The Eyes on the Ocean™ Bi-weekly is an informal way of keeping you up-to-date on US IOOS® activities.
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From the Director:
Hello IOOS Community,
I wanted to take a few minutes this week to catch you up on how IOOS is operating through the changes we're all experiencing. The short answer is that we're all still here, working full time to support the IOOS Mission. The Program office is all teleworking, we're just accomplishing our work from more locations than usual.
Our data management and cyberinfrastructure is supported and fully operational whether staff is teleworking or in the office. You can still access ocean and Great Lakes data and information via ioos.usand the Regional Associations' data portals anytime. Assets are still deployed and operating, although we will start to see some delays in maintenance and some changes to new deployments as needed to comply with state and local regulations for public health. We and the Regional Associations are all working to keep you informed as this continues, and we'll bring you news on new or unexpected disruptions via the System Status Bar on
We're also taking a proactive step with our Ocean Enterprise Study. This study, first published in 2016, seeks to identify the size and scope of what we're calling the "Ocean Enterprise": the for profit and not for profit businesses which support ocean measurement, observation and forecasting. This second study will update and expand the first, and we've also asked a couple of questions that will help us see recent economic impacts. If you have a business of any size that falls under the umbrella of the Ocean Enterprise, we hope you'll take a few minutes to respond to the questionnaire so we can count you in round 2.
This is an exceptional time for everyone and we're doing everything we can to keep those streams of critical ocean data and information flowing.
Best wishes,
From the U.S. IOOS Office:
The Ocean Enterprise Study 2020 is open for business!: Your business matters, help NOAA assess the Ocean Enterprise Sector! IOOS/NOAA are requesting input from businesses who provide infrastructure or products that support or conduct ocean observation and measurement by participating in the Ocean Enterprise Study 2020. We will use the results to help inform NOAA and the U.S. Department of Commerce about the changing needs of the Ocean Enterprise sector in a report to be published in 2021. We invite any company, large and small, working in this sector, to contribute to this important study through participation in an online survey. To find out more information or to take the survey click here. The study will deliver an update to the initial study conducted in 2015.
IOOS Advisory Committee Meeting Save the Date: The next public meeting of the IOOS Advisory Committee will be held August 4-6, 2020. Our office and the committee is currently evaluating if the meeting will be changed to be held virtually. Stay tuned for more information!
Observation Subsystem and Sensor Technologies:
Surface Current Mapping: (IOOS POC, Derrick Snowden,
High-frequency Radar in the Straits of Mackinac: Data collected using high-frequency radar in the Straits of Mackinac, coupled with existing buoy data, gives scientists, municipal managers, the shipping industry, environmentalists, and government agencies a better picture of the Straits' infamously turbulent currents. Read more about here:
Gliders: (IOOS POC LCDR Benjamin LaCour,; Underwater Glider User Group (UG2) POC Bill Lingsch,
Upcoming Training Announcement: The University of Southern Mississippi (USM) will be conducting UxS certificate classes this summer and fall. This two-tiered training gives the working knowledge from ocean science to engineering (ocean, electrical and mechanical) for operators and pilots to safely and successfully execute UxS missions. This will be the first offering of Tier 2 program with a heavy focus on buoyancy gliders. These courses/certificates have been developed in collaboration with NOAA, Navy, academia, and industry partners to meet the user’s needs. This is a great opportunity for operators/pilots at all levels that are planning and conducting UxS missions. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: UNMANNED MARITIME SYSTEMS CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS, PHONE: 228.688.3177 • FAX: 228.688.1121. Admissions Information:
Unmanned Maritime System (UMS) CERTIFICATE PROGRAM — TIER 1 - Aug 24 – Sep 25, 2020 - Students will learn foundational material in oceanography and ocean engineering related to unmanned undersea and surface vehicles (UUVs and USVs), such as powered gliders. This 10-credit hour program compressed into five weeks of instruction is intended to provide sufficient background to safely operate vehicles in challenging marine environments as well as work with a variety of sensors.
Unmanned Maritime System (UMS) OPERATOR CERTIFICATE PROGRAM — TIER 2 - Oct 12 – Nov 13, 2020 - The Tier II follow-on Curricula will be focused on specific types of vehicles, but with topics generalized across vehicle types where appropriate. In this first module focused on gliders, students will learn about glider operations including mission planning, mission execution and management and maintenance and management of assets. The curriculum draws knowledge from real- world case studies of specific situations, sensors, and platforms. Students will apply these concepts in developing and conducting operations during a short field project. The UMS Operator Certificate program consists of four courses totaling 12 credit hours compressed into five weeks of instruction including a field project during which students will conduct mission analysis & planning, specific vehicle and sensor matching, specific vehicle preparation, launch, operation, and recovery, followed by quality review of collected data.
Animal Telemetry Network (ATN) (National Coordinator Bill Woodward,
ATN/NMFS/Northeast Fisheries Science Center Workshop: In lieu of a planned in-person workshop at the NMFS/Northeast Fisheries Science Center at Woods Hole, MA, the US Animal Telemetry Network (ATN) Data Team (Megan McKinzie-ATN and Ian Gill-Axiom Data Science) hosted a two hour webinar on Monday, May 4, 2020. More than 40 attendees listened to an introduction to the ATN and its Data Assembly Center (DAC) plus a review of the DAC data management tools (Research Workspace, Project Registration App and Data Portal), data and metadata standards, and data curation process from ingestion through archival. Several attendees also signed up for follow-up web-based remote one-on-one PI sessions with the DAC Data Team for more individualized and in-depth discussions and training. A recording of the webinar can be found at: Additional regional webinars are being planned which will focus on other NMFS Science Centers.
Best Practices Workshop Report Published: The report of the Joint ONR, IWC and NOAA Tag Development/Best Practices Workshop has been published in the IWC Journal of Cetacean Research and Management. The U.S. Animal Telemetry Network (ATN) participation in the Workshop included Bill Woodward-Network Coordinator, and several ATN Steering Group members, Dr. James Price-BOEM, Dr. Randall Wells-Chicago Zoological Society, Dr. Samantha Simmons-Marine Mammal Commission and Dr. Michael Weise – ONR who also provided leadership and planning for the meeting. Report Citation is: "International Whaling Commission. 2020. Report of the Joint US Office of Naval Research, International Whaling Commission and US National and Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Workshop on Cetacean Tag Development, Tag Follow-Up and Tag Best Practices. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 21 (Supplement)." A pdf version can be found here.
Data Management and Cyberinfrastructure (DMAC) Subsystem and Tools Built on IOOS data (DMAC listserv – contact Micah Wengren, DMAC System Architect,
- POSTPONED: 2020 DMAC Meeting, Silver Spring, MD: The DMAC meeting originally scheduled for June will be postponed with tentative dates 13 – 15 October 2020 in Silver Spring, MD. More information to follow.
- IOOS/ESIP Biological Data Standards Workshop, July 13, 2020, Burlington, VT VIRTUAL: This Biological Data Standards workshop, sponsored by the US Integrated Ocean Observing System (US IOOS) in partnership with ESIP, OBIS and BCO-DMO, invites participation from data providers and data managers across the marine community. See more in the “Upcoming Events with IOOS Participation” section below.
- QARTOD (National Coordinator Mark Bushnell,
- QARTOD Board of Advisors Meeting: The QARTOD Board of Advisors held a quarterly telcon on May 4th, 2020. Discussion topics included our draft paper, QARTOD - Prospects for Real-Time Quality Control Manuals, How to Create Them, and a Vision for Advanced Implementation, the status of the update to the Manual for Real-Time Oceanographic Data Quality Control Flags QC, efforts to reboot the ecosystems mooring forum, and recent U.S. CLIVAR WG for ocean uncertainty quantification (OceanUQ) activities. The next BOA meeting will be held on August 3rd, 2020.
- Ocean Best Practice System Update: OBPS steering group members continue to engage in the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development effort. Steering group members participated in the recent Western Tropical Atlantic Region workshop. Like all regions, this region is complex with various unique characteristics in skill base, resources and societal perspectives. Easily understood community accepted methods are needed for observation, modeling and applications. These community accepted methods are what we call “best practices”. They are key to the transfer of knowledge across disciplines, locations, generations and genders. They support interoperability and reproducibility for ocean sciences. It is critical that best practices be a part of capacity development and training. Methods should be documented and then sustained by submittal to the Ocean Best Practices System ( To support sharing, we have a Research Topic in Frontiers in Marine Science where best practices can be peer-reviewed and published ( We also have a survey on capacity building that we recommend you look at (
Modeling and Analysis Subsystem (IOOS PO and IOOS Coastal and Ocean Modeling Testbed (COMT) POC – Derrick Snowden,
Coastal Flooding Modeling and Prediction Workshop - June 2020: A Workshop on Modeling, Prediction, and Sensor Networks for Coastal Flooding in the US East Coast will be held as multiple virtual sessions (final dates and schedule to be decided based on poll) in June or July 2020. The goal of the workshop is to bring together several groups that are working on quantitative frameworks for monitoring and predicting coastal flooding along the coasts of the US East Coast and draft a strategy for co-developing a Coastal Earth System Model that can be linked to urban and natural infrastructure layers to address the solutions needs of coastal stakeholders (e.g. emergency management, prediction, planning). Please register to the workshop mailing list:
Interagency and International Collaboration/News:
Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) (IOOS PO POC Gabrielle Canonico,
MBON Webinar: New camera observations of biodiversity in shallow and deep ocean habitats - May 18 - 1pm EDT: Join us for a webinar on May 18, 2020 at 1:00 PM EDT. Register here: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. The webinar will discuss biodiversity observations, multidisciplinary integration, and best practices using automated underwater camera systems.
1) Dominique Pelletier (IFREMER): Fish communities and benthic habitats observed from unbaited underwater video: interest and achievements
2) Jonatha Giddens (National Geographic Society’s Exploration Technology Lab): Observing life in the deep-ocean
High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy Recognizes MBON and GOOS BioEco Role in Overseeing the Monitoring of Biodiversity: The High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy commissioned a series of “Blue Papers” to explore pressing issues for the ocean and the economy and which emphasize science and innovation solutions for sustainability. “Critical Habitats and Biodiversity: Inventory, Thresholds and Governance” ( recognizes MBON and the GOOS Biology and Ecosystem (BioEco) Panel leadership role in advancing priorities for biodiversity governance and the coordination of marine biodiversity observations at the intergovernmental level, and acknowledges the importance of doing this in partnership with regional ocean observing networks (eg US IOOS). The paper recommends “A baseline biodiversity inventory and the establishment of key monitoring sites as part of the GOOS BioEco networks or of an existing MBON and expanding geographic coverage through the establishment of new MBON sites/regions during 2023–25...” among a suite of other recommended steps.
The European Atlas of Marine Life: Partnerships for data products supporting conservation and management: A new paper led by Dan Lear of EMODnet (European Marine Observation and Data Network) Biology - "Supporting the essential - Recommendations for the development of accessible and interoperable marine biological data products" ( - outlines stakeholder-led approaches in the development of biological data products to support effective conservation, management and policy development. The paper includes input from US IOOS, US and global MBON, and OBIS colleagues. Products focus around the GOOS Biology and Ecosystem Essential Ocean Variables (EOVs) as implemented by EMODnet Biology. In May 2019, Lear and colleagues successfully launched the European Atlas of Marine Life (, showcasing some of the products developed using data within EMODnet, focused on the biology EOVs. The next phase of product development for EMODnet Biology will move towards integrated data products to support EOVs using comparable data from the Western Atlantic, primarily focusing on inshore coasts and bays around North, South and Central America.
Grant Opportunity: Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) on the Cloud: Microsoft's AI for Earth program has partnered with GEO BON to offer a grant program to support projects that strengthen efforts to monitor Earth’s biodiversity and create Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) and relevant biodiversity change indicators derived from the EBVs. Deadline for applications is 6/5/2020. Read more and apply here.
NSF National Science Board Meeting: Vision 2030 Rollout: During their May meetings, the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) National Science Board (NSB) rolled out their Vision 2030 report, which lays out where the NSB thinks U.S. science and engineering should be in 2030 and what role the NSB and others should play in achieving these goals. Motivation for the vision came from the realization that the United States’ contributions to research and development are decreasing as global science and engineering research grow, meaning the United States must make plans to keep up with that global growth. The NSB hopes to ensure the United States remains a global leader in science and engineering through strong investment in fundamental science; increased cooperation between academia, industry, and government; and increased efforts to attract and retain both domestic and global talent. Click here to read more.
Help the Ocean Observatories Initiative Name New Data Discovery Tool - Win a Hat!: In July, OOI will launch the Beta version of our new and improved data discovery tool. We are asking for the community’s help in naming the tool, which will make it possible to search and download cabled, uncabled, and recovered data from for in situ physical, chemical, geological, and biological observations; compare datasets across regions and disciplines; generate and share custom data views; and download full data sets using ERDDAP. Want to take a crack at coming up with a name? The selected winner will receive an OOI hat in recognition of his/her creativity. If there is more than one winner, each will receive an OOI hat. The deadline for submission is 15 May 2020. Please submit your nominations to, with subject line: “I deserve a hat!
Assessment of OOI Endurance Array pCO2 Data Quality: Given the significant importance of understanding and modeling levels of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere (and its potential sources and sinks), Ocean-Atmosphere Exchange and Global Biogeochemistry and Carbon Cycling are two of the OOI’s primary science themes. We address these themes in part through measurements of the air and surface water partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2). Chris Wingard, the OOI Endurance Array Data Lead, recently completed an in-depth assessment of pCO2 data returned during the first four years of Endurance Array operations. These measurements were made using the Pro-Oceanus CO2-ProTM Atmosphere pCO2 sensor. By measuring the partial pressure of CO2 gas in both the air and surface water, researchers can estimate surface flux of CO2 using data from this instrument. Read more here:
Deadline Extended! Notice of solicitation for members of the NOAA Science Advisory Board: NOAA is soliciting nominations for members of the NOAA Science Advisory Board (SAB). At this time, individuals are sought with expertise in tsunami science; extreme weather prediction (including tornadoes); social sciences (including geography, sociology, behavioral science); Great Lakes research; cloud computing, artificial intelligence and data management; unmanned, autonomous system technology; `omics science and eDNA; weather modeling and data assimilation; and ocean ecosystem science. Individuals with expertise in other NOAA mission areas are also welcome to apply. Nominations: Interested persons may nominate themselves or third parties. Applications: An application is required to be considered for Board membership, regardless of whether a person is nominated by a third party or self-nominated. The application package must include: (1) the nominee’s full name, title, institutional affiliation, and contact information; (2) the nominee’s area(s) of expertise; (3) a short description of his/her qualifications relative to the kinds of advice being solicited by NOAA in this Notice; and (4) a current resume (maximum length four [4] pages). For more information on the NOAA Science Advisory Board (SAB), please refer to the SAB Website and for details on how to submit applications, please refer to the Federal Register Notice. Applications should be submitted electronically to by June 22, 2020.
Drifters Deployed for 8 Schools Across the Country: In March, the Adopt a Drifter Program deployed drifters for eight schools across the country. These drifters were deployed off the R/V Ron Brown on its way to Cape Town, South Africa. The Adopt a Drifter Program allows schools to "adopt" and track drifting buoys in the ocean, and use the data for classroom lesson plans. This program enables students to interact with real time data and ocean observations, with the aim of encouraging students to pursue science career paths in the future. Visit the program website to learn more!
Bulletin Predicts High Tides Above Normal in Early May: The Center For Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS) Seasonal High Tide Bulletin predicts many coastal regions of the U.S. will experience higher than normal high tides in early May. The Northeast, in particular, may experience some of the highest tides from May 6-10. These dates coincide with a perigean spring tide, a phenomenon that only happens a few times a year when the moon is either new or full and closest to earth. The ability to predict when these events occur can help citizens and resource managers prepare for flooding impacts. The Bulletin is issued seasonally, in December, March, June, and September. It alerts coastal communities to periods of extreme tidal fluctuation, using data from National Water Level Observation Network tide gauges.
Successful Meeting of NOAA’s Hydrographic Services Review Panel (HSRP) Federal Advisory Committee: The committee had a successful meeting via webinar on April 28th. The HSRP advises the NOAA administrator on navigation services, water levels and currents, and global positioning. Agenda topics included updates from RADM Shep Smith on ocean mapping topics, Seabed 2030, and the Presidential Memorandum on ocean mapping - “Ocean Mapping of the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone and the Shoreline and Nearshore of Alaska”. The meeting also included updates from Dr. Larry Mayer, Director, Center for Coastal Ocean Mapping and Co-Director, NOAA-UNH Joint Hydrographic Center, University of New Hampshire on coastal mapping projects and autonomous vehicle trails; updates from Juliana Blackwell, Director, National Geodetic Survey on NSRS height modernization and NGS projects; updates from Richard Edwing, Director, Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services on CO-OPS operations and the development and testing of a new current sensor; and from Rear Admiral Shepard M. Smith, Director, Office of Coast Survey on the sunset of raster chart production and digital mapping. A recording of the webinar, webinar transcript, and meeting summary are now available here:
NGS Provides NSRS Modernization Update to Industry Professionals: At the end of April, National Geodetic Survey (NGS) National Spatial Reference System (NSRS) Modernization Manager Dru Smith presented a webinar to nearly 1,000 industry professionals on the NGS 2022 datum modernization efforts. The webinar focused on why this change is happening and how the modernization effort will affect surveying and construction workflows. Topics included why the modernization is occurring; how datums, geoids, and transformations will be impacted by the modernization efforts; what tools NGS is developing and modifying for the modernization; and a status update on the progress of the modernization effort. The webinar and questions answered from attendees is available online for other interested parties. For more information, contact
Sanctuary Expansion Proposal Moves Forward: NOAA has published a proposed rulemaking to expand Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary. Building on more than 30 years of scientific studies and extensive coordination with the sanctuary advisory council, NOAA is proposing to expand the sanctuary from 56 to 160 square miles in the Gulf of Mexico. The proposed expansion would add 14 additional reefs and banks to the sanctuary that provide important habitat for recreationally and commercially important fish, as well as threatened or endangered species of manta rays, sea turtles, and corals. The proposal would extend existing sanctuary protections to these new areas to limit the destructive impact of activities related to fishing with bottom-tending gear, ship anchoring, oil and gas exploration and production, and salvage activities on sensitive biological resources. The public will have until July 3 to review the proposal and provide comments.
Earth is Blue: Educational Videos about your National Marine Sanctuaries - May 14, 2020 - 11 am Hawaii / 2 pm Pacific / 5 pm Eastern: Did you know that every week the NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries posts an educational video about your ocean and Great Lakes? Come along as Video Production Coordinator Nick Zachar and Multimedia Coordinator Shannon Shikles walk you through how we create these resources, how you can access and use them, and how you can even contribute to our Earth is Blue campaign. Register for the webinar here: The National Marine Sanctuary Webinar Series provides educators with educational and scientific expertise, resources, and training to support ocean and climate literacy in the classroom. This series currently targets formal and informal educators, students (middle school through college), as well as members of the community, including families. You can also visit the archives of the webinar series to catch up on presentations you may have missed here.
Group on Earth Observations Symposium is Going Virtual - Save the Date! - 15-19 June 2020: You are invited to participate in the first-ever GEO Virtual Symposium 2020 - which will take place entirely online. The global GEO community will benefit from a series of interactive webinars over the course of one week that will provide in-depth discussions from experts on a range of relevant issues to the GEO Work Programme Flagships, Initiatives and Activities. At this first year of the 2020-2022 GEO Work Programme, the Symposium will focus on strengthening the capability of GEO Work Programme activities to implement their plans effectively. A special session on Earth observations for Pandemic Response and Recovery will start off the week to mark the contributions of the GEO community to this significant challenge. All sessions will encourage interactive participation from attendees.Be the first to receive updates, register your interest for the GEO Virtual Symposium 2020:
Workshop Announcement - Ocean Heat and Freshwater Storage and Transports, 26 - 30 October 2020, Exeter, UK: The OOPC, CLIVAR, and the UK Met Office will be hosting a workshop on Ocean Heat and Freshwater Storage and Transports in Observations and Climate Models at the UK Met Office in Exeter, UK from 26-30 October 2020. Abstract submission is now open and details are available on the workshop website. Participation is limited to 70 participants and abstract submissions will close on 22 May.
Grants & Funding Opportunities
STUDENTS: Vembu Subramanian Ocean Scholars open for submissions: Apply today for the Vembu Subramanian Ocean Scholars award! Do not miss the opportunity to receive $2500 in travel support to present your research at a conference. Proposals are due May 15, 2020 (deadline extended!). Click here for more info and how to apply.
STUDENTS: Examine How Temperature Affects Fish Movement Patterns in South Florida:SECOORA and the FACT Network are partnering to sponsor a graduate student to examine how temperature affects fish movement patterns in south Florida marine ecosystems. Proposals are due May 15, 2020 (deadline extended!) and the award value is $12,800. Click here for more info and how to apply.
SECOORA 2020 Data Challenge: Using High Frequency Radar to Meet User Needs: SECOORA is asking students and early career professionals to explain the importance of high frequency radar (HFR) and create tools that use archived SECOORA HFR data. There are two $3500 prizes. Proposals are due May 15, 2020 (deadline extended!). Click here for more info and how to apply.
Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) on the Cloud: Microsoft's AI for Earth program has partnered with GEO BON to offer a grant program to support projects that strengthen efforts to monitor Earth’s biodiversity and create Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) and relevant biodiversity change indicators derived from the EBVs. Deadline for applications is 6/5/2020. Read more and apply here.
DARPA BAA: This BAA invites proposers to submit innovative basic or applied research concepts in the following technical domains: Frontiers in Math, Computation & Design; Limits of Sensing & Sensors; Complex Social Systems; Anticipating Surprise. The research topics of interest within each domain are described in the BAA. Closes June 12, 2020.
Delivering the Benefits:
CA Red Tide Bulletin released: SCCOOS has released a special Red Tide Bulletin for Spring 2020 as part of their ongoing CA HAB Bulletins. Access the Red Tide Bulletin here, and the full archive of HAB bulletins, including the new March 2020, here.
Sikuliaq Embarks on Limited Research Cruise: AOOS PI Russ Hopcroft and a small team of researchers left Seward on May 4 on the UNOLS research vessel for a week-long cruise to gather oceanographic data along the Seward Line. The team had to get special permission from the state of Alaska, the University of Alaska Fairbanks and NSF to engage in research activities that will continue the longest oceanographic time series in Alaska waters during the spring bloom, one of the most critical biological times of the year. Catch up on this and more AOOS news in their April Update!
Alaska OA Network datasets linked: One of the priorities of the Alaska OA Network has been to create a webpage listing known OA datasets with links to available data. This effort is now complete and you can view the webpage here.
New buoy in Northern WA: In collaboration with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Headquarters to monitor sediment transport around the Elwha River and Port Angeles. This will be a much welcome asset to the region for many applications. Important to coastal navigators and planners, CDIP buoys measure wave height, period, and peak direction, as well as water temperature. View the data on NVS.
Tsunami Evacuation Mobile App Update: NANOOS is proud to release a major update of its Tsunami evacuation smartphone app (NVS-TsunamiEvac) for both iOS and Android. The new version receives push notifications from the National Tsunami Warning Center that may include information statements on distant earthquakes, tsunami advisories, watches, or warnings. With notifications enabled the messages are pushed directly to your phone. These improvements are important for local residents and visitors to the coast concerning potential distant tsunami threats. For local tsunami threats, long-duration (3-5 minutes) earthquake shaking will be your only warning.
PAPER Understanding the remote influences of ocean weather on the episodic pulses of particulate organic carbon flux, Deep Sea Research Part II: Sinking marine snow and other particulate matter sequester carbon in the deep sea and provide a key food supply for life there. However, such dynamics remain challenging to quantify. This study highlights that the sinking speeds of particles can have important implications for the horizontal distances traveled as particles sink. Estimating the source location can aid in assessing how conditions at these distant locations may relate to the strong variation in carbon sequestration and food resource supplies observed at time series research sites. Access the full article here.
April 2020 Sargassum Outlook available: In April 2020, the Sargassum amount continued to increase across the central Atlantic. Large amount of Sargassum was observed in the Central West Atlantic (CWA, i.e., the region east of the Lesser Antilles in the maps below) and the Central East Atlantic (CEA). Large amount also appeared in most of the eastern Caribbean and small amount started to enter the western Caribbean. Access the full Outlook here.
PacIOOS Mōkapu Wave Buoy Redeployed: The PacIOOS wave buoy off Mōkapu on the windward side of Oʻahu is back on station and continues to provide real-time information on wave height, direction, period, as well as sea surface temperature. The buoy broke free last month and washed ashore at Kailua Beach. In the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), the PacIOOS wave buoy off Tanapag, Saipan, was swapped out for a buoy with a fresh set of batteries to ensure continued operations. Mahalo to Don Dunlop for his support! Data management for the wave buoys is made possible through long-term partnerships with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Coastal Data Information Program (CDIP).
- IOOS Act Update: No update.
WEBINAR Coastal Hazards and Climate Resilience Panel, May 19, 2020: As part of SECOORA’s 2020 Annual Meeting, SECOORA and Southeast & Caribbean Disaster Resilience Partnership are teaming up to host a panel to highlight climate related forecasts, data needs related to climate resilience, and share their insights on mitigating the pressing threats of rising seas. Speakers: Gary Mitchum, University of South Florida; Benjamin Kirtman, University of Miami; and Jan MacKinnon, Georgia Department of Natural Resources. Click here for more information and to register. Deadline is May 15, 5 PM ET.
WEBINAR The Rip Current Challenge: A Coastal Hazard with Far Inland Implications, May 26, 2020: Join SECOORA for a webinar with a team from the National Weather Service Forecast Office Wilmington, North Carolina. They will discuss rip current information, important demographics and statistics, the Hurricane Lorenzo case, and future forecast and outreach efforts. Date: Tuesday, Speakers: Steven Pfaff, Mark Willis, and Victoria Oliva; National Weather Service Forecast Office Wilmington, North Carolina. Click here to register and for more information.
WEBINAR Understanding the Marine Heat Wave in the Pacific Northwest: NANOOS Executive Director Jan Newton was invited by NOAA's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries to present "Understanding the Marine Heat Wave in the Pacific Northwest" in their Webinar Series. The webinar was part of a speaker series in partnership with Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary, Feiro Marine Life Center, and the Peninsula College STEM Club. Jan gave a view into the mechanisms and effects of marine heatwaves and used data and screenshots from NANOOS NVS Climatology App to show these events and differences in how marine heatwaves are manifest in different coastal areas. Click here to view the recorded webinar.
CARICOOS partners with NSSA for surfer education: CARICOOS has teamed up with the National Scholastic Surfing Association (NSSA) Puerto Rico Conference in the implementation of an educational outreach effort using online platforms including Zoom Meeting and Facebook Live. The goal is to promote safety and enjoyment of aquatic sports by delivering tutorials on the proper use of web page and BEACH app as well as to host discussion forums focused on increasing stakeholder’s understanding of coastal weather information. Check out the video archive on NSSA PR Conference's facebook page.
PODCAST Buoys, Part 1 – Tapping into Great Lakes data (Illinois Indiana Sea Grant): In Episode 10 of Teach Me About the Great Lakes, titled “A Lot of Different Kinds of Data,” Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant’s Stuart Carlton and Hope Charters talk with Kelli Paige, chief executive officer of the Great Lakes Observing System (GLOS), about how GLOS works with Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant and other partners across the Great Lakes to collect and visualize important and useful data.
INFOGRAPHIC Buoys from Head to Toe: Just in time for summer, NERACOOS has developed a fantastic infographic breaking down just what buoys are and what they're doing out there. You can see it on their facebook page!
IOOS in the News:
Bioluminescence tide captured along San Diego's coast (SCCOOS), 10News San Diego, 4/17/2020
Earth 8: Red tide returns to San Diego (SCCOOS), CBS 8 San Diego, 4/27/2020
Photos: Southern California waters are glowing amid major bioluminescent event (SCCOOS), SF Gate, 4/28/2020
Charlie Crist: NOAA Sending Funds to USF, UCF to Fight Red Tide (GCOOS), Florida Daily, 4/30/2020
Sikuliaq to embark on limited research cruise in May (AOOS), UAF News & Information, 4/30/2020
Why Do Waves Glow During Red Tide, Exactly? (SCCOOS), Surfer, 4/30/2020
Sikuliaq Sails Monday (AOOS), KUAC, 5/1/2020
Red tide causes big stink along local beaches (SCCOOS), Fox 5 San Diego, 5/5/2020
San Diego researchers looking into possibility of toxic algae in SoCal ocean (SCCOOS), 10 News San Diego, 5/12/2020
How Routine Monitors Weather the Pandemic Storm (NANOOS), EOS, 5/13/2020
Scientists aren’t sure how long the foul smell from red tide will last on San Diego County coastline(SCCOOS), San Diego Union-Tribune, 5/13/2020
Upcoming Meetings with IOOS Participation (Please check links as we move forward as things may change quickly for planned events):
MARACOOS Annual Meeting, 14 May 2020, VIRTUAL: MARACOOS are excited to announce a series of three interactive Annual Meeting webinars over the coming months. The first will be their Strategic Plan roll-out on May 14 at 10am EDT. All webinars will be recorded and posted on the MARACOOS website. More details coming soon, and register to attend the first session here.
SECOORA Annual Meeting, 18 – 19 May 2020, Virtual: From the comfort of your couch – join SECOORA for our 2020 Annual (Virtual) Meeting! Everyone will be able to tune in remotely for updates on SECOORA, IOOS and more. It will be not the same format as years prior, as it will be condensed into three or four webinar sessions. Click here for meeting materials, registration, and more info.
SAVE THE DATE: IOOS/ESIP Biological Data Standards Workshop, 13 July 2020, Burlington, VT VIRTUAL: This Biological Data Standards workshop, sponsored by the US Integrated Ocean Observing System (U.S. IOOS) in partnership with ESIP, OBIS and BCO-DMO, invites participation from data providers and data managers across the marine community. Scientific observations of marine biodiversity and biology are essential for effective conservation of ocean species. These observations are collected at great cost, and are fundamental to advance scientific understanding of life in the sea. Marine ecological data are complex and heterogeneous, and there are unique methods and approaches to their collection, curation, sharing and distribution. To allow these observations to be reused for scientific, pedagogical and policy purposes, they need to be managed and well-described using standardized methods and formats. There is a pressing need in the marine community for standardized approaches to integrate biological data at local, regional, and global scales. This applies to observations spanning genetic to population data types, and across space and time. Major global databases such as OBIS and GBIF rely on Darwin Core, Ecological Metadata Language, and the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) to help manage taxonomic information. The observing community, focused on abiotic data collections, evolved to leverage netCDF and climate and forecast conventions, while the biological research and applications communities have traditionally operated outside of common standards; this landscape makes it difficult to assess the status and trends of critical indicators of living marine resources and ecosystem services.
OCEANS 2020 Gulf Coast - 19-20 October 2020 - Call for Abstracts Deadline has Been Extended: The deadline to submit your abstract for consideration has been extended until June 2nd. If your abstract is selected, it is your chance to present your innovative research in the marine technology field to the brightest minds in the industry. The Call for Papers will be open to abstracts in the following categories:
Regular Technical Program: (this includes both OCEANS 2020 Gulf Coast topics and standard OCEANS topics): if abstract is chosen, authors will then submit a full paper which they’ll present as part of the technical program. Following the conference, the paper will be published in IEEE Xplore.
Student Poster Competition: if abstract is chosen, students will then submit a full paper and poster which they’ll present during the conference in the student poster section of the exhibit hall. Following the conference, the paper will then be published in IEEE Xplore. *This competition is open to any full-time student in an accredited program. Student must be listed as the lead and corresponding author. Selected applicants, based on abstract reviews, will have travel and registration expenses subsidized.
Second Annual General Student Poster Session: Students are also welcome to submit abstracts for consideration in the General Student Poster Session. If abstract is chosen, students will submit a poster, which they will present at the General Student Poster Session in the exhibit hall. Posters will not be published in IEEE Xplore following the conference. **This competition is open to any full-time undergraduate or graduate student in an accredited program, including those who may not have been accepted into the Student Poster competition. Student must be listed as the lead and corresponding author. Selected applicants may register at a reduced student rate that includes conference attendance, but not all social events, which can be purchased separately.
Special Sessions (this includes Town Halls and Panels): abstract and presentation are required; however, submission of a full paper is optional. Participation for non-paper sessions is at the discretion of the Technical Program Committee and/or Special Sessions Chair.
For more information on the OCEANS 2020 Gulf Coast Conference topics or paper submission process, please visit the OCEANS 2020 Gulf Coast website.
Other Upcoming Meetings:
New camera observations of biodiversity in shallow and deep ocean habitats, 18 May 2020, VIRTUAL: Biodiversity observations, multidisciplinary integration, and best practices using automated underwater camera systems. Dominique Pelletier (IFREMER) will present "Fish communities and benthic habitats observed from unbaited underwater video: interest and achievements" and Jonatha Giddens (National Geographic Society’s Exploration Technology Lab) will present "Observing life in the deep-ocean." Click here for registration and more information.
Fishing for Data, 20 May 2020, VIRTUAL: EMODnet Physics and Berring Data Collective are offering two time slots for this webinar to serve global audiences. Fishing gears can act as platforms for oceanographic sensors, which record data profiles during normal fishing operations. This data is useful not only for physical oceanography, but is mutually beneficial to both fisheries operations and science. An emerging international network of scientific and industry programs are collecting ocean data with fishing gears. The distribution of fishing activities shows strong potential to fill spatial observation gaps, and complement existing observation networks and technologies. Background on programs, sensors, data collection opportunities, and future plans are presented. Click here for registration and more information.
Capitol Hill Ocean Week, 9 June 2020, VIRTUAL: CHOW 2020 will focus on the global issue of protecting biodiversity. The breadth of life in our ocean and Great Lakes is astounding. Building a sustainable global economy that protects nature is critical to people’s health and well-being. The meeting will offer a full day of virtual activities, including plenaries and concurrent breakout sessions on how science and technology are advancing our understanding of the marine environment, the role of protected areas in conserving biodiversity, and how to engage people as stewards. CHOW will also showcase the amazing work of ocean and Great Lakes partners through a virtual exhibit hall, and are planning a social gathering through a virtual closing happy hour. Learn more and register at
EMODnet 2nd Open Conference and Jamboree - Save-the-date: 22 – 25 September 2020: Five years after the first edition, we are delighted to announce the organisation of the second EMODnet Open Conference (22-23 September 2020) and Jamboree (23-25 September 2020). During the event, EMODnet partners, communicators and data providers and users will take stock of EMODnet achievements over the past 10 years, connect across stakeholder communities and set goals for the future. To start the week, the EMODnet Open Conference will focus on use cases and requirements for developing essential open marine data services for blue economy actors, the public sector, civil society and the research community. More details will follow soon.
Job & Internship Opportunities:
STUDENTS: Examine How Temperature Affects Fish Movement Patterns in South Florida: SECOORA and the FACT Network are partnering to sponsor a graduate student to examine how temperature affects fish movement patterns in south Florida marine ecosystems. Proposals are due May 15, 2020 (deadline extended!) and the award value is $12,800. Click here for more info and how to apply.
Click here to view the IOOS Association Calendar
Do you have suggestions for new things you would like to see in the Eyes on the Ocean IOOS Bi-Weekly? Contact us at: