The Eyes on the Ocean™ Bi-weekly is an informal way of keeping you up-to-date on US IOOS® activities.

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From the Director:

Dear IOOS Community,

In our last edition, we highlighted that the IOOS Office’s own Mathew Biddle received the Marine Technology Society Ocean News & Technology Young Professional Award for Advances in Development for his exceptional work of supporting the integration and management of marine life data for the US Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS). I wanted to take a moment to recognize two others from the IOOS community who were recognized by MTS in their 2021 Awards

I would like to congratulate Dr. Daniel Rudnick and Roy Watlington on their recognition by MTS. Dan is a current IOOS Advisory Committee Member and Director of the Instrument Development Group, Scripps Institute of Oceanography. He was awarded the MTS Compass Distinguished Achievement Award for outstanding contributions to physical oceanography, his many multidisciplinary collaborations, his dedication to ocean observing, and his astute understanding of stakeholder/community needs.

Roy Watlington is a current CARICOOS board member, CARICOOS co-founder, and former IOOS Advisory Committee member. He was awarded the MTS John P. Craven Mentor Award in recognition of his devotion the last forty years to teaching, researching, and observing the waters in and around the Caribbean.

Many congratulations to all the award winners! 


From the U.S. IOOS Office:

  • 2021 IOOS Fall Meeting: Yesterday we wrapped up the 2021 IOOS Fall Meeting. The meeting brought together the IOOS Association, all 11 IOOS Regions, the IOOS Office, and NOAA Leadership to discuss various topics and brainstorm opportunities for collaboration in areas such as Marine Life, Information for a Rapidly Changing Coast, the Blue Economy, and for UN Decade activities. NOAA Administrator Dr. Rick Spinrad and National Ocean Service Assistant Administrator Nicole LeBoeuf also joined the meeting to talk about their priorities over the next couple of years and how the IOOS regions can help to support that work. Overall, the meeting was very productive generating excellent discussion and ideas for aligning our work. We hope to be able to meet in person with everyone in the Spring! 
  • Funding Opportunity! FY2022 US Marine Life Observations: Coordinated Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) and Animal Telemetry Network (ATN) Activities to Ensure Resilient, Productive Ecosystems and Human Communities in the Face of Change: On behalf of the National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP), NOAA and partner agencies, including the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), and the Office of Naval Research request proposals that: (1) build upon the foundation established by the US Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON), the US Animal Telemetry Network (ATN), and the US IOOS Regional Associations to work across sectors and disciplines towards an integrated, sustained marine life observing capability for the U.S. ocean, coasts and Great Lakes, from estuaries to the deep ocean; (2) advance technologies for efficient and/or automated collection of species and associated habitat observations; (3) enable open access to biodiversity data and information; and (4) utilize these observations, technologies, and data to address place-based (e.g., sanctuaries, reserves, protected areas, leasing blocks, etc) management, conservation and restoration needs. For more information and to apply: The deadline for applications is December 17, 2021.

Observation Subsystem and Sensor Technologies:

  • Surface Current Mapping: (IOOS Surface Currents Program Manager, Brian Zelenke, 
    • CODAR Ocean Sensors Awarded NOWRDC Grant: CODAR Ocean Sensors is pleased to announce it has been awarded a National Offshore Wind Research and Development Consortium (NOWRDC) Innovation in Offshore Wind grant titled “Oceanographic HF Radar Data Preservation in Wind Turbine Interference Mitigation.”  Led by CODAR’s Dale Trockel and Chad Whelan, the focus of this project will be twofold:
      • to use empirical machine learning methods, aided by the physics of wind turbine interference (WTI), to estimate WTI signals to a high degree of accuracy such that they can be separated and removed from the oceanographic echoes; and
      • to use multiple high-frequency radar (HFR) stations operating in multi-static mode to fill in gaps caused by WTI interference and WTI mitigation methods.

With offshore wind projects in various stages of planning and construction in many coastal areas, these methods have the potential to benefit the stakeholders nationwide of the IOOS-funded HFR National Network, which all would be adversely impacted by loss of HFR data from WTI.  CODAR, a member of CeNCOOS, will be partnering with SECOORA member the East Carolina University - Coastal Studies Institute (Mike Muglia) and MARACOOS members Rutgers University (Hugh Roarty) and Old Dominion University (Teresa Updyke) to investigate these methods using the radar echoes from turbines in the Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind (CVOW) project.  For more information, please contact Chad Whelan (  To learn more about NOWRDC, please visit their website:

  • Gliders (IOOS POC Kathleen Bailey,; Underwater Glider User Group (UG2) POC Bill Lingsch,; Click here to join UG2:
    • Op-Ed from GCOOS: Gliders: Crucial Ocean Infrastructure for the 21st Century and Beyond: This article discusses the value of ocean infrastructure in the Gulf of Mexico. Read it here:   
    • UG2 Updates:
      • US UG2 2022 Glider Workshop: We are finalizing member selection for the workshop committee and are currently drafting the goals and deliverables. Our current intent is to lean toward an in-person event in early Fall 2022 on the west coast (preferably San Diego) since the last two were on the Gulf and East Coast.  
      • UG2 Glider Related Job Postings: 

Marine Life:

  • Animal Telemetry Network (ATN) (National Coordinator Bill Woodward,
    • AniBOS endorsed for UN Decade: “Animal-Borne Ocean Sensors: A decadal vision through new eyes" has been formally endorsed as a project of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030. The Project  will be attached to the endorsed Decade Programme: UN1 -  Ocean Observing CoDesign - Evolving ocean observing for a sustainable future.
    • NERACOOS ATN-MBON-OTN Workshop Report Now Available: The NERACOOS ATN-MBON-OTN U.S. Northeast Atlantic Biological Observations Workshop Summary Report is available at   under the Documents Tab. 
  • Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) (IOOS PO POC Gabrielle Canonico,
    • New Paper Published in Oceanography: Esri colleagues have published a new open access paper in the journal Oceanography titled: "A Global Ecological Classification of Coastal Segment Units to Complement Marine Biodiversity Observation Network Assessments". Every 1 kilometer stretch of coastline on Earth can be queried for 11 variables: chlorophyll a concentration, tidal range, wave height, turbidity, marine physical environment (a composite measure of sea surface temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen.). These variables characterize the waterside, landside, and coastline properties. This resource is brought to you by Esri, the USGS, and a team of international experts.
    • Funding Opportunity! FY2022 US Marine Life Observations: Coordinated Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) and Animal Telemetry Network (ATN) Activities to Ensure Resilient, Productive Ecosystems and Human Communities in the Face of Change: See the “Grants and Funding Opportunities” section below for more details. For more information and to apply: The deadline for applications is December 17, 2021.

Data Management and Cyberinfrastructure (DMAC) Subsystem and Tools Built on IOOS data (DMAC System Architect Micah Wengren and IOOS Data Management leads:, or the 'ioos_tech' listserve:

    • Manual for Real-Time Quality Control of High Frequency Radar Surface Current Data Update: We’ve started to work on updating the QARTOD Manual for Real-Time Quality Control of High Frequency Radar Surface Current Data, which was first issued in 2016. We plan to incorporate the QC work that’s already been accomplished by several members of this community, add relevant definitions, verify & update web links, and include things that emerge during the community review. We hope to complete the update by March 2022, so there’s plenty of time to get involved.
    • Ocean Best Practice System Update: The OBPS Steering Group will hold their annual meeting, virtually and in person at the IODE offices in Oostende, Belgium during 7-9 December 2021. While feedback to OBPS is welcomed at any time, now is a particularly good time to contact any SG member – find them in the OceanExpert listing at

Modeling and Analysis Subsystem (IOOS PO and IOOS Coastal and Ocean Modeling Testbed (COMT) POC – Tracy Fanara,   

  • Save the Date - Community Modeling Workshop - October 19-21, 2021: The Community Modeling Workshop has been scheduled for October 19-21, 2021. The tentative Workshop themes and outcomes are listed below, subject to updates from the Steering Committee:
    • Workshop Themes:
      • Enhancing communication and coordination between NOAA and external partners
      • Understanding NOAA’s priorities for collaborative coastal and ocean model development
      • Enhancing processes and paths for transitioning Research-to-Operations- to-Research (R2O2R)
      • Enhance communication and collaboration between Federal and non-federal modeling communities. 
    • Workshop Outcomes:
      • Identify recommendations that will increase the efficiency of transitioning modeling systems from research to operations. 
      • Ensure the concerns, needs, and aspirations in building a community of practice across government and non-government entities are understood. 
      • Understand the community models NOS will develop for the UFS next generation ocean and coastal components. 

Interagency and International Collaboration/News:

  • UN Decade of Ocean Science For Sustainable Development Updates: 
    • Discover Newly Endorsed Decade Actions: The Ocean Decade has endorsed ninety-four new Decade Actions across all ocean basins, building global momentum for ocean knowledge-based solutions ahead of major upcoming global summits on climate and biodiversity. The community of Ocean Decade Actions is growing rapidly and creating a global web of positive and collective efforts to create the Ocean We Want. Creating a truly global array of Argo floats extending pole-to-pole and to the full depth of the ocean; revolutionizing real-time warning systems for earthquakes and tsunamis through environmental sensors integrated into submarine telecommunications cable; redesigning and implementing public policies to adapt coastal cities exposed to sea level rise: These are just glimpses from the mass of collective ocean action embodied in the Decade Actions. Read more here:

    • The Ocean Decade Data Coordination Platform: Call For Expression Of Interest - Due 29 October 2021: Data and information will be key enablers of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. Digitizing, preserving, managing, exchanging and, most importantly, using a significantly increased volume and range of ocean-related data, information and knowledge will be cornerstones of the success of the Decade. The ambition of the Decade in relation to data, information and knowledge management includes significant enhancement of infrastructure, common approaches that enable interoperable data sharing and stewardship, and enhanced collaboration between data providers and users. Implementing a “digital ocean ecosystem” to support the Decade will be a dynamic and continuous process, incorporating established approaches and technologies as well as those that are only just emerging. The Ocean Decade Data Coordination Platform is the group that will be tasked with achieving these ambitions. Nominations for membership in the Ocean Decade Data Coordination Group will close on Friday, October 29th at 11:00 PM Universal Time. To submit your Expression of Interest, please see this form:

    • Save the Date! A Clean Ocean Predicted Laboratory - Nov 17-19, 2021: The next UN Ocean Decade Laboratory will be held November 17-19, 2021. This laboratory is focused on the Decade goal of a clean ocean. Stakeholders will collaborate to identify pollutants and their sources to the ocean by 2025, remove contaminants from the ocean by 2030 and support society’s transition to a pollutant-minimizing circular economy. Learn more here: 

    • Join the Ocean Decade Kick-off in the Western Pacific! 25-26 November 2021: You are cordially invited to join the UN Ocean Decade Kickoff Conference for the Western Pacific and its Adjacent Areas! The Conference will mark the launch of the UN Ocean Decade in the Western Pacific and its adjacent areas, and represent the beginning of the region-wide efforts in a substantive development and implementation of Decade Actions. It aims to catalyze partnerships among various ocean stakeholder communities in the region, and initiate co-design of transformative ocean science solutions to the Ocean Decade Challenges in order to achieve the Ocean Decade Outcomes. Learn more here: 

  • Tenth GOOS Regional Alliance Forum and the Benefits of Ocean Observations Catalog (BOOC): The Tenth GOOS Regional Alliance (GRAs) Forum (GRA-X Forum Part 1) was held online between 9-10 September 2021, to discuss and share important achievements in the last two years, among those a critical new emerging initiative on "Benefits of Ocean Observations Catalog” (BOOC). During the GRA-X Forum, Mr. Carl Gouldman and Dr. Ralph Rayner from the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) delivered a special presentation on what is BOOC, and how to develop and contribute to BOOC. The current chair of GRA Council Dr. R. Venkatesan, the GOOS Director, Dr. Albert Fischer and GOOS Office Programme Specialist Dr. Denis Chang Seng welcomed this new initiative and encouraged GRAs to collectively and actively engage and contribute to the development of BOOC. GRAs learned how BOOC will benefit different users and communities as it intends to capture everything we know throughout the value chain (from observation, data management, modelling to services). Importantly, the Catalogue can be used to make a strong case to donors, partners and decision-makers. Read more about the meeting and this initiative here
  • Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) News:
  • Example of Integrated Ocean Observing System - eMOLT Update: The potential of sharing ocean observations to determine ocean conditions in real-time was highlighted in last week’s update of the Environmental Monitors on Lobster Traps and Large Trawlers (eMOLT) project.  EMOLT is a non-profit collaboration of industry, science, and academics focusing on monitoring the physical environment of the Gulf of Maine and Southern New England shelf. The eMOLT program provided an update where observers at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) were watching oceanographic activity at the Southern New England shelf edge as a warm core ring impinged on an area south of Nantucket. A drifter (deployed off F/V Lady Rebecca) had drifted near the Great South Channel and seemed confused on which way to go. After traveling along a fairly normal track, it had been affected by “eddies off eddies, off eddies.”  Earlier last week, a sensor-laden Central Falls, RI, High School miniboat, deployed by the University of Rhode Island’s R/V Endeavor, was entrained in the outer fringes of the actual Gulf Stream ring.The NOAA team used Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) moorings, which are just downstream of this area, to explore multiple variables throughout the water column to get a better idea of ocean conditions that aligned with the drifter’s movements. Read more here: 
  • Captain Benjamin Evans selected as next Coast Survey Director: We are pleased to announce that Capt. Benjamin Evans has been selected to serve as the next Director of the Office of Coast Survey. In this capacity, Capt. Evans will lead NOAA’s ocean mapping and nautical charting program, continuing the transformation of the agency’s navigation services to meet the needs of twenty first century mariners and apply Coast Survey’s technical expertise to meet a broad range of requirements for authoritative ocean mapping data. The Director of the Office of Coast Survey also represents NOAA and the United States as the “National Hydrographer” on interagency and international engagements. Capt. Evans is an experienced hydrographer with over twenty-one years of service in the NOAA Commissioned Corps, most of which has been in the NOAA mapping and charting community afloat and ashore. He has served in a wide range of leadership, technical, and policy roles, including command of NOAA Ships Ferdinand R. Hassler and Rainier, management positions in Coast Survey and the Office of Marine and Aviation Operations, and experience on the staff of the NOAA Administrator. Read more here: 
  • OCS Gives Great Lakes Mapping Update at Lakebed 2030: OCS provided an update at the Lakebed 2030 conference, discussing modernization of charting infrastructure, the National Bathymetric Source project, and use of uncrewed systems. The update also highlighted lakebed mapping progress and planned Great Lakes survey projects for 2022. The Great Lakes have been identified as an area with significant mapping gaps in the National Ocean Mapping, Exploration, and Characterization strategy. While many maps show the shape and depth of the lake floor, they were mostly created using decades-old data. Several additional NOS program offices gave technical presentations, including the Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, and Office for Coastal Management (OCM). The conference was hosted by NOAA’s Integrated Ocean and Coastal Mapping team and OCM, along with the Great Lakes Observing System, Northwestern Michigan College, the Hydrographic Society of America, and private sector sponsors.
  • CO-OPS Delivers New Current Buoys to OR&R: The Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS) delivered two new real-time current buoy (CURBY) systems to the Gulf of Mexico region to support the Office of Response and Restoration’s Disaster Response Center (DRC). One system now resides at the DRC in Mobile, Alabama, and another at CO-OPS’s field office in Gulf Breeze, Florida. The CURBY system was initially designed and developed by CO-OPS in Chesapeake, Virginia, to support tidal current surveys. DRC supported the development of the two new Gulf of Mexico systems, identifying the systems as rapidly deployable, near-surface resources that will help improve emergency operations. By providing real-time oceanographic and meteorological data, the buoys will enable DRC incident responders to more accurately predict the trajectory of spilled pollutants and support marine salvage operations. CO-OPS will use the buoys as a survey tool to validate numerical models, inform circulation studies, and assess tidal currents in areas of significant bathymetric change.
  • Fort Pulaski NWLON Station Receives Important Update: CO-OPS has installed a microwave water level sensor and a continuous Global Navigation Satellite System (cGNSS) at its Fort Pulaski, Georgia, National Water Level Observation Network (NWLON) station. As part of the effort, CO-OPS refurbished the station’s gauge house and supporting infrastructure. The Fort Pulaski station is one of 26 NWLON stations in the Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS), which operates 290 tide gauges across 90 countries. The Fort Pulaski upgrade is part of NOAA’s larger goal to update all U.S.-based GLOSS tide gauges with cGNSS sensors. These new sensors detect vertical movements in nearby land, providing critical understanding of regional sea level changes. The information is valuable to local decision-makers and the global community affected by sea level change. Researchers from around the world use GLOSS data to study the effects of regional and global sea level.
  • NGS Presents at Civil GPS Committee Meeting: NGS Director Juliana Blackwell gave the keynote speech at the plenary session of the U.S. Coast Guard Civil GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC). The CGSIC is a forum for interaction between civil GPS users and U.S. GPS authorities. Blackwell spoke on the past, present, and future of GPS, with a focus on GPS and Global Navigation Satellite System infrastructure. NGS’s Continuously Operating Reference Stations branch chief chaired the CGSIC subcommittee on surveying, mapping, and geosciences. Geodetic community leaders at the subcommittee meeting gave presentations for the public on GPS positioning activities.
  • Story Map Highlights Kachemak Bay Ecosystem Assessment: A new Story Map from the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) showcases products and tools for ecosystem assessment of Kachemak Bay, Alaska. The data, maps, videos, and condition reports provided will help coastal managers in the region track ecosystem changes over the past two decades, particularly regarding shellfish, marine mammals, ocean acidification, and harmful algal blooms. The products featured in the Story Map are the culmination of a four-year collaboration between NOAA and more than 20 federal, state, tribal, and academic partners to assess the ecological state of the bay. Products from the IOOS Alaska Region - Alaska Ocean Observing System (AOOS) - are featured also including the AOOS Data Portal, the Cook Inlet Response Tool, the Alaska Mariculture Map, the Alaska Harmful Algal Bloom Network, and the Alaska Ocean Acidification Network. Story Maps use Geographic Information System software to combine geospatial data with photos, video, audio, and text to visualize and explore a theme.
  • Grants & Funding Opportunities:
    • RFP: NC Sea Grant: Coastal Resilience Team Competition: North Carolina Sea Grant has launched the inaugural Coastal Resilience Team Competition. The program will provide up to $20,000 for student teams to conduct two-year projects that will lead to more resilient habitats and communities on the North Carolina coastal plain. Each team will include two to four members, including at least one graduate student, who will serve as the project lead, and at least one undergraduate, who will assist. The deadline to apply is 5 p.m. on October 29, 2021. For more information, access the full Request for Proposals

    • Matching Fund Opportunity for Ocean and Coastal Mapping and Request for Partnership Proposals: This notice establishes selection criteria and requirements for the NOAA Rear Admiral Richard T. Brennan Ocean Mapping Matching Fund program, to be known as the Brennan Matching Fund. The purpose of this notice is to encourage non-Federal entities to partner with the NOAA National Ocean Service ocean and coastal mapping programs on jointly funded ocean and coastal surveys and related activities of mutual interest. NOAA would receive and match partner funds and rely on its existing contract arrangements to conduct the surveying and mapping activities in FY 2023. Proposals must be received via email by 5 p.m. ET on October 29, 2021. Applicants must submit via email any accompanying geographic information system (GIS) files, which are due no later than November 5, 2021. Read the full Notice of Funding Opportunity here.

    • FY2022-2023 Margaret A. Davidson Fellowship Request for Proposals: NOAA’s Office for Coastal Management is pleased to announce the release of the FY 2022 - 2023 Margaret A. Davidson Graduate Fellowship request for proposals. This program offers graduate students admitted to or enrolled in a Master’s or Ph.D. program the opportunity to conduct estuarine research within a National Estuarine Research Reserve. The Davidson fellowship supports research projects that help scientists and communities understand the coastal challenges that will likely influence future policy and management strategies, and offers professional development opportunities geared to build the next generation of coastal professionals. NOAA is committed to reaching applicants from minority serving institutions, and to partnering with these universities for collaborative science initiatives and fellowship opportunities within the research reserves. NOAA will award one fellowship at each of the 29 reserves in the national system. Each two-year project will employ the tenets of collaborative research, including engaging end-users, incorporating multi-disciplinary perspectives, and ensuring outcomes are applicable to local coastal resource management needs and decision-making. The fellowship honors the legacy of Margaret A. Davidson, a true visionary and pioneer in the field of coastal resource management. Applications are due December 10th, 2021. A link to the request for proposals can be found here. Additional information about the program can be found on our website.

    • FY2022 US Marine Life Observations: Coordinated Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) and Animal Telemetry Network (ATN) Activities to Ensure Resilient, Productive Ecosystems and Human Communities in the Face of Change: On behalf of the National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP), NOAA and partner agencies, including the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), and the Office of Naval Research request proposals that: (1) build upon the foundation established by the US Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON), the US Animal Telemetry Network (ATN), and the US IOOS Regional Associations to work across sectors and disciplines towards an integrated, sustained marine life observing capability for the U.S. ocean, coasts and Great Lakes, from estuaries to the deep ocean; (2) advance technologies for efficient and/or automated collection of species and associated habitat observations; (3) enable open access to biodiversity data and information; and (4) utilize these observations, technologies, and data to address place-based (e.g., sanctuaries, reserves, protected areas, leasing blocks, etc) management, conservation and restoration needs. For more information and to apply: The deadline for applications is December 17, 2021.

    • Understanding multi-stressor impacts on marine ecosystems under climate change: NOAA/NOS/National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS)/Competitive Research Program (CRP), the NOAA Climate Program Office (CPO), and the NOAA Ocean Acidification Program (OAP), in partnership with the NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (ONMS) and the NOAA Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS), are soliciting proposals to understand the combined impacts of multiple stressors on the function and health of marine ecosystems within the context of climate change. This information will be used to improve place-based management of marine protected areas and enable the proactive protection of these critical ecosystems under future climate scenarios. Applications are due January 18, 2022.  Click here for full details and how to apply

    • Integrated Research on Coastal and Ocean Acidification and Harmful Algal Blooms: and the NOAA Ocean Acidification Program (OAP) are soliciting proposals for research that must address the interaction between coastal and ocean acidification and harmful algal blooms. Funding is contingent upon the availability of Fiscal Year 2022 Federal appropriations. It is anticipated that up to approximately $1,500,000 may be available in Fiscal Year 2022 for the first year for all projects combined. If funds become available for this program, 3-5 targeted projects are expected to be funded at the level of $300,00 to $500,000 per year per proposal (including ship time). Projects are expected not to exceed 3 years in duration. NCCOS/CRP will not accept any proposals submitted with an annual budget that is greater than $500,000 for any year. It is anticipated that projects funded under this announcement will have a September 1, 2022 start date.  Applications close January 19, 2022.  View the funding opportunity here. 

Delivering the Benefits:

  • Water Quality Monitoring at Ke‘ehi Lagoon, O‘ahu: In collaboration with the State of Hawaiʻi Department of Health Clean Water Branch (CWB), PacIOOS deployed three nearshore sensors at Keʻehi Lagoon, Oʻahu. The CWB will use the data to assess water quality in the lagoon to determine whether state water quality standards are being met and to monitor how the water quality is changing over time. Due to the triangle shape of the boat canal and multiple islands within the lagoon, water circulation is limited, in particular in the vicinity of the stream mouths. Three autonomous water quality sensors have been installed near the stream mouths to help characterize the lagoon environment. For a duration of one year, the sensors will measure temperature, salinity, depth, chlorophyll-a, and turbidity in 6-min intervals. Data will be made available on the PacIOOS website.
  • American Samoa Wave Buoy Swap: The Marine Team of the National Park Service of American Samoaswapped the PacIOOS wave buoy off Aunu'u, American Samoa, with a new one to ensure continuous data collection and streaming. PacIOOS would like to thank NPSA for the ongoing support and assistance to keep the buoy operational. The Aunu'u wave buoy provides real-time information on wave height, direction, and period, as well as sea surface temperature. Data streaming for the PacIOOS wave buoys is made possible through long-term partnerships with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Coastal Data Information Program.
  • New observing assets arrive at UAF: Two new assets are now in Fairbanks being tested and readied for deployment this coming winter and spring. A new Remote Power Module lite will be used to support High Frequency Radars in the Bering Strait and can be easily deployed with just 2 helicopter sling loads or towed behind a snowmachine. It weighs half as much as the older RPM. The new EAFM (Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management) glider has a state-of-the-art echosounder that will be used in February during the International Year of the Salmon field project.
  • Winter Ćháʔba back in the water in PNW: Combining education and observing efforts, the University of Washington’s R/V Thomas G Thompson was again instrumental in recovering the Ćháʔba, NEMO, and ESP moorings and to deploy a scaled-down Ćháʔba for winter, while taking students from Ocean 492, an undergraduate research apprenticeship out of Friday Harbor Laboratories. The crew faced high winds and rough seas, but got the job done. Winter Ćháʔba does not broadcast data in near real-time like its summer counterpart, but the valuable data will be available soon after recovery in spring. Winter Ćháʔba collects ocean temperature, salinity, chlorophyll, CO2, oxygen, pH, and turbidity at different depths, as well as meteorological variables. The apprentices learned CTD, water sampling, and plankton net tow techniques.
  • CARICOOS launches CostaVis USVI: The Caribbean Regional Ocean Partnership is pleased to announce the launch of CostaVis USVI, the first online tool to visualize landscape transformation in the US Virgin Islands using aerial photographs from 1971 to 2019. Administrators and personnel of federal and state government, coastal communities, educators, researchers, Non-Governmental Organizations and other sectors will be able to understand changes resulting from anthropogenic activities and natural phenomena impacting these Caribbean islands. Read more here. 
  • Newly Released Common Strategy for Smart Great Lakes sets goals for technology collaboration: Today, the Smart Great Lakes Initiative (SGLi) released their landmark document, “Common Strategy for Smart Great Lakes.” The document charts a course for how the initiative will advance technology applications that improve our understanding of our relationship with the Great Lakes, the largest freshwater system in the world, as both the United States and Canada prepare to recognize and celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA). Read more and access the document here. 
  • New papers & reports:


  • No update.


  • New Carbon Policy Podcast: The Alaska Ocean Acidification Network launched a new podcast called "The Future Ocean: what can carbon policy do for the ocean and our fisheries?" This six- part series features local marine scientists, economists, and leaders in Alaska’s clean energy transition as they introduce ocean acidification and discuss different carbon policy options, how they work, what the terms mean, and what action is currently happening regionally and nationally. This podcast was developed in response to interest from the Alaska fishing industry in becoming more informed on carbon policy and what it can do for the ocean they depend on. The podcast aims to engage more Alaskans in conversation about the changes happening in the marine ecosystem, and potential solutions that are on the table in Congress. Visit: or listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.
  • St. Petersburg Science Festival: GCOOS and SECOORA will once again be partnering on a joint IOOS exhibit for the St. Petersburg Science Festival. The session, Decoding Maritime Signals, will be live-broadcast on Friday, Oct 15th at noon ET. This year marks the 11th anniversary of both the festival and GCOOS and SECOORA’s joint participation since the inaugural year in 2011! Last year, more than 3200 students and educators joined our virtual presentation (virtual due to Covid).
  • Smarter Great Lakes: Dozens of Spotter Buoys Deployed Across the Region: Every spring as the ice melts, from Duluth, Minnesota on Lake Superior to Kingston, Ontario on Lake Ontario, technical personnel from many regional Great Lakes organizations take to the water to deploy a fleet of buoys and other monitoring platforms that are critical to understanding the lakes’ water and meteorological conditions. Read more here. 
  • Students Share Ocean Data: Two students digging into ocean data through the Navarre Beach Marine Science Station received recognition on Tuesday, Oct. 12, 2021, for their commitment to helping others learn about ocean science. Juniors Cassie Stanish and Sailor Reynolds are Santa Rosa County School District students who have been developing lesson plans for other students based on real-life ocean data collected and, more recently, have joined the Red Tide Respiratory Forecast Volunteer Team to help bring the Forecast to the Panhandle. Read more here. 
  • NANOOS participates in “A Predicted Ocean” Laboratory: While on a research cruise for the Washington Ocean Acidification Center, NANOOS co-led and participated in an exciting interactive event focused on how to engage end-users in ocean observing programs associated with the U.N. Ocean Decade. The event confirmed that the successful IOOS regional model for end-user engagement is applicable worldwide. The full session is available online or you can watch Nick Rome give a summary interview in the wrap-up. As GOA-ON co-chair, Jan Newton also participated in a session engaging discussion to increase capacity in OA monitoring and research efforts through Ocean Acidification Research for Sustainability.  And finally, Derrick Snowden (IOOS Program Office) and Melissa Iwamoto (PacIOOS) participated in the core event putting IOOS squarely at the center of the Ocean Decade

Upcoming Meetings with IOOS Participation (Please check links as we move forward as things may change quickly for planned events):

  • Fall GCOOS Meeting, 26 October 2021, virtual: GCOOS will hold its fall meeting virtually this year, so please mark your calendar now and plan to join us to meet Dr. Jorge Brenner, our new Executive Director, hear about updates in the Gulf ocean observing community and more. Members and non-members are welcome to attend! Full agenda to be determined — we’ll send out a special meeting notice soon. Registration is now open.
  • Ocean Acidification Monitoring, Action Planning, & Implementation in the Mid-Atlantic, 26 October 2021, virtual: Join MARACOOS for a half day workshop to discuss:
    • Current state of OA monitoring and mapping
    • Research and priorities that support state-led OA action planning
    • Lessons learned building a regional monitoring inventory to inform state decision making

This workshop is sponsored by MACAN (a partnership between MARACOOS & MARCO) and the OA Alliance. For more information or with questions contact info@MidACAN.orgRegistration is now open.

  • Southeast Ocean & Coastal Acidification Network, 1 December 2021, virtual: Join SOCAN for the free SOCAN 2021 Virtual Meeting! The meeting topics will include: 
    • Reviewing the state-of-the-science.
    • Understanding of current and future levels of acidification.
    • Examining the adaptive capacity of organisms and ecosystems.
    • Evaluating how acidification of our coastal waters impacts communities. 
    • Exploring social vulnerabilities in the Southeast US.

The tentative meeting schedule will include a morning session from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm ET.  The afternoon session will include various breakout sessions from 1:00 - 5:00 pm ET. Registration is now open.

  • SECOORA Annual Meeting, 2 - 3 December 2021, St. Petersburg, FL & virtual: Join SECOORA for an in-person meeting on December 2-3, 2021 hosted in St. Petersburg, FL. The meeting will focus on Harmful Algal Blooms, DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), and new SECOORA observing projects. The deadline to register is November 15, 2021.  Click here for more information and to register for the free meeting
  • AMS Annual Meeting, 23-27 January 2022, Houston Texas: Abstract submission for the 102nd American Meteorological Society’s Annual Meeting, 23–27 January 2022, Houston, Texas is open. Submissions close 1 September 2021. See Contact Tiffany Vance for more details.  
    • Cloud Computing for Big Data in Atmosphere, Ocean, and Climate (Joint with 21st Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Environmental Science, 12th Symposium on Advances in Modeling and Analysis Using Python, and  the Eighth Symposium on High Performance Computing for Weather, Water, and Climate)
    • Developing Cloud-based Tools for Data Analysis and Archiving  (Joint with 21st Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Environmental Science, 12th Symposium on Advances in Modeling and Analysis Using Python, and  the Eighth Symposium on High Performance Computing for Weather, Water, and Climate) 
    • FAIR and Open Data and Software within the Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences to Support  Replicable Research and Reusable Tools for Climate Analysis  (Joint with 25th Conference of  Atmospheric Librarians International and the 12th Symposium on Advances in Modeling and Analysis Using Python)
    • Meeting Data Stewardships Needs for Heterogeneous Earth and Atmospheric Science Data via the Exploitation of Emerging Technologies   (Joint with 25th Conference of Atmospheric Librarians International and the 21st Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Environmental Science).
    • Sessions in the 38th Environmental Information Processing Systems (EIPT) Conference that might be of particular interest include:
  • Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022, Feb 27 - March 4, Honolulu, HI: This year’s theme emphasizes the importance of working together. “Come Together and Connect,” focuses on strengthening the ocean sciences community through discussing both basic and applied research while making scientific and social connections. 
  • Session Title: ME13 Marine Life 2030: Advancing Earth Observations and the Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) to Measure and Interpret Marine Biodiversity for Global Sustainability
    • Tiffany Vance and Tim Kearns [GLOS] are co-organizers for a session at the 2022 Ocean Sciences meeting entitled “IoT and Distributed Sensing in Ocean Science and Research” under the Ocean Technologies and Observatories topic.  
    • Tiffany Vance is a co-organizer of a session at the 2022 Ocean Sciences meeting entitled “Democratizing Data: Environmental Data Access and its Future” in the  Education & Outreach topic.
  • GlobalHAB Workshop: Modeling and Prediction of Harmful Algal Blooms, 9 - 13 May 2022, Glasgow, UK:This 4-day workshop will combine oral and poster presentations, round-table discussions, and tutorials in order to 1) increase awareness of the range of modelling and observational tools that are in our community toolbox (or should be); 2) help the HAB community speak with one voice regarding climate-change impacts on the global ocean; and 3) help scientists and technologists develop creative approaches to meeting the needs of coastal communities, governments, and industry worldwide. Sessions will include
    • Regional problem-solving: linking models, observations, and stakeholder needs
    • Emerging approaches and technologies: physical and ecological model methods and observational capacities that open up new directions in HAB prediction
    • Global patterns and global change: links between HABs and environmental drivers at large spatial scales and on long time horizons
    • Scalable solutions: applications of global models, remote sensing, and other communal resources to predicting HABs and managing their impacts in data- and resource-poor systems

A priority for this workshop is inclusivity and balance in terms of national origin and career stage. We are able to waive registration fees and cover travel costs for a number of participants in support of this goal. Since the workshop is focused on discussion and small-group, informal interaction, it will not be possible to join it remotely, but we hope to make a number of presentations and other resources freely available online afterwards.  Abstract submission is open now through November 14.  A companion webinar series is running monthly during the second half of 2021, please click here for information and free registration

  • RESCHEDULED! MTS 14th Buoy Workshop, September 19-22, 2022, Wilmington, NC: The MTS 14th Buoy Workshop has been rescheduled for October 25 – 27, 2021 and will be held in Wilmington, North Carolina.  This year’s theme is Moored Systems for the Future. Areas and topics will include, but are not limited to: Ecosystems Monitoring, Long-Term Observing Systems, Reliability & Harsh Environments, Power Systems, Data, Sensors & Instrumentation, Mooring Design and Synergy.  Registration opens and the call for speakers begins April 15, 2021, and abstracts are due September 1, 2021. Please see the Buoy Workshop homepage for more information.


Other Upcoming Meetings:

  • 2021 Living Shorelines Workshop, 19 - 20 October 2021, Cape May, NJ & virtual: Join Restore America's Estuaries, American Littoral Society, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and the Chesapeake Bay and New Jersey field offices of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service for the fifth Living Shorelines and Nature - Based Methods Tech Transfer Workshop. We will gather at the Grand Hotel in beautiful Cape May, New Jersey, to talk all things living shorelines. We anticipate field trips to local restoration projects, talks by local and national experts, and a chance to gather and share knowledge and experiences with peers. This workshop is geared for landowners and professionals, anyone working in the marketing, design, construction, or permitting of living shorelines and nature-based shoreline stabilization. 
  • Registration Now Open! 2021 NOAA Emerging Technologies Workshop - 25-28 October 2021: Registration is now open. This Workshop is open to all employees of federal agencies. NOAA’s 2021 ETW is sponsored by the NOAA Observing Systems Council (NOSC) and the NOAA Science Council and serves as a government showcase for innovative technologies designed to enhance NOAA’s observing capabilities and data synthesis. This year's workshop will focus on Partnerships for our Earth System Observing Enterprise. Building on the success of past ETWs, our fourth biennial event will seek to improve the impact of emerging technologies through the end-to-end process stages of:
    • Discovery of new and emerging technologies
    • Development of opportunities to develop and explore technologies
    • Deployment of opportunities for the developer and end-user interactions 
  • CERF 2021, 1 – 4 & 8 – 11 November 2021, virtual: You and our colleagues will come together to network, celebrate our work, learn from each other, and grow within our amazing field as we endeavor to connect science and society in the collective goals of preserving coastal and estuarine habitats, resources, and heritage. Collaborate and discuss with more than 1,700 scientists and researchers from all over the world. Registration is now open from the event home page
  • 2021 Esri Ocean, Weather, and Climate GIS Forum,  3 – 4 November 2021: This forum brings together the growing community of weather, climate, and ocean science professionals to share advances in data collection, analysis, and our understanding of climate and ocean interactions. Join this community as it forges new and better concepts in ocean and atmospheric analytics and applications.
    • Call for Maps! 2021 Esri Ocean, Weather, and Climate GIS Forum November 3-4: Contribute to the Virtual Map Gallery by showcasing your most successful GIS creations. Inspire your peers by illustrating how you are using Esri's powerful GIS capabilities to let others explore beautiful, innovative stories through your map. Deadline October 15, 2021.
  • 14th Asia-Oceania Group on Earth Observations Symposium, Online Event, 10 – 12 November 2021: The Group on Earth Observations (GEO announced the 14th Asia-Oceania Group on Earth Observations (AOGEO) Symposium to be held virtually from 10 to 12 November 2021. The Symposium is being organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan (MEXT) with support from the GEO Secretariat. The theme of this year’s AOGEO Symposium is “Envisioning AOGEO in 2022 and beyond”. The agenda and details on registration are available on the Symposium website at Each thematic Task Group will share the achievements and discuss the next implementation plans for 2022 and beyond, in addition to following special sessions which highlight essential challenges and opportunities at regional and global scale:
    • Special Session 1: Biodiversity for Addressing Climate Change & Disaster Risk Reduction
    • Special Session 2: Satellite data for the Pacific Islands: Supplier and User perspectives
    • Special Session 3: Earth Observation for Climate Change
  • 9th annual Ocean Tracking Network (OTN) Symposium, 15 - 16 November 2021, virtual: The 9th annual Ocean Tracking Network (OTN) Symposium will take place on November 15-16, 2021. This free online event will feature presentations, panels and workshops. The Symposium is an annual event that brings together researchers from across the globe to collaborate, develop strategies and seek new opportunities for the sustainable management of aquatic animals in changing ocean environments. It's open to Network members, early career researchers, and those interested in aquatic species research. Abstracts are currently being accepted through August 16. You can find further information on the symposium webpage. 
  • Towards a Coordinated European Observing System for Marine Macroalgae, 23-25 November 2021, 10-12am, 2-4pm CET: Marine macroalgae are the most common macroscopic form of life flourishing on rocky reefs along the world’s temperate coasts. Macroalgae increase biodiversity by providing habitat and shelter to many other marine species. Sustained and coordinated observations are necessary to preserve macroalgae and their associated biodiversity and to ensure those systems will continue to deliver key ecosystem functions and services in a changing ocean. Registration is open here.
  • Save the Date - NOAA’s Science Advisory Board Meeting: The next meeting of the NOAA Science Advisory Board will be held on December 7 - 8, 2021. Meeting details and materials will be posted on the SAB website as they are finalized.
  • International Ocean Data Conference 2022: The Data We Need for the Ocean We Want, 14-16 February 2022, Sopot, Poland & virtual: The conference will be held as a hybrid event with a number of participants on-site while others will participate through video conference. The conference programme includes the following topic areas: Global Strategies and Policy, Implementing the Digital Commons, and Looking Forward. Learn more on the conference website
  • MTS TechSurge: Florida Estuary and Coastal Monitoring - Looking Ahead to 2030 - 12-14 April 2022: Join us for a TechSurge event with focus on transformative solutions for integrated coastal monitoring systems for Florida's estuaries and nearshore coastal waters. We welcome your revolutionary new technologies and system designs or those that can be adapted for coastal monitoring from other uses for significant impact in this focus area. Help meet the grand challenges and opportunities and guide the development for the future. In addition, guidance and outcomes from this meeting will directly influence Indian River Lagoon monitoring network planning and may feed into the Ocean Decade Implementation Plan (2021-2030).
    • WHEN: April 12 - 14, 2022
    • WHERE: FAU Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute (FAU/HBOI), Fort Pierce, Florida
    • Registration Information - Registration will open Tuesday, October 12, 2021
    • More info: 
  • 5th International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC5), 23 - 30 June 2022, Vancouver, Canada: From 23-30 June 2022, the world’s leading ocean conservation professionals will meet in Vancouver, Canada to chart a course towards protecting 30% of the global ocean by 2030. The call for proposals for the Congress program is open now until 20 September (23:59 PDT) 2021. For more information, see 


  • It’s hot! How temperature is impacting Spotted Seatrout and seagrass in Florida Bay, 20 October 2021, 12pm ET: Join SECOORA for a webinar titled “It’s hot! How temperature is impacting Spotted Seatrout and seagrass in Florida Bay” on October 26 at noon ET presented by Jonathan Rodemann, Florida International University Ph.D. Candidate. Jonathan will present preliminary results from a study investigating how temperature drives Spotted Seatrout space use within Florida Bay. Click here to read more and reserve your spot.
  • SERIES: We’re All in the Same Boat: Marine ecosystems don't respect international borders, so when it comes to the effects of climate change on the ocean, we're all in the same boat. An effective response requires teamwork.  To that end, NERACOOS and CIOOS Atlantic have teamed up to host a three-part webinar series featuring discussions with local experts on scientific, economic, and policy issues facing coastal communities spanning the Arctic to the Northeastern seaboard of the United States. Read more about this series here.
  • SERIES: EMB launches new webinar series: The European Marine Board’s webinar series, #ThirdThursdayScience, focuses on the science underpinning the research and policy recommendations in EMB publications. The free webinars will take place on the third Thursday of each month, and will run for one hour between 13:00 - 14:00 CEST. Webinars will also be live-streamed on YouTube and will be made available to re-watch later on the EMB YouTube Channel. Upcoming webinars:
    • 21 October: 'Are we delving any deeper? An update on EMB Position Paper 22'
  • SERIES: Mapping the Great Lakes: A virtual webinar series focused on priorities for building a comprehensive detailed bathymetric map of the Great Lakes. The events will engage the audience with presentations and discussions from leading scientists and researchers on the technologies and issues impacting the Great Lakes ecosystems.  Click here for more info and registration or catch up on what you’ve missed here
    • Nov. 18: Collaboration, 12:30 – 2 PM

Job & Internship Opportunities:

  • Program Director of the Ocean Observatories Initiative Program, NSF: The incumbent is a member of the Integrative Programs Section (IPS) of OCE and serves as the Program Director of the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) Program. The OOI Program Director will work closely with other Program Directors in IPS who collectively manage OCE’s research infrastructure facilities, and coordinate with the OCE Science Program Directors on opportunities for OOI Program engagement with the science community to support cutting edge scientific research and technological developments. The IPS portfolio supports a broad range of programs in research infrastructure and observations facilities, ocean technology development, and ocean education. The OOI Program Director will also interact with members of the NSF Large Facilities Office (LFO) on matters pertaining to the management of NSF Major Facilities.Closes 10/25/2021.  Click here for more info and how to apply.
  • 18 SEAS postdoctoral research fellow positions, University of Bergen, Norway: Shaping European Research Leaders for Marine Sustainability (SEAS) is a postdoctoral research fellowship programme for 37 fellows launched and managed by the University of Bergen. In this first call, open 1 August – 31 October 2021, they invite talented experienced researchers to apply for 18 fellowships. Successful candidates will be employed in 3-year fixed-term full-time postdoctoral research fellow positions at UiB. Individual contracts may, under certain conditions, be extended by up to one year if funded from other sources than the SEAS programme. Click here for more info and how to apply.
  • Program Manager for Ocean Visions Launchpad: Ocean Visions is looking for additional talent to join their small but highly effective team working on ocean-based climate solutions. This position will lead the newly-created Launchpad for the XPRIZE Carbon Removal. The Program Manager will help form and manage teams of experts from across the Ocean Visions Network to provide tailored technical assistance to selected international teams competing for the XPRIZE. The Program Manager will also have other duties throughout the range of the portfolio of Ocean Visions, including leading priority initiatives identified in the OV Technology Road Maps. Learn more here: Position open until filled.
  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow in bioinformatics and machine learning: A Postdoctoral Research Fellow position is available immediately with Demian Willette (Loyola Marymount University), in collaboration with Michael Vecchione (National Museum of Natural History) and Amina Jackson (Booz Allen). The postdoc will be based in the Vecchione Lab at the NMNH, Washington D.C. This position is part of a National Science Foundation Convergence Accelerator project aimed at developing use-inspired solutions to societal challenges in ocean-related resources. For more information please reach out to project PI Dr. Demian Willette at
  • HFR Technician Wanted: As the University of Southern Mississippi (USM) expands its oceanographic high-frequency radar (HFR) network, USM’s School of Ocean Science and Engineering - Marine Science is looking for another HFR technician to help with all of the sites.  Open until filled.  If you or anyone you know is interested, click here for more information and to apply.  Questions regarding this position may be directed to Kevin M. Martin, M.S. at
  • Engagement & Research Associate, NERACOOS & New Hampshire Sea Grant: In partnership with New Hampshire Sea Grant, NERACOOS is co-hiring an Engagement and Research Associate. This position is based at NERACOOS. The successful candidate will work  with a regional team of engagement specialists, researchers, and stakeholders to identify shared goals, challenges, information gaps, and priorities that need to be addressed to enhance the blue economy of the Northeastern U.S., particularly as related to the development of ocean renewable energy (ORE). Open until filled, application review begins on September 1.  Click here for more info and how to apply. 

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