The Eyes on the Ocean™ Bi-weekly is an informal way of keeping you up-to-date on US IOOS® activities.

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From the Director:

IOOS Community, 

We're happy to announce that, as of this week, our new Coastal and Ocean Modeling Testbed funding opportunity is officially out on the street!  Our COMT program supports ongoing work that's ready for more robust testing or transition to demonstration or operational mode. IOOS has funded COMT projects since 2010, including these 12 diverse projects, and we're ready for the next round. You can read up on the full details in the Notice of Funding Opportunity at

Tracy Fanara, NOS Coastal Modeling Portfolio Manager, will be running an informational webinar for this funding opportunity in early January.  Watch the IOOS website for more details as they're available.  She's accepting advance questions for the webinar now, so please reach out to her ( if you'd like to propose a question.

Finally, I want to put out a last call for Caraid Award nominees.  You can read more on this below, but this award means a lot to the IOOS family, and we look forward to seeing who you think should be honored.

This will be the last regular edition of the Eyes on the Ocean for the year. Keep an eye out next week for a special holiday edition! We will resume our regular production schedule of the newsletter in late January 2021. 

Best wishes,

From the U.S. IOOS Office:

  • Due TOMORROW - December 11th! IOOS Association is Seeking Nominations for the 2021 Caraid Award: Don't forget to submit a nomination for the 2021 Caraid Award before it's too late! Candidates can be an individual, a group, or an organization that has contributed to observing and understanding the oceans, coasts, and/or Great Lakes through collaboration, innovation, and/or a commitment to working with stakeholder. The IOOS Association created the Caraid Award in 2020 as an annual award to recognize those who have made outstanding contributions to observing and understanding our oceans, coasts and Great Lakes through vision, leadership, friendship and collaboration. The word “Caraid” is a Scottish Gaelic word, meaning “care" or "love” and is pronounced like “courage.” These are the attributes - caring and the courage to do what matters - that makes IOOS work. The first recipient of the award was Dr. Ru Morrison whose Scottish heritage and collaborative nature inspired us to learn about Caraid, not only as a word, but also as an ethos he brings to all of his work. Nominations for the 2021 CARAID award are now open through December 11, 2020. Click here to learn more and submit a nomination!

Observation Subsystem and Sensor Technologies:

  • Surface Current Mapping: (IOOS Surface Currents Program Manager, Brian Zelenke, 

    • HFR Community and Wind Turbine Interference Mitigation: In addition to answering questions submitted by the oceanographic high-frequency radar (HFR) community, the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) has replied with questions of their own.  A discussion of responses in the context of HFR WTRIM research & development is ongoing.  If you know someone who would like to join in this discussion to synergize oceanographic HFR and offshore wind energy operations, please contact Surface Currents Program Manager Brian Zelenke at

    • Radiowave Operators Working Group (ROWG) Workshop Wrap Up: Thank you to all who attended the 11th international oceanographic/liminographic Radiowave Operators Working Group (ROWG) workshop’s first virtual meeting November 17–18, 2020!  Recordings of the meeting and copies of its presentations are available at (an account to the ROWG website is required for access, and this registration is available for free by clicking “Create account” at  Anyone interested in continuing discussion of the topics presented at this meeting is encouraged to e-mail Surface Currents Program Manager Brian Zelenke ( who will coordinate with the ROWG organizing committee (viz. [in alphabetical order] Tom Cook, Brian Emery, Lisa Hazard, Mike Muglia, Mark Otero, Hugh Roarty, Trip Taylor, Teresa Updyke, and Brian Zelenke).

    • 2021 Glider Training: The University of Southern Mississippi is planning 2021 sessions for the undergraduate Unmanned Maritime Systems Certificate Tier 1 and Tier 2 programs. The Tier 1 course is scheduled for March 15-April 16 in-person in Gulfport, with a maximum capacity of 15 students. The Tier 2 course is scheduled for a glider field project in Gulfport in October and November with a maximum capacity of 10 students. (Dates to be designated, but will coincide with the second half of the fall semester.). The Tier 1 program is normally a prerequisite to the Tier 2. Read the curricula flyer here and read more about the program.

    • University of Miami Scientists Release New Data Product for Marine Animal Tracking: Scientists at the University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science and Wildlife Computers, Inc. announced the release of a new activity data product application for marine animal tracking. The technology is designed to remotely track and transmit data gathered on an animal’s activity levels over several months along with the temperatures and depths they experienced. Press release and summary are at:   Paper citation:  Skubel, R.A., Wilson, K., Papastamatiou, Y.P. et al. A scalable, satellite-transmitted data product for monitoring high-activity events in mobile aquatic animals. Anim Biotelemetry 8, 34 (2020). 

    • ATN-MBON-OTN Workshop Report Available: The U.S. West Coast SCCOOS-CeNCOOS-NANOOS, ATN-MBON-OTN Biological Observations Workshop Summary Report is available at  under the Documents Tab.

Data Management and Cyberinfrastructure (DMAC) Subsystem and Tools Built on IOOS data (DMAC listserv – contact Micah Wengren, DMAC System Architect,

  • QARTOD (National Coordinator Mark Bushnell,

    • Manual for Real-Time Quality Control of Water Level Data Update: We continue to solicit input for the update of the Manual for Real-Time Quality Control of Water Level Data. This manual was selected for an update because of the importance of water level due to sea level rise, storm inundation, and the proliferation of contracted private sector deployments. See the present manual at and let us know how it might be improved. A draft of the update will be available for review by the end of January, 2021.

    • Ocean Best Practice System: The OBPS operates under the auspices of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission. Activities are carried out through seven work packages (, each led by a member of the OBPS steering group. The steering group is comprised of twenty-one individuals, find out more about them at The steering group strives to further acceptance of diversity and inclusion, and it’s noteworthy that ten of the twenty-one members are female.

Modeling and Analysis Subsystem (IOOS PO and IOOS Coastal and Ocean Modeling Testbed (COMT) POC – Tracy Fanara,   

  • FY2021 Coastal and Ocean Modeling Testbed Project: The U.S. IOOS Program is seeking to fund projects which advance new or existing solutions that address long standing and emerging coastal modeling and forecast product development challenges. This announcement specifically funds activities needed to progress through the transitional stages from research toward full operations (such as system integration, testing, validation, and verification). Projects will be expected to participate in and advance the operation of the U.S. IOOS COMT under a community modeling environment. Funding will be targeted to models, tools or products, with demonstrated operators and end users, that are sufficiently mature for evaluation and transition to long term operations. Total estimated funding for all awards is up to $2 million per year from the U.S. IOOS Program. Multiple awards are anticipated, subject to availability of funds, in amounts up to $300,000 per year for up to three years. Full proposals due February 26, 2021 via To read the full funding announcement, click here

  • Mark Your Calendars - Ocean Visions 2021 Summit: The next Summit will be held on the campus of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography between May 18-20, 2021. We anticipate having three satellite campuses virtually linked in Australia, South Africa, and Germany. Details to follow. The summit is being planned as "in-person" on all campuses with the ability to also participate virtually thanks to our partner the American Geophysical Union (AGU). Please save the date and sign-up for updates, we will soon release a draft Program & Agenda and share the link on social media. Join the Ocean Visions Network here:  

Interagency and International Collaboration/News:

  • UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development: Call For Decade Actions No. 01/2020 Now Open! The vision of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development is ‘the science we need for the ocean we want’. To achieve the Ocean Decade vision, a wide range of partners will implement endorsed Decade Actions in the form of programmes, projects or activities over the next ten years. Proponents of endorsed Decade Actions will have the opportunity to join a highly visible, shared, global effort that builds on decades of achievement in ocean science. There will be opportunities to create new collaborations across disciplines, geographies and generations, as well as opportunities to access new sources of support. Via this first ‘Call for Decade Actions’, partners are invited to request endorsement under the Ocean Decade for transformative Decade Actions that contribute to the Ocean Decade vision. Interested parties should complete and submit the relevant online “Request for Endorsement” before 15 January 2021.

  • OOI Links Up with Ocean Decade U.S.: The Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) has signed on as partner with the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. OOI is part of the Ocean Decade’s Ocean Science and Technology community, making its ocean data available to the world community. To help advance the United States involvement in the UN Decade of Ocean Science, OOI also has joined forces as a nexus organization with the U.S. National Committee for the Ocean Decade (Ocean Decade U.S.). The goal is to ensure that the U.S. ocean science community has opportunities to participate in activities related to the UN Decade of Ocean Science. Read more here: 

  • OOI Events for AGU: Today, representatives from the Ocean Observatories Initiative will host a series of virtual events in conjunction with AGU. 

    • 1-1:30 pm Eastern Ask an expert about mobile assets. Join here.
    • 6-7 pm Eastern Virtual tour of the Regional Cabled Array Facility. Join here.
  • NOAA’s Arctic Report Card: 15 years of Observations Document Impact of Changing Polar Climate: NOAA’s 15th Arctic Report Card catalogs for 2020 the numerous ways that climate change continues to disrupt the polar region, with second-highest air temperatures and second-lowest summer sea ice driving a cascade of impacts, including the loss of snow and extraordinary wildfires in northern Russia. The Arctic Report Card is an annual compilation of original, peer-reviewed environmental observations and analyses of a region undergoing rapid and dramatic alterations to weather, climate, oceanic, and land conditions. Compiled by 133 scientists from 15 countries, the 2020 report card tracks environmental indicators to inform decisions by local, state and federal leaders confronting a rapidly changing climate and ecosystems. It was released this week during a virtual press conference hosted by the American Geophysical Union as part of its fall meeting. Read more here.
  • NOAA Releases Reports on the Marine Economy: NOAA released reports quantifying the contribution of the marine economy to the larger U.S. economic picture. The U.S. marine economy contributed $307 billion in gross domestic product, employed 3.3 million people, and $132 billion in wages in 2017. Despite a 4.7% decrease in gross domestic product, the marine economy continues to be an important part of the national economy. These findings are featured in the 2020 NOAA Report on the Marine Economy, an annual analysis based on OCM’s Economics: National Ocean Watch. An associated product — theNOAA Report on the U.S. Marine Economy: Regional and State Profiles— characterizes the composition of the marine economy across the eight U.S. coastal regions and 30 coastal states. The data are derived from the latest available economic indicators from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis.
  • Winter High Tide Bulletin Now Available: The rising and falling of the sea is a phenomenon upon which we can always depend. Tides are the regular rise and fall of the sea surface caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and sun and their position relative to the earth. There are some factors that cause the tides to be higher than what is "normally" seen from day to day. This bulletintells you when you may experience higher than normal high tides for the period of time between December 2020 and February 2021. Read more here:
  • Office of Coast Survey (OCS) Leads U.S. Delegation at International Hydrographic Meeting: The fourth council meeting of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO)was held virtually, taking place soon after the full IHO assembly meeting. The IHO coordinates with national hydrographic offices, promoting coordination and uniformity in nautical charts. The IHO Council provides coordination of activities between IHO assembly meetings. Rear Admiral Shepard Smith has served as the IHO Council chair since 2017, but he completed his term at the start of the council meeting. The full IHO assembly of 93 member states meets every three years.
  • NGS Presents Coastal Mapping Program Update: On November 12, Chief of the Remote Sensing Division Mike Aslaksen presented a webinar describing how the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) collects coastal mapping data, and the many ways the data are used. NGS delineates the national shoreline through various photogrammetric sources, including tide-coordinated stereo aerial photographs, commercial satellite imagery, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), and related remote sensing technologies. The national shoreline provides critical baseline data for updating nautical charts; managing coastal resources; and defining U.S. territorial limits, including the Exclusive Economic Zone. It supports: maritime trade and transportation, coastal and marine spatial planning, coastal engineering, academic research, and insurance activities, to provide a means for enhancing global competitiveness and for more efficiently managing resources. Nearly 350 people attended this webinar and the presentation is recorded and available online for others to view.
  • Review of the Indian Ocean and its Observing System Published: CLIVAR/IOC-GOOS Indian Ocean Region Panel, IndOOS, and associates have published a paper entitled “A roadmap to IndOOS-2: Better observations of the rapidly-warming Indian Ocean” in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (BAMS). The Indian Ocean has changed extensively during the past few decades. Ocean temperatures have gone up rapidly, changing monsoon patterns and intensifying cyclones. Small islands have started vanishing, endangering human habitats and biodiversity. Marine heat waves are bleaching corals and threatening fisheries. We need an efficient monitoring network to identify these changes and predict them for adaptation and mitigation. Conditions in the Indian Ocean regulate the monsoon and weather patterns- and hence rainfall forecasts for Asia, Africa, Australia and beyond depends on data from the Indian Ocean. This is where the role of the Indian Ocean Observing System (IndOOS) is critical.Read more on what is happening in the Indian Ocean, and how we need to monitor it for a better future. Regional partnership among Indian Ocean rim countries and sharing data are crucial to this effort.
  • Grants & Funding Opportunities:
    • Knauss Fellowship Opportunity Now Open! The notice of federal funding opportunity for the 2022 Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship is now open. The fellowship provides a one-year, paid experience for highly-qualified early career professionals to work on issues related to coastal, marine and Great Lakes science and policy in offices within the executive or legislative branch of government in Washington, D.C. Graduate students interested in marine science policy should explore the information about the fellowship as soon as possible and talk to their local Sea Grant program (or the National Sea Grant Office) at least one month prior to the February 19, 2021 deadline. Learn more about becoming a Knauss Fellow and Read the official opportunity on
    • FY2021 Coastal and Ocean Modeling Testbed Project: The U.S. IOOS Program is seeking to fund projects which advance new or existing solutions that address long standing and emerging coastal modeling and forecast product development challenges. This announcement specifically funds activities needed to progress through the transitional stages from research toward full operations (such as system integration, testing, validation, and verification). Projects will be expected to participate in and advance the operation of the U.S. IOOS COMT under a community modeling environment. Funding will be targeted to models, tools or products, with demonstrated operators and end users, that are sufficiently mature for evaluation and transition to long term operations. Total estimated funding for all awards is up to $2 million per year from the U.S. IOOS Program. Multiple awards are anticipated, subject to availability of funds, in amounts up to $300,000 per year for up to three years. Full proposals due February 26, 2021 via To read the full funding announcement, click here
    • NOAA Sea Grant & Ocean Acidification Program Funding Opportunity: Shellfish Aquaculture Partnerships: The National Sea Grant Office and the NOAA Ocean Acidification Program are funding a joint competition to fund proposals that seek to establish, continue, and/or expand collaborations between researchers and the shellfish aquaculture industry. Specifically, applications to this competition should utilize new or existing research/industry partnerships to study how ocean and coastal acidification in combination with other stressors impacts shellfish aquaculture. Applications must include at least one researcher and one shellfish grower acting as co-Principal Investigators, and the proposed work must utilize a co-production of knowledge framework. Read the formal announcement on NOAA-OAR-SG-2021-2006704. An informational webinar will be held in November, date to be announced. Letters of Intent due December 15, 2020 via email ( Full proposals due March 16, 2021 via This information is also available at

Delivering the Benefits:

  • Funding for Wave Buoys in Palau & Marshall Islands: The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is providing funding to the governments of the Republic of Palau and the Republic of the Marshall Islands to enhance disaster and climate resilience through improved disaster preparedness and infrastructure. PacIOOS and NOAA's National Weather Service Offices in Palau and Majuro are collaborators in this project and will deploy Waverider wave buoys at one new location in Palau, and one new location in the Marshall Islands. For each site, there will also be a spare buoy available to maximize operational uptime. All data will be freely accessible on the PacIOOS website. Data management is made possible through long-term partnerships with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Coastal Data Information Program (CDIP).

  • Caribbean Ecology Projects Web App now available: The Caribbean Regional Ocean Partnership (CROP) has developed the Caribbean Ecological Restoration, Conservation & Monitoring Projects Web App. Here you will find current restoration, conservation, and long-term monitoring project for Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands.  In addition to browsing the project's details and location, you can access pictures and document attachments. You can also explore the map by selecting a feature on the map or searching projects by keywords or dates. For more information visit CARICOOS

  • SECOORA Partners Work Together For Improved Fishing Forecasts: Meet Matt Upton. As the owner of the nationally successful oceanographic consulting group ROFFS™, Matt Upton splits his day between synthesizing a diverse array of data sets and chatting with fishermen about their catch. ROFFS™ integrates data from sources like SECOORA to develop powerful oceanographic analyses to inform recreational fishing, commercial seafood, oil and gas, and public research efforts. Upton came to the industry with education experience, including a Bachelor of Science in Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences at the University of Michigan and a Masters of Science in Physical Oceanography from the University of Massachusetts. Read the full article, and learn more about the SECOORA/ROFFS partnership here

  • Alaska Water Level Watch National Demo: The AOOS team demo’d the new Tiered Water Level Data Portal on Nov 10 developed by Axiom and hosted on the AOOS  website to representatives of all the IOOS Regional Associations. There is a lot of interest in integrated Tier B and C water level data into water level products for use in storm surge and flooding planning. You can find the new data portal on the AWLW Website

  • October CA HAB Bulletin available: Check out the October CA HAB Bulletin for the latest collection of model output, observations, and advisories. Major contributors to the bulletin content are SCCOOS, CeNCOOS, HABMAP, NOAA CoastWatch, California Department of Public Health, The Marine Mammal Center, Channel Islands Marine and Wildlife Institute, the Marine Mammal Care Center Los Angeles, CA Wildlife Center, Marine Animal Rescue, the Pacific Marine Mammal Center, and SeaWorld. 


  • Coordinated Ocean Observations and Research Act Update: On December 3, the House voted to pass the Coordinated Ocean Observations and Research Act of 2020 (S. 914) with amendments.  The bill, sponsored by Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Chairman Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) and ranking member Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), would reauthorize the Integrated Coastal and Ocean Observation System Act, create a national water center, and extend and revise the Integrated Coastal and Ocean Observation System. The House-amended bill has been sent back to the Senate.


  • Julianna O. Thomas Presented with Lifetime Achievement Award: This November, Marquis Who's Who presented Julianna Thomas with the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award. An accomplished listee, Ms. Thomas celebrates many years' experience in her professional network, and has been noted for achievements, leadership qualities, and the credentials and successes she has accrued in her field.  Among her many accomplishments, she served as Executive Director of SCCOOS from 2007 - 2018, and is currently active on the steering committees of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the Quality Control of Real Time Data, and the Joint Technical Commission for Oceanography and Meteorology.  Read more about this honor here

  • 2019 Puget Sound Marine Waters Overview: A comprehensive look at Puget Sound marine conditions for the year 2019 is now available. Physical, chemical, and biological information, ranging from large-scale climate variations to local biota monitoring, is summarized to provide a thorough overview of conditions in Puget Sound and the surrounding area during 2019. The report includes many contributions from NANOOS. This report is published by Puget Sound Partnership and UW’s Puget Sound Institute as part of the Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program. Access the report here

  • SCCOOS Director at CalCOFI Conference: SCCOOS Director Clarissa Anderson served as moderator and panelist for the CalCOFI Conference 2020's Harmful Algal Bloom session.  The conference, held December 1 & 2, was an opportunity to share information on the current state and recent changes to California's marine and coastal environment and to continue to build a community of researchers and practitioners working toward holistically understanding, mitigating, and addressing coastal and marine resource issues along the West Coast.  More information on the conference and CalCOFI can be found here

  • IOOS Enterprise in the News:

    • No updates.

Upcoming Meetings with IOOS Participation (Please check links as we move forward as things may change quickly for planned events):

  • 101st AMS Annual Meeting, 10–14 January 2021, New Orleans, LA: Planning is underway for an AMS EPIC session at the AMS Annual Meeting- panel discussion and then paper session hosted byEIPT, R2O, Python, AI, and HPC communities of AMS.

    • Session Title: The Earth Prediction Innovation Center – Enabling a community-based approach to advance Numerical Weather Prediction

    • Session Description: Congress has mandated that NOAA establish an Earth Prediction Innovation Center (EPIC) to accelerate community-developed scientific and technological advancements into the operational applications for Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP). The EPIC is responsible for enabling collaboration among scientists and engineers in areas important for improving operational weather prediction and for creating a community global weather research modeling system. Meeting the goals of EPIC will require the efforts of all segments of the weather enterprise. This session invites papers presenting progress to date in this initiative as well as papers presenting innovative technologies and capabilities with potential for adoption by EPIC to enable the collaborative community, establish the community modeling system, and advance operational NWP.

    • Dr. DaNa Carlis has agreed to be the EIPT participant in the panel discussion.

    • Abstract submissions for this session, and all AMS sessions are due 3 August.  The meeting is in early January 2021.  Originally scheduled to be in New Orleans, a decision on whether it will go virtual will be made soon.  

  • SCCOOS Board of Governors Meeting (Virtual) - Jan 22 and Jan 25: SCOOS will hold their annual BOG meeting on Friday, January 22nd and Monday, January 25th from 9 AM - 12 PM PT. Email Megan Hepner-Medina ( for more information.

  • Save the Date! Capitol Hill Oceans Week - June 8, 2021: We are excited to share the Capitol Hill Ocean Week 2021 program with you! This year’s conference will focus on the importance of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice in sustaining a healthy ocean, coast and Great Lakes. The future of our waters depends on all people and the actions we take now will have sweeping long term impacts. Our success will require the experience, expertise, perspectives and values of the communities most affected by environmental change and quality. We invite you to take a look at the detailed conference description and themes at the CHOW 2021 webpage.


Other Upcoming Meetings:

  • GEO Health CoP Virtual Meeting, December 15th: The GEO Health Community of Practice (CoP) and American Geophysical Union (AGU) have partnered to hold the GEO Health CoP virtual meeting on Tuesday, December 15, 2020, as part of the AGU Fall Meeting 2020. As a global network of governments, organizations, and observers, this international platform aims to promote interdisciplinary collaborations that use environmental observations to improve health decision-making at the international, regional, country, and district levels. This meeting will provide an opportunity for members of Earth science and public health communities to describe key international projects and updates, enhance professional networks through work group activities, and discuss priority focus areas that advance GEO and AGU efforts. If you need any additional information, please contact Helena Chapman (

  • OCOVI’s Annual Meeting, 19 December 2020, Virtual: Ocean and Coastal Observing—Virgin Islands will hold its required public Annual Meeting on Saturday, December 19, 2020. It will be conducted remotely by ZOOM and telephone conference. Advanced registration is required. Register by sending your name, email address and affiliation to OCOVI Project Director Luis Sylvester at Registrants will receive details for joining the ZOOM meeting by email in advance of meeting day. Click here for more information

  • NOAA 2021 Hurricane Center Mariner's Workshop, March 9-11, 2021 (Virtual): Key decision makers from maritime industries are invited to attend a 3-day virtual workshop which will highlight the uncertainty that goes into our forecasts and unveil upcoming new products and services. To be able to participate, please register here: registration form.

  • Save the date! ICOE 2021 - 28-30 April 2021: The International Conference on Ocean Energy (ICOE 2021) is taking place virtually 28-30 April 2021. In addition to unparalleled opportunities to network and learn from industry leaders from around the world, this event will provide a variety of forums for attendees to share advancements in ocean energy research and technology breakthroughs. Come discover how the ocean renewable energy industry is preparing to benefit the larger "Blue Economy" and the electrical grid, and identify the research needed to further advance the state of technology. Learn more here

  • SAVE THE DATE! 2nd International Operational Satellite Oceanography Symposium, 25–27 May 2021, Virtual: The Executive Steering Committee of the 2nd International Operational Satellite Oceanography Symposium, co-chaired by EUMETSAT and NOAA, is pleased to announce the next Symposium will be held virtually May 25-27, 2021.  See the conference page for more information.  

  • EMODnet 2nd Open Conference and Jamboree - New Dates Announced: 14–18 June 2021: The second EMODnet Open Conference and Jamboree will be held the week of 14 June 2021. During the event, EMODnet partners, communicators and data providers and users will take stock of EMODnet achievements over the past 10 years, connect across stakeholder communities and set goals for the future. To start the week, the EMODnet Open Conference will focus on use cases and requirements for developing essential open marine data services for blue economy actors, the public sector, civil society and the research community. More details will follow soon.


  • Gulf of Mexico Forum Webinar, 10 December 2020, 10am ET:  Gulf of Mexico Bay Watershed Education and Training (B-WET) and Ocean Guardian Schools programs webinar, featuring GCOOS partner Charlene Mauro. Register to learn how the Navarre Beach Marine Science Station and GCOOS are building a community of citizen scientists. Register for the webinar here 

  • Atlantic International Research Centre Networking Fridays: The AIR Centre hosts a series of Webinars that take place every Friday, from 1pm to 2 pm UTC. During these Networking Fridays, researchers, technology innovators, representatives of multilateral organizations, government officials, and social entrepreneurs will present to and discuss with the audience their current work and, most importantly, explore ways of future collaboration. More info here:

Job & Internship Opportunities:

  • Climate Resilience Extension Associate, NC Sea Grant: NC Sea Grant is seeking a candidate to collaborate in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of extension programs and technical assistance for coastal communities and resource managers to address the impacts of climate change; provide programming and technical assistance in collaboration with local communities, state and federal agencies, university researchers, regional partnerships, and non-governmental organizations; respond proactively and promptly to partner needs, work with stakeholder groups, and collaborate with appropriate agency personnel and university researchers to identify and clearly address emerging and existing issues and opportunities; develop partnerships and leverage resources so that extension and research impacts can be applicable to a coast wide geographic area; and more.  Closes 12/14/2020. Read full details and how to apply here

  • Environmental Scientist, CA Natural Resources Agency: The California Ocean Protection Council (0PC) is hiring an Environmental Scientist to help advance strategic priorities related to sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, resilient fishing communities, and thriving fish and wildlife populations in California. The Environmental Scientist will also be responsible for grant and contract management including developing scopes of work and budgets, tracking deliverables, processing invoices, and coordinating with grantees. Closes 12/28/2020. Read more and how to apply here

  • NOAA's William M. Lapenta Student Internship Program now open: In recognition of the many contributions of Dr. William (Bill) Lapenta to advance NOAA science and services and his dedication to training the next generation of scientists, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) established the William M. Lapenta Student Internship Program in 2019. This paid summer internship opportunity builds on the highly successful National Weather Service (NWS) National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Internship which Bill created in 2017. Applications for summer 2021 close February 1.  For full details and how to apply, click here.

  • Program Associate, Ocean Observing, Consortium for Ocean Leadership: The Program Associate for Ocean Observing has a unique opportunity to support a range of ocean science, technology, and policy activities. The candidate will work with a small team in the Research & Education department focused on advancing regional, national, and international ocean observing strategies. The candidate will primarily support, and in some cases lead, various projects associated with the Interagency Ocean Observation Committee, a body composed of all U.S. Federal agencies with ocean infrastructure, assets, and data. Duties also include supporting broader community engagement efforts that integrate disparate, emerging, and proven methods for collecting, assimilating, and distributing ocean data and information.  Open until closed.  Click here for more information and how to apply

  • Aquatic Ecology Specialist, Purdue: The Aquatic Ecology Specialist is responsible for Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant buoy program (incl. buoy deployment, retrieval, maintenance and data management). In addition, the position supports aquatic field and laboratory research and teaching within Purdue’s Department of Forestry and Natural Resources. Open until closed. Read full details and how to apply here

  • Director of Environmental Initiatives, San Diego Foundation: The purpose of this position is to lead The San Diego Foundation’s efforts to engage cross-sector partners – donors, government, business, academia and community organizations – to create, implement and collaborate on solutions to address the region’s most pressing environmental challenges. Building on The San Diego Foundation’s track record in environmental research and initiatives, the Director, Environmental Initiatives will work as part of the Community Impact Division, to implement multi-pronged environmental initiatives.  Open until closed.  Click here for full details and how to apply

  • Buoy Specialist, PacIOOS [Coming soon!]: PacIOOS will soon start the recruitment process for a new PacIOOS Buoy Specialist position. The new hire will be responsible for the coordination, management, and maintenance of an operational wave buoy observing network across Micronesia, as an extension of PacIOOS' existing buoy network. In addition to the siting, deployment, operation, and logistics of new directional Waverider wave buoys, the successful candidate will also serve as the liaison for PacIOOS Wave Buoy Program in Micronesia. This includes coordinating and collaborating with local partners and stakeholders, as well as providing technical capacity training to build regional ocean observing capacity. While the position will be based in Honolulu, extensive travel throughout the Insular Pacific is anticipated. The position will be posted on the RCUH website soon

Click here to view the IOOS Association Calendar

Do you have suggestions for new things you would like to see in the Eyes on the Ocean IOOS Bi-Weekly? Contact us at:

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