the event, EMODnet partners, communicators and data providers and users will take stock of EMODnet achievements over the past 10 years, connect across stakeholder communities and set goals for the future. To start the week, the EMODnet Open Conference will focus on use cases and requirements for developing essential open marine data services for blue economy actors, the public sector, civil society and the research community. More details will follow soon.
SERIES EMB launches new webinar series: The European Marine Board is launching a new webinar series, #ThirdThursdayScience, which will focus on the science underpinning the research and policy recommendations in EMB publications. The free webinars will take place on the third Thursday of each month, and will run for one hour between 13:00 - 14:00 CEST. Webinars will also be live-streamed on YouTube and will be made available to re-watch later on the EMB YouTube Channel. Upcoming webinars:
10/15: Position Paper 21 on submerged prehistoric landscapes: Prehistoric researches on the EU continental shelf, by crossing the boundary between archaeology and marine geology
11/19: Position Paper 25 on Marine Citizen Science
Atlantic International Research Centre Networking Fridays: The AIR Centre hosts a series of Webinars that take place every Friday, from 1pm to 2 pm UTC. During these Networking Fridays, researchers, technology innovators, representatives of multilateral organizations, government officials, and social entrepreneurs will present to and discuss with the audience their current work and, most importantly, explore ways of future collaboration. More info here:
October 16: Luiz Paulo Assad, LAMCE / COPPE-UFRJ, Brazil
October 23: Filomena Vaz Velho, INIPM, Angola
October 30: Thematic Special Session on African Marine & Coastal Operational Services: examples from around the continent
November 6: Zita Martins, IST, Portugal
SERIES TMA BlueTech Global Connect: The BlueTech Global Connect (BGC) webinar series is designed to connect exciting BlueTech companies from around the world with potential advisors, investors and partners globally. Join in each month to hear and virtually meet 3 great BlueTech companies from various countries.
10/16: Aquaculture/Biomarine
Water Quality Data for Everyone?, 23 November, 3pm CT: Mazarine Ventures and GLOS will partner on an open discussion event where GLOS CIO Tim Kearns will join in on this "repartee-style” event centered around imagining the impact of “a decentralized model for water quality testing, data, information and more.” For more information and to register, click here.
NOAA Environmental Data (NED) Talks: Mark your calendar for NOAA's Datafest in September & October with a series of NED talks, available online. Check them out, and don't miss out on the #Datapalooza twitter chats. Get all the details on the Datafest site!
Job & Internship Opportunities:
IT Architect and DevOps Engineer Positions Available: Over the next 10 months Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) cyberinfrastructure responsibilities will transition from Rutgers to Oregon State University, effective late summer 2021. As part of this project, OSU is looking to hire an IT Architect and a DevOps Engineer. Postings close 10/29/2020.
Click here to view the IOOS Association Calendar
Do you have suggestions for new things you would like to see in the Eyes on the Ocean IOOS Bi-Weekly? Contact us at: